Scheduled Reports


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Scheduled reports enable Datadog users to share dashboards as high-density PDFs by email on a recurring basis.

Example report email with PDF attachment

The report PDF is included as an email attachment or as a link, depending on its size.

Example report PDF attachment

Schedule a report

Create a report from any dashboard or timeboard that has at least one supported widget.

Click the Share button at the top of your dashboard and select Schedule a Report.

The configuration modal for an individual dashboard report, with sections to set a schedule, add recipients, and customize email. At the bottom of the modal are buttons to edit template variables, delete report, send preview, cancel, and save

Set a schedule

In the configuration modal that opens, set a schedule for the report to determine when and how often the report is sent. Set a time frame to determine the range of time displayed in the resulting report. The report time frame can be different from the time frame displayed on the dashboard.

Add recipients

Add recipients to your report by entering their email addresses. The email associated with your Datadog account is automatically added as a recipient. You can remove yourself as a recipient by hovering over your email and clicking the X that appears next to it.

Note: Enterprise and Pro accounts can send reports to recipients outside of their organizations.

Customize the report

Finally, customize the report to provide recipients with more context or a tailored view. The optional description is included in the report email body.

Click Edit Template Variables to modify the filters applied when the report is sent. These values do not affect the dashboard’s default template variable values.

To see the report before saving the schedule, click Send Preview. You can pause a report schedule at any time.

Managing reports

A single dashboard can have multiple scheduled reports with different settings, which allows you to inform different groups of stakeholders interested in the same dashboard. To see the reports on an existing dashboard, click the Share button and select Configure Reports.

From the configuration modal that opens, you can pause an existing report or create a new report. To see and edit the details of an existing report, or delete the report, click Edit.

The configuration modal for scheduled reports, with two reports displayed, each showing their titles, tags, recipients, frequency, an option to toggle the report on or off, and a button to edit the report. At the bottom is a button to add a new report and a done button


Users need the Dashboards Report Write permission to create and edit report schedules. This permission can be granted by another user with the User Access Manage permission.

A screenshot of an individual user's permissions from within the organization settings page. The dashboards report write permission is highlighted under the dashboards section

Users with the Org Management permission can enable or disable the scheduled reports feature for their organization from the Settings tab under Public Sharing in Organization Settings.

The Report Management setting under the Settings tab in Public Sharing within Organization Settings in Datadog with the setting Enabled

Unsupported widget types

The following widget types are not supported and will be shown as empty in the report:

Further Reading