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The List View of Network Path is the default view for exploring various paths. Group by sources such as hostname and service. Use the search bar to search for specific endpoints, source, or destination locations.

For example, search by a specific source.service and destination.service to narrow your results:

The Network Path view, using the search by to sort by a specific source service and destination service

Additionally, search specific paths using the Destination and Source facet panels on the left hand side, such as Destination AS Name, Destination Service, or Source Hostname.

The Network Path view, using the destination facet panel to sort by a specific destination service

Filter controls

The top of the List View page also contains filter controls that can be used to give you a more granular search into the overall health of your network:

Image of the reachable abd unreachable toggle controls
Filters to paths where the traceroute has not successfully reached the destination. This filter control can be useful to dive into a specific hop to determine where the failure is occurring.
Filters to paths where the traceroute has successfully reached the destination.

Multi-path map

Use the Multi-path map button to build a path map based on one or more selected paths:

Multi-path view showing 3 selected paths

From this view, you can view the latency and reachability for the selected paths, as well as investigate end-to-end packet loss and hop-to-hop latency. For more information on this view, see the Path View documentation.

Further Reading