Search Monitors

To search your monitors, construct a query using the facet panel on the left and/or the search bar at the top. When you select attributes, the search bar updates with the equivalent query. Likewise, when you modify the search bar query (or write a new one), the attribute checkboxes update to reflect the change. In any case, query results update in real-time as you edit the query. Note: There is no search button to click.

Use simple text to search across all monitor titles and notification messages. For example, a search of *postgresql* returns all monitors with postgresql anywhere in the title or notification message.

To limit the search, specify the field name:

TitleSearch the text in the monitor’s title.title:text
MessageSearch the text in the monitor’s notification message.message:text

Additionally, you can search for a monitor using the ID, for example: 1234567. The monitor’s ID is available on the monitor status page.

For information on how to filter monitor groups, see the Monitor Status page.


Enhance your search query with boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and parentheses. The search syntax is similar to Elasticsearch with the following exceptions:

  • Regular expressions are not supported.
  • Both single-character wildcard (?) and the general wildcard (*) are supported.
  • Proximity searches are not supported, but the fuzzy operator is supported.
  • Ranges are not supported.
  • Boosting is not supported.

The following characters are reserved: -, (, ), ", ~, *, :, ., and whitespace. To search a monitor field that includes a reserved character, wrap the field string in quotes. For example, status:Alert AND "chef-client" is a valid query string.

There are a few caveats regarding quoted fields:

  • You may use . with or without surrounding quotes, as it commonly appears in some fields. For example, metric:system.cpu.idle is valid.
  • Wildcard search is not supported inside quoted strings. For example, "chef-client*" does not return a monitor titled "chef-client failing" because the * is treated literally.


Advanced search lets you filter monitors by any combination of monitor attributes:

StatusThe monitor status: Triggered (Alert, Warn, No Data) or OK
MutedThe muted state of the monitor: true or false
TypeThe Datadog monitor type
CreatorThe creator of the monitor
ServiceService tags used by you in the form service:<VALUE>.
TagThe tags assigned to the monitor
EnvEnvironment tags used by you in the form env:<VALUE>.
ScopeSearch tags listed in the from field of your monitor query.
Metric/CheckThe metric or service check being monitored
NotificationThe person or service receiving a notification
Muted leftThe time remaining before downtime stops muting the notification for this monitor. Searching for muted_left:30m returns all monitors that are still muted for at most 30 minutes. Supported units are seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), and weeks (w).
Muted elapsedThe time elapsed since a downtime started muting the notification for this monitor. Searching for muted_elapsed:30d returns all monitors that have been muted for at least 30 days. Supported units are seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), and weeks (w).

Check any number of boxes to find your monitors. The following rules apply:

  • The AND operator is applied when checking attributes from different fields, for example: status:Alert type:Metric (the lack of an operator between the two search terms implies AND).
  • Most of the time, the OR operator is applied when checking attributes within the same field, for example: status:(Alert OR Warn). Some exceptions apply, for example checking multiple scopes or service tags uses the AND operator.
  • Some attributes do not allow selecting multiple values. For example, when you select a metric or service check, the other options disappear from the list until you remove the selection.
  • The Triggered checkbox under the Status attribute resolves to status:(Alert OR Warn OR "No Data"). Triggered is not a valid monitor status.
  • The name for the Metric/Check attribute is always metric in the query. For example, selecting the check http.can_connect resolves to metric:http.can_connect.

Note: For attributes with a large number of values across your monitors, use the attribute search bar to find the correct value.

Saved view

Leverage saved views to quickly navigate to pre-set views in order to find monitors relevant to a given context like the monitors for your team or muted for more than 60 days:

Saved Views selection

Saved views are visible by everyone in your organization. Technically, a saved view keeps track of:

  • The search query

Default view

Default view

Your existing Manage Monitor view is your default saved view. This configuration is only accessible and viewable to you and updating this configuration does not have any impact on your organization.

You can temporarily override your default saved view by completing any action in the UI or when opening links to the Manage Monitor page that embed a different configuration.

From the default view entry in the Views panel:

  • Reload your default view by clicking on the entry.
  • Update your default view with the current parameters.
  • Reset your default view to Datadog’s defaults for a fresh restart.