Monitor API Options

Common options

  • silenced dictionary of scopes to timestamps or null. Each scope is muted until the given POSIX timestamp or forever if the value is null. Default: null. Examples:

    • To mute the alert completely: {'*': null}
    • To mute role:db for a short time: {'role:db': 1412798116}
  • new_group_delay time (in seconds) before starting alerting on new groups, to allow newly created applications or containers to fully start. Should be a non negative integer. Default: 60. Example: If you are using a containerized architecture, setting an evaluation delay prevents your monitor’s group-by containers from triggering when a new container is created, which may cause some latency or a spike in CPU usage in the first minutes.

  • new_host_delay time (in seconds) to allow a host to boot and applications to fully start before starting the evaluation of monitor results. Should be a non negative integer. Deprecated: Use new_group_delay instead.

  • notify_no_data a boolean indicating whether this monitor notifies when data stops reporting. Default: False.

  • no_data_timeframe the number of minutes before a monitor notifies after data stops reporting. Datadog recommends at least 2x the monitor timeframe for metric alerts or 2 minutes for service checks. If omitted, 2x the evaluation timeframe is used for metric alerts, and 24 hours is used for service checks.

  • timeout_h the number of hours of the monitor not reporting data before it automatically resolves from a triggered state. The minimum allowed value is 0 hours. The maximum allowed value is 24 hours. Default: null.

  • require_full_window a boolean indicating whether this monitor needs a full window of data before it’s evaluated. Datadog recommends you set this to False for sparse metrics, otherwise some evaluations are skipped. Default: False.

  • renotify_interval the number of minutes after the last notification before a monitor re-notifies on the current status. It only re-notifies if it’s not resolved. Default: null.

  • renotify_statuses the states from which a monitor re-notifies. Default: null if renotify_interval is null. If renotify_interval is set, defaults to re-notify on Alert and No Data.

  • renotify_occurrences the number of times a monitor re-notifies. It can only be set if renotify_interval is set. Default: null, it renotifies without a limit.

  • escalation_message a message to include with a re-notification. Supports the ‘@username’ notification that is allowed elsewhere. Not applicable if renotify_interval is null. Default: null.

  • notify_audit a boolean indicating whether tagged users are notified on changes to this monitor. Default: False

  • include_tags a boolean indicating whether notifications from this monitor automatically inserts its triggering tags into the title. Default: True. Examples:

    • True: [Triggered on {host:h1}] Monitor Title
    • False: [Triggered] Monitor Title

Permissions options

  • restricted_roles an array listing the UUIDs of the roles allowed to edit the monitor. Monitor editing includes updates to the monitor configuration, deleting the monitor, and muting of the monitor for any amount of time. Role UUIDs can be pulled from the Roles API.

Note: You can now set up permissions on monitors based on Teams and users, in addition to roles, with Restriction Policies. For more information on restricting permissions for monitors, see the dedicated guide.

Anomaly options

These options only apply to anomaly monitors and are ignored for other monitor types.

  • threshold_windows a dictionary containing recovery_window and trigger_window.

    • recovery_window describes how long an anomalous metric must be normal before the alert recovers
    • trigger_window describes how long a metric must be anomalous before an alert triggers

Example: {'threshold_windows': {'recovery_window': 'last_15m', 'trigger_window': 'last_15m'}}

Metric alert options

These options only apply to metric alerts.

  • thresholds a dictionary of thresholds by threshold type. There are two threshold types for metric alerts: critical and warning. Critical is defined in the query, but can also be specified in this option. Warning threshold can only be specified using the thresholds option. If you want to use recovery thresholds for your monitor, use the attributes critical_recovery and warning_recovery.

Example: {'critical': 90, 'warning': 80, 'critical_recovery': 70, 'warning_recovery': 50}

  • evaluation_delay time (in seconds) to delay evaluation, as a non-negative integer. For example, if the value is set to 300 (5min), the timeframe is set to last_5m and the time is 7:00, the monitor evaluates data from 6:50 to 6:55. This is useful for AWS CloudWatch and other backfilled metrics to ensure the monitor always has data during evaluation.

Service check options

These options only apply to service checks and are ignored for other monitor types.

  • thresholds a dictionary of thresholds by status. Because service checks can have multiple thresholds, they aren’t defined directly in the query.

Example: {'ok': 1, 'critical': 1, 'warning': 1}

Logs alert options

These options only apply to logs alerts.

  • thresholds a dictionary of thresholds by status.

Example: {'ok': 1, 'critical': 1, 'warning': 1}

  • aggregation a dictionary of type, metric, and groupBy.
    • type: Three types are supported: count, cardinality, and avg.
    • metric: For cardinality, use the name of the facet. For avg, use the name of the metric. For count, put count as metric.
    • groupBy: Name of the facet on which you want to group by.

Example: {"metric": "count","type": "count","groupBy": "core_service"}

  • enable_logs_sample a boolean to add samples or values to the notification message. Default: False