Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) used by enterprise-scale companies. With a full suite of managed services for hosting, storage, networking, databases, and more.

With the Datadog integration, OCI users can stream all of their logs directly into Datadog, where they can then be stored indefinitely, analyzed for troubleshooting, and monitored for security and compliance posturing.


Log collection

Send logs from your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to Datadog by following either process:

  1. Configure an OCI log.
  2. Create an OCI function.
  3. Setup an OCI Service Connector.

The instructions below use the OCI portal to set up the integration.

OCI logging

  1. In the OCI portal, navigate to Logging -> Log Groups.
  2. Select your compartment and click Create Log Group. A side panel opens.
  3. Enter data_log_group for the name, and optionally provide a description and tags.
  4. Click Create to set up your new Log Group.
  5. Under Resources, click Logs.
  6. Click to Create custom log or Enable service log as desired.
  7. Click Enable Log, to create your new OCI Log.

For more information on OCI Logs, see Enabling Logging for a Resource.

OCI function

  1. In the OCI portal, navigate to Functions.
  2. Select an existing application or click Create Application.
  3. Create a new OCI function within your application. See the Oracle Overview of Functions for details.
  4. It is recommended to create a boilerplate Python function first and replace the auto generated files with Datadog’s source code:
    • Replace with code from the Datadog OCI repo.
    • Replace func.yaml with code from the Datadog OCI repo. DATADOG_TOKEN and DATADOG_HOST must be replaced with your Datadog API key and region logs intake link.
    • Replace requirements.txt with code from the Datadog OCI repo.

OCI service connector hub

  1. In the OCI portal, navigate to Logging -> Service Connectors.
  2. Click Create Service Connector to be directed to the Create Service Connector page.
  3. Select the Source as Logging and Target as Functions.
  4. Under Configure Source Connection select a Compartment name, Log Group, and Log. (The Log Group and Log created in the first step)
  5. If you also want to send Audit Logs, click +Another Log and select the same Compartment while replacing “_Audit” as your Log Group.
  6. Under Configure target select a Compartment, Function application, and Function. (The Function Application and Function created in the previous step)
  7. If you are prompted to create a policy, click Create from the prompt.
  8. Click Create at the bottom to finish creating your Service Connector.

For more information on OCI Object Storage, see Oracle’s Service Connector blog post.


Need help? Contact Datadog support.

  1. Configure an OCI log.
  2. Create an OCI object store and enable read/write access for OCI logs.
  3. Create an OCI function.
  4. Set up an OCI event.

The instructions below use the OCI portal to set up the integration.

OCI logging

  1. In the OCI portal, navigate to Solutions and Platform -> Logging -> Logs.
  2. Click Create Custom Log to be directed to the Create Custom Log page.
  3. Give your new OCI log a name.
  4. Select a Compartment and Log Group. These selections remain consistent across the entire installation.
  5. Click Create Custom Log to be directed to the Create Agent Config page.
  6. Click Create new configuration.
  7. Give your new configuration a name. Your compartment is preselected for you.
  8. Set the group type to Dynamic Group and group to one of your existing groups.
  9. Set the input type to Log Path, enter your preferred input name and use “/” for file paths.
  10. Click Create Custom Log, then your OCI log is created and available on the logs page.

For more information on OCI Logs, see Enabling Logging for a Resource.

OCI object storage

  1. In the OCI portal, navigate to Core Infrastructure -> Object Storage -> Object Storage.
  2. Click Create Bucket to be directed to the Create Bucket form.
  3. Select Standard for your storage tier and check Emit Object Events.
  4. Complete the rest of the form based on your preference.
  5. Click Create Bucket, then your bucket is created and available in the bucket list.
  6. Select your new bucket from the active bucket list and click Logs under resources.
  7. Toggle read to enabled which directs you to an Enable Log side menu.
  8. Select a Compartment and Log Group (use the same selections as your OCI log).
  9. Enter a name for the Log Name and select your preferred log retention.

For more information on OCI Object Storage, see Putting Data into Object Storage.

OCI function

  1. In the OCI portal, navigate to Solutions and Platform -> Developer Services -> Functions.
  2. Select an existing application or click Create Application.
  3. Create a new OCI function within your application. See the Oracle Overview of Functions for more details.
  4. It is recommended to create a boilerplate Python function first and replace the auto generated files with Datadog’s source code:
    • Replace with code from the Datadog OCI repo.
    • Replace func.yaml with code from the Datadog OCI repo. DATADOG_TOKEN and DATADOG_HOST must be replaced with your Datadog API key and region logs intake link.
    • Replace requirements.txt with code from the Datadog OCI repo.

OCI event

  1. In the OCI portal, navigate to Solutions and Platform -> Application Integration -> Event Service.
  2. Click Create Rule to be directed to the Create Rule page.
  3. Give your event rule a name and description.
  4. Set your condition as Event Type, service name as Object Storage, and event type as Object - Create.
  5. Set your action type as Functions.
  6. Ensure that your function compartment is the same selection you made for OCI Log, OCI Bucket, and OCI Function.
  7. Select your function application and function (according to the previous installation step.)
  8. Click Create Rule, then your rule is created and available in the rules list.

For more information on OCI Object Storage, see Getting Started with Events.