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Follow the instructions below to install and configure this check for an Agent running on a Kubernetes cluster. See also the Autodiscovery Integration Templates for guidance on applying these instructions.
Agent versions >=7.26.0 or >=6.26.0
To use an integration from integrations-extra with the Docker Agent, Datadog recommends building the Agent with the integration installed. Use the following Dockerfile to build an updated version of the Agent that includes the gatekeeper integration from integrations-extras:
RUN agent integration install -r -t datadog-gatekeeper==<INTEGRATION_VERSION>
Agent versions <7.26.0 or <6.26.0
To install the gatekeeper check on your Kubernetes cluster:
Edit the gatekeeper/conf.yaml file, in the /confd folder that you added to the Agent pod to start collecting your gatekeeper performance data. See the sample gatekeeper/conf.yaml for all available configuration options.
The distribution of Mutator ingestion durations Shown as second
gatekeeper.mutators (gauge)
The current number of Mutator objects
gatekeeper.mutator.conflicting.count (gauge)
The current number of conflicting Mutator objects
Gatekeeper does not include any events.
Service Checks Returns CRITICAL if the agent fails to connect to the Prometheus metrics endpoint, otherwise OK. Statuses: ok, critical Returns CRITICAL if the agent fails to connect to the gatekeeper health endpoint, OK if it returns 200, WARNING otherwise. Statuses: ok, warning, critical