CDS DataRobot - Deployments
CDS DataRobot - Prediction
CDS DataRobot - Use Cases
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DataRobot is an AI platform that uses machine learning to automate the process of building, deploying, and managing models. It’s designed to help organizations of all sizes use AI to improve their business outcomes. With DataRobot, users can create and deploy models on their datasets to generate predictions while also designing custom blueprints for their machine learning workflows.
This integration enables seamless collection and visualization of DataRobot’s data as metrics and logs in Datadog. You can configure the following components:
Inventory Data:
- Deployments
- Dependent Components: BatchServiceStats, Accuracy, ServiceStatsOverTime, ServiceStats [Metric Ingestion], PredictionsVsActualsOverTime, HumilityStatsOverTime, FeatureDrift, TargetDrift
- Related Components: LLMApiCalls [Metric Ingestion]
- Projects
- Dependent Components: Models
- Project - Model Dependent Components: ModelDetails, NumIterationsTrained, MissingReport, Features, CrossValidationScores
- ModelPackages
- ExternalDataSources
- ExternalDataDrivers
- ExternalDataStores
- BatchPredictions
Non Inventory Data:
- UseCases
- Dependent Components: Data, Projects
- LLMBlueprints
- Playground
This integration includes six out-of-the-box dashboards:
Use Cases: Monitor and visualize UseCases statistics, including associated datasets and projects.
Deployments: Displays an overview of deployments collected at the user-defined interval_for_inventory
Models: Monitors model statistics collected at the user-defined interval_for_inventory
LLM: Shows an overview of LLM-related information collected at the user-defined interval_for_inventory
Predictions: Presents an overview of prediction-related information collected at the user-defined interval_for_inventory
Overview: Summarizes data from Playgrounds, ExternalDataSources, ExternalDataStores and ExternalDataDrivers collected at the user-defined interval_for_inventory
For support or feature requests, contact Crest Data through the following channels:
This application is made available through the Datadog Marketplace and is supported by a Datadog Technology Partner. To use it, purchase this application in the Marketplace.