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You can use CSM Threats to identify if unauthorized or anomalous processes are running or executed on your IT systems.
For example, you can create a process allowlist and query for processes running on hosts and containers outside of the allowlist.
In CSM Threats, you can define custom rules to watch process executions for malicious activity on hosts or containers in real-time. You can define a list of process names and/or arguments that will generate a security signal that can be used to notify users.
This guide shows you how to query for unauthorized and anomalous processes using static and dynamic allowlists as examples.
You can create a detection for processes that are not on a known allowlist.
Here’s an example for a host:
exec.file.name not in [ "0anacron", "agent", "aide", "airflow", "anacron", "appstart.sh", "appstop.sh", "arping", "aws", "awslogs-nanny.sh", "basename", "bash", "blkid", "bounce", "capsh", "cat", "certwatch", "chcon", "chmod", "chown", ~"*chrony", "chronyc", ~"*chrony-dhcp", "chrony-helper", ~"*chrony-onoffline", "classification_move_archive.sh", "cleanup", "clear", "consoletype", "consul", "cp", "curl", "cut", "date", "dbus-send", "df", ~"*dhclient", "dhclient-script", "dircolors", "dirname", "dmidecode", "dnf-3", "du", "echo", "embedded_logrotate.sh", "ethtool", "file", "find", "findmnt", "flock", "gawk", "getconf", "git", "gpg", "gpg2", "gpgconf", "gpgsm", "grep", "grepconf.sh", "groupadd", "grub2-set-bootflag", "gzip", "head", "hostname", "hostnamectl", "httpd", "httpd_daily_logs_gzip.sh", "iconv", "id", "ionice", "ip", "ipcalc", "java", "java_version.sh", "jboss_66_log_rotate.sh", "ldconfig", "less", "ln", "local", "locale", "logger", "logrotate", "ls", "lsattr", "lsblk", "lscpu", "lspci", "mandb", "man-db.cron", "md5sum", "mkdir", "mktemp", "mlocate", "mon-put-instance-data.pl", "more", "moveFilesFromSourceToTarget.sh", "mv", ~"*netreport", "nice", "nm-cloud-setup", ~"*nm-cloud-setup.sh", "nm-dhcp-helper", "nm-dispatcher", "nohup", "on_ac_power", "oracle", "perl", "pickup", "pip", "postdrop", "printenv", "proxymap", "ps", "psql", "pyenv", ~"pyenv-*", ~"python*", "python2.7", "python3.9", "readlink", "renice", "rhn_check-2.7", "rhsmcertd-worker", "rm", "rmdir", "rpm", "rsync", "run-parts", "sa1", "sa2", "sadc", "sar", "_script.sh", "sed", ~"*sendmail", "sendmail.postfix", "setup-policy-routes", "sftp-server", "sg_inq", "sleep", "smtp", "smtpd", "snowsql", "sort", "sqlite3", "ssh", "sshd", "ssm-document-worker", "ssm-session-worker", "stat", "su", "sudo", "systemctl", "systemd", "systemd-coredump", ~"*systemd-environment-d-generator", "systemd-hostnamed", "systemd-networkd-wait-online", "systemd-tmpfiles", "systemd-tty-ask-password-agent", "systemd-user-runtime-dir", "systemd-userwork", "systemd-xdg-autostart-generator", "tail", "tar", "time", "tlsmgr", "touch", "tput", "tr", "trivial-rewrite", "tty", "udevadm", "uname", "unbound-anchor", "unix_chkpwd", "unzip_rename_files.sh", "updatedb", "updater", "urlgrabber-ext-down", "useradd", "usermod", "vault", "vi", "wc", "which", "wkhtmltoimage", "xargs", "yum", "ping", "get_latest_version.sh", ~"rbenv*", "uniq", "diff", "ruby", "get_hosts_for_app_component.sh", "update_health_status.rb", "check.pl", "check_all_pool_db_version.rb", ~"gitaly-git-v*", ~"gitlab-*", "upload_host_info.rb", "sshpass", ~"splunk*", "killall5", "php", "run", "env", "chpst", ~"jenkins*" ]
Here’s an example for a container:
exec.file.name not in ["vault"] && container.id == "ca5534a51dd04bbcebe9b23ba05f389466cf0c190f1f8f182d7eea92a9671d00"
The container id
this example generates events for that container only.
If you want to generate an event for any container that executes a process that is not vault
, the expression would be:
exec.file.name not in ["vault"] && container.id == ""
If you don’t want to create an allowlist when querying for processes, you can create a custom rule to query for drift events dynamically.
The custom rule query is @agent.rule_id:anomaly_detection
If you want to query for anomalies in a particular container image, you can use the image_name
tag. For example, @agent.rule_id:anomaly_detection image_name:IMAGE_NAME
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