Node.js Lambda Tracing and Bundlers Compatibility


Datadog’s tracing libraries (dd-trace) are known to be not compatible with bundlers, like Webpack or esbuild, due to the use of conditional imports and other issues. While bundlers cannot build dd-trace, your application can still use the dd-trace and datadog-lambda-js libraries provided by the prebuilt Datadog Lambda layer. Follow the instructions below.


  1. Follow the installation instructions for Node.js and ensure the Datadog Lambda layer for Node.js is added to your Lambda function.

  2. Exclude datadog-lambda-js and dd-trace, either by removing them from your package.json or by setting an exclude rule. Excluding them tells the bundler to skip building them as dependencies, since they are already available in the Lambda runtime provided by the Datadog Lambda layer.

  3. Mark your dependencies as externals. This tells the bundler to exclude them from the output bundle; instead, they are packaged in node_modules.


    const nodeExternals = require("webpack-node-externals");
    module.exports = {
      // Use webpack-node-externals to exclude all node dependencies.
      // You can manually set the externals too.
      externals: [nodeExternals()],
      module: {
        rules: [
            // Provided by the Datadog Lambda layer and the Lambda Runtime.
            exclude: [
              // AWS SDK v3
              // AWS SDK v2

    If you are using the serverless-webpack plugin and have the option includeModules set to any value other than false, the plugin automatically packs external modules under node_modules. Therefore, you must force exclude datadog-lambda-js and dd-trace. Skip this step if you don’t use serverless-webpack or you don’t have the includeModules option in your serverless.yml.


        # You only need the following if you already have the includeModules option configured.
          # ... your existing configuration for includeModules
            # @aws-sdk for the AWS SDK v3
            - @aws-sdk
            # aws-sdk for the AWS SDK v2
            - aws-sdk
            - datadog-lambda-js
            - dd-trace
            # Optional, only needed when they are included as transitive dependencies 
            - rm -rf node_modules/datadog-lambda-js node_modules/dd-trace

    To have more control around what dependencies are included, you could also include your webpack.config.js in your serverless-webpack configuration:

          # @aws-sdk for the AWS SDK v3
          - @aws-sdk
          # aws-sdk for the AWS SDK v2
          - aws-sdk
          - datadog-lambda-js
          - dd-trace
        webpackConfig: 'webpack.config.js'


  1. Follow the installation instructions for Node.js and ensure the Datadog Lambda layer for Node.js is added to your Lambda function.

  2. Remove datadog-lambda-js and dd-trace from your package.json and the build process, since they are already available in the Lambda runtime provided by the Datadog Lambda layer.

  3. Mark your dependencies as externals. This tells the bundler to exclude them from the output bundle; instead, they are packaged in node_modules.


    const esbuild = require('esbuild');{
      // ... your existing esbuild configuration
      // Same effect as manually passing each dependency to `external`
      packages: 'external'

    If you are using the serverless-esbuild plugin, you can externalize all dependencies with the esbuild-node-externals as an esbuild plugin. Automatically packs external modules under node_modules.


          # @aws-sdk for the AWS SDK v3
          - @aws-sdk
          # aws-sdk for the AWS SDK v2
          - aws-sdk
          - datadog-lambda-js
          - dd-trace
        plugins: plugins.js
        # You can also set the specific dependencies to externalize instead of using `plugins`
        external: [...]
    // plugins.js
    const { nodeExternalsPlugin } = require('esbuild-node-externals')
    module.exports = [nodeExternalsPlugin()]

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: