This tutorial walks you through the steps for enabling tracing on a sample Java application installed in a cluster on AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) with Fargate. In this scenario, the Datadog Agent is also installed in the cluster.
For other scenarios, including on a host, in a container, on other cloud infrastructure, and on applications written in other languages, see the other Enabling Tracing tutorials. Some of those other tutorials, for example, the ones using containers or EKS, step through the differences seen in Datadog between automatic and custom instrumentation. This tutorial skips right to a fully custom instrumented example.
This tutorial also uses intermediate-level AWS topics, so it requires that you have some familiarity with AWS networking and applications. If you’re not as familiar with AWS, and you are trying to learn the basics of Datadog APM setup, use one of the host or container tutorials instead.
An AWS IAM user with AdministratorAccess permission. You must add the profile to your local credentials file using the access and secret access keys. For more information, read Using the AWS credentials file and credential Profiles.
The repository contains a multi-service Java application pre-configured to run inside Docker containers. The docker-compose YAML files to make the containers are located in the docker directory. This tutorial uses the service-docker-compose-ECS.yaml file, which builds containers for the application.
In each of the notes and calendar directories, there are two sets of Dockerfiles for building the applications, either with Maven or with Gradle. This tutorial uses the Maven build, but if you are more familiar with Gradle, you can use it instead with the corresponding changes to build commands.
The sample application is a simple multi-service Java application with two APIs, one for a notes service and another for a calendar service. The notes service has GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE endpoints for notes stored within an in-memory H2 database. The calendar service can take a request and return a random date to be used in a note. Both applications have their own associated Docker images, and you deploy them on Amazon ECS as separate services, each with its own tasks and respective containers. ECS pulls the images from ECR, a repository for application images that you publish the images to after building.
The application requires some initial configuration, including adding your AWS profile (already configured with the correct permissions to create an ECS cluster and read from ECR), AWS region, and Amazon ECR repository.
Open terraform/Fargate/global_constants/ Replace the variable values below with your correct AWS account information:
output "aws_profile" {
value = "<AWS_PROFILE>"
sensitive = true
output "aws_region" {
value = "<AWS_REGION>"
sensitive = true
output "aws_ecr_repository" {
sensitive = true
Start the application and send some requests without tracing. After you’ve seen how the application works, you’ll instrument it using the tracing library and Datadog Agent.
To start, use a terraform script to deploy to Amazon ECS:
From the terraform/Fargate/Uninstrumented directory, run the following commands:
terraform init
terraform apply
terraform state show 'aws_alb.application_load_balancer'
Note: If the terraform apply command returns a CIDR block message, the script to obtain your IP address did not work on your local machine. To fix this, set the value manually in the terraform/Fargate/Uninstrumented/ file. Inside the ingress block of the load_balancer_security_group, switch which cidr_blocks line is commented out and update the now-uncommented example line with your machine’s IP4 address.
Make note of the DNS name of the load balancer. You’ll use that base domain in API calls to the sample app. Wait a few minutes for the instances to start up.
Open up another terminal and send API requests to exercise the app. The notes application is a REST API that stores data in an in-memory H2 database running on the same container. Send it a few commands:
curl -X GET 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes'
curl -X POST 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes?desc=hello'
curl -X GET 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes?id=1'
curl -X GET 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes'
curl -X PUT 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes?id=1&desc=UpdatedNote'
curl -X GET 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes'
curl -X POST 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes?desc=NewestNote&add_date=y'
{"id":2,"description":"NewestNote with date 12/02/2022."}
This command calls both the notes and calendar services.
After you’ve seen the application running, run the following command to stop it and clean up the AWS resources so that you can enable tracing:
Now that you have a working Java application, configure it to enable tracing.
Edit the dockerfile to add the Java tracing package which is needed by the application to generate traces. Open the notes/dockerfile.notes.maven file and uncomment the line that downloads dd-java-agent:
RUN curl -Lo dd-java-agent.jar ''
Within the same notes/dockerfile.notes.maven file, comment out the ENTRYPOINT line for running without tracing. Then uncomment the ENTRYPOINT line, which runs the application with tracing enabled:
Repeat this step with the other service, calendar. Open calendar/dockerfile.calendar.maven, and comment out the ENTRYPOINT line for running without tracing. Then uncomment the ENTRYPOINT line, which runs the application with tracing enabled:
Now both services will have automatic instrumentation.
Note: The flags on these sample commands, particularly the sample rate, are not necessarily appropriate for environments outside this tutorial. For information about what to use in your real environment, read Tracing configuration.
Automatic instrumentation is convenient, but sometimes you want more fine-grained spans. Datadog’s Java DD Trace API allows you to specify spans within your code using annotations or code. Add some annotations to the code to trace into some sample methods.
Open /notes/src/main/java/com/datadog/example/notes/ This example already contains commented-out code that demonstrates the different ways to set up custom tracing on the code.
Uncomment the lines that import libraries to support manual tracing:
Uncomment the lines that manually trace the two public processes. These demonstrate the use of @Trace annotations to specify aspects such as operationName and resourceName in a trace:
You can also create a separate span for a specific code block in the application. Within the span, add service and resource name tags and error handling tags. These tags result in a flame graph showing the span and metrics in Datadog visualizations. Uncomment the lines that manually trace the private method:
Tracertracer=GlobalTracer.get();// Tags can be set when creating the spanSpanspan=tracer.buildSpan("manualSpan1").withTag(DDTags.SERVICE_NAME,"NotesHelper").withTag(DDTags.RESOURCE_NAME,"privateMethod1").start();try(Scopescope=tracer.activateSpan(span)){// Tags can also be set after creationspan.setTag("postCreationTag",1);Thread.sleep(30);"Hello from the custom privateMethod1");
And also the lines that set tags on errors:
}catch(Exceptione){// Set error on spanspan.setTag(Tags.ERROR,true);span.setTag(DDTags.ERROR_MSG,e.getMessage());span.setTag(DDTags.ERROR_TYPE,e.getClass().getName());finalStringWritererrorString=newStringWriter();e.printStackTrace(newPrintWriter(errorString));span.setTag(DDTags.ERROR_STACK,errorString.toString());;}finally{span.finish();}
Update your Maven build by opening notes/pom.xml and uncommenting the lines configuring dependencies for manual tracing. The dd-trace-api library is used for the @Trace annotations, and opentracing-util and opentracing-api are used for manual span creation.
Add the Datadog Agent to each of the notes and calendar task definitions, adding an Agent in a container beside each AWS task rather than installing it anywhere. Open terraform/Fargate/Instrumented/ and see that this sample already has the base configurations necessary to run the Datadog Agent on ECS Fargate and collect traces: the API key (which you configure in the next step), enabling ECS Fargate, and enabling APM. The definition is provided in both the notes task and the calendar task.
Provide the API key variable with a value. Open terraform/Fargate/global_constants/ and uncomment the output "datadog_api_key" section and provide your organization’s Datadog API key.
Universal Service Tags identify traced services across different versions and deployment environments so that they can be correlated within Datadog, and so you can use them to search and filter. The three environment variables used for Unified Service Tagging are DD_SERVICE, DD_ENV, and DD_VERSION. For applications deployed on ECS, these environment variables are set within the task definition for the containers.
For this tutorial, the /terraform/Fargate/Instrumented/ file already has these environment variables defined for the notes and calendar applications, for example, for notes:
You can also see that Docker labels for the same Universal Service Tags service, env, and version values are set. This allows you also to get Docker metrics once your application is running.
The Java tracing library uses Java’s built-in agent and monitoring support. The flag -javaagent:../dd-java-agent.jar in the Dockerfile tells the JVM where to find the Java tracing library so it can run as a Java Agent. Learn more about Java Agents at
The dd.trace.sample.rate flag sets the sample rate for this application. The ENTRYPOINT command in the Dockerfile sets its value to 1, meaning that 100% of all service requests are sent to the Datadog backend for analysis and display. For a low-volume test application, this is fine. Do not do this in production or in any high-volume environment, because this results in a very large volume of data. Instead, sample some of your requests. Pick a value between 0 and 1. For example, -Ddd.trace.sample.rate=0.1 sends traces for 10% of your requests to Datadog. Read more about tracing configuration settings and sampling mechanisms.
Notice that the sampling rate flag in the commands appears before the -jar flag. That’s because this is a parameter for the Java Virtual Machine, not your application. Make sure that when you add the Java Agent to your application, you specify the flag in the right location.
Redeploy the application to Amazon ECS using the same terraform commands as before, but with the instrumented version of the configuration files. From the terraform/Fargate/Instrumented directory, run the following commands:
terraform init
terraform apply
terraform state show 'aws_alb.application_load_balancer'
Make note of the DNS name of the load balancer. You’ll use that base domain in API calls to the sample app.
Wait a few minutes for the instances to start up. Wait a few minutes to ensure the containers for the applications are ready. Run some curl commands to exercise the instrumented app:
curl -X GET 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes'
curl -X POST 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes?desc=hello'
curl -X GET 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes?id=1'
curl -X GET 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes'
curl -X PUT 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes?id=1&desc=UpdatedNote'
curl -X GET 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes'
curl -X POST 'BASE_DOMAIN:8080/notes?desc=NewestNote&add_date=y'
{"id":2,"description":"NewestNote with date 12/02/2022."}
This command calls both the notes and calendar services.
Wait a few moments, and go to APM > Traces in Datadog, where you can see a list of traces corresponding to your API calls:
The h2 is the embedded in-memory database for this tutorial, and notes is the Spring Boot application. The traces list shows all the spans, when they started, what resource was tracked with the span, and how long it took.
If you don’t see traces after several minutes, clear any filter in the Traces Search field (sometimes it filters on an environment variable such as ENV that you aren’t using).
On the Traces page, click on a POST /notes trace to see a flame graph that shows how long each span took and what other spans occurred before a span completed. The bar at the top of the graph is the span you selected on the previous screen (in this case, the initial entry point into the notes application).
The width of a bar indicates how long it took to complete. A bar at a lower depth represents a span that completes during the lifetime of a bar at a higher depth.
On the Trace Explorer, click into one of the GET requests, and see a flame graph like this:
The privateMethod around which you created a manual span shows up as a separate block from the other calls and is highlighted by a different color. The other methods where you used the @Trace annotation show under the same service and color as the GET request, which is the notes application. Custom instrumentation is valuable when there are key parts of the code that need to be highlighted and monitored.
Tracing a single service is a great start, but the real value in tracing is seeing how requests flow through your services. This is called distributed tracing. Click the trace for the last API call, the one that added a date to the note, to see a distributed trace between the two services:
Note that you didn’t change anything in the notes application. Datadog automatically instruments both the okHttp library used to make the HTTP call from notes to calendar, and the Jetty library used to listen for HTTP requests in notes and calendar. This allows the trace information to be passed from one application to the other, capturing a distributed trace.
When you’re done exploring, clean up all resources and delete the deployments: