
Network Device Monitoring helps you gain insights into the health and performance of your on-prem routers, switches, and firewalls. Once the Datadog Agent is installed on a host that has access to the network, the Agent can autodiscover network devices and collect metrics right out of the box.

This guide explains how to configure Network Device Monitoring on your hosts, enrich device tags, view and set up device profiles, view your data in NetFlow Monitoring, and validate your data in the provided dashboards and in the Device Topology Map.

The Network Device Monitoring landing page, showing graphs and interfaces.

Phase 1: Prerequisites

Install the Agent

Navigate to the Agent installation page, and install the Datadog Agent on your host (usually a server that is not the monitored device).

The Agent configuration page, highlighting the Ubuntu installation.

Phase 2: Setup

Integration Configuration

To begin monitoring your network devices, enable the SNMP integration using one of the following methods:

Individual devices
Configure SNMP monitoring on your individual devices.
Configure SNMP monitoring using Autodiscovery.
Additionally, SNMP supports enabling ping on your devices.

Phase 3: Additional customizations (optional)

SD-WAN monitoring

Alongside SNMP devices, you can monitor wireless and SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) environments for select vendors. Collect metrics from wireless access points, and monitor the health of SD-WAN tunnels and edge devices.

SD-WAN is a type of networking technology that uses software-defined networking (SDN) principles to manage and optimize the performance of wide area networks (WANs). It is mainly used to interconnect remote offices and data centers across different transports (MPLS, Broadband, 5G, and so on). SD-WAN benefits from automatic load balancing and failure detection across these transports.

Datadog supports the following vendors for SD-WAN network monitoring:

Enrich network devices with tags

Once NDM is configured on your devices, you can further enrich them by adding network device tags using the following methods:

Datadog Agent
The Agent can collect device tags when configuring individual devices or with Autodiscovery.
Device profiles
Configure the Agent to collect and customize specific metrics and tags by creating device profiles directly in the app.
ServiceNow integration
Dynamically enrich network devices monitored by Datadog Network Device Monitoring with data defined in ServiceNow’s CMDB (Configuration Management Database).
Network Device Monitoring API
Utilize the Network Device Monitoring API to programmatically add tags to your network devices.

Customize metrics and tags

Customize metrics and tags on your devices by viewing the Supported Devices page to view out-of-the-box device profiles. If you would like to edit or add more metrics, the following options are available:

Device profiles
Directly edit metrics and tags in the Datadog Agent yaml file with with device profiles.
GUI based profile authoring
Take advantage of Datadog Network Monitoring’s GUI based device onboarding experience where you can add custom metrics and tags to your devices.

NetFlow Monitoring

Configure NetFlow Monitoring to visualize and monitor your flow records from your NetFlow-enabled devices.

The NetFlow Monitoring page containing tabs for top sources, destinations, protocols, source ports, destination ports, and device trends

Phase 4: Validate your data


  • See the Network Device Troubleshooting page for more information on troubleshooting your NDM issues.

Further Reading