Correlate APM Data with Other Telemetry

Correlating data by various Datadog products gives context to help estimate the business impact and find the root cause of an issue in a few clicks. Set up connections between incoming data to facilitate quick pivots in your explorers and dashboards.

Correlate Database Monitoring and traces

Inject trace IDs into DBM data collection to correlate the two data sources. View database information in APM and APM information in DBM to see a comprehensive, unified view of your system’s performance. See Connect DBM and Traces to set it up.

Filter your database hosts by the APM services that call them.

Correlate logs and traces

Inject trace IDs into logs, and leverage unified service tagging to find the exact logs associated with a specific service and version, or all logs correlated to an observed trace. See Connect Logs and Traces to set it up.

Connect Logs And Traces

Correlate RUM and traces

Correlate data collected in front end views with trace and spans on the back end by Connecting RUM and Traces. Pinpoint issues anywhere in your stack and understand what your users are experiencing.

Connect RUM sessions and traces

Correlate synthetic tests and traces

Follow the data from failing synthetic tests directly through to the root causes by digging into related traces. Connect Synthetics and Traces to speed up troubleshooting your code.

Synthetic tests

Correlate profiles and traces

Performance data for application code that has both tracing and profiling enabled is automatically correlated, letting you move between the two types of analysis to troubleshoot and problem solve. You can move directly from span information to profiling data on the Profiles tab, and find specific lines of code related to performance issues. Similarly, you can debug slow and resource-consuming endpoints directly in the Profiling UI.

Read Investigate Slow Traces or Endpoints for more information.

Profiles tab shows profiling information for a APM trace span

Further Reading