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The Java Datadog Trace library is open source - view the GitHub repository for more information.
The Java Tracer supports automatic instrumentation for the following Oracle JDK, OpenJDK JVM, and GraalVM runtimes.
Java versions | Operating Systems | Support level |
from 22 and upward | Windows (x86, x86-64) Linux (x86, x86-64, arm64) Mac (x86, x86-64, arm64) | Preview |
from 18 to 21 | Windows (x86, x86-64) Linux (x86, x86-64, arm64) Mac (x86, x86-64, arm64) | GA |
from 8 to 17 | Windows (x86, x86-64) Linux (x86, x86-64) Mac (x86, x86-64) | GA |
Linux (arm64) Mac (arm64) | Preview |
Datadog does not officially support any early-access versions of Java.
Java versions | Operating Systems | Support level |
7 only | Windows (x86, x86-64) Linux (x86, x86-64) Mac (x86, x86-64) | Maintenance |
7 only | Linux (arm64) Mac (arm64) | End-of-life |
Level | Support provided |
Unsupported | No implementation. Contact Datadog support for special requests. |
Preview | Initial implementation. May not yet contain all features. Support for new features and bug and security fixes are provided on a best-effort basis. |
General Availability (GA) | Full implementation of all features. Full support for new features and bug and security fixes. |
Maintenance | Full implementation of existing features. Does not receive new features. Support for bug and security fixes only. |
End-of-life (EOL) | No support. |
Integrations in Preview are disabled by default but can be enabled individually:
includes support for automatically tracing the following web frameworks.
Web Framework tracing provides:
Server | Versions | Support Type | Instrumentation Names (used for configuration) |
Akka-Http Server | 10.0+ | Fully Supported | akka-http , akka-http-server |
Apache Pekko | 1.0+ | Fully Supported | pekko-http , pekko-http-server |
Finatra Web | 2.9+ | Fully Supported | finatra |
Grizzly | 2.0+ | Fully Supported | grizzly |
Grizzly-HTTP | 2.3.20+ | Fully Supported | grizzly-filterchain |
Java Servlet Compatible | 2.3+, 3.0+ | Fully Supported | servlet , servlet-2 , servlet-3 |
Jax-RS Annotations | JSR311-API | Fully Supported | jax-rs , jaxrs , jax-rs-annotations , jax-rs-filter |
Jetty | 7.0-12.x | Fully Supported | jetty |
Micronaut HTTP Server | 2.x+ | Fully Supported | micronaut |
Mulesoft | 4.5.0+ | Fully Supported | mule |
Netty HTTP Server | 3.8+ | Fully Supported | netty , netty-3.8 , netty-4.0 , netty-4.1 |
Play | 2.3-2.8 | Fully Supported | play , play-action |
Ratpack | 1.5+ | Fully Supported | ratpack |
Restlet HTTP Server | 2.2 - 2.4 | Fully Supported | restlet-http . |
Spark Java | 2.3+ | Preview | sparkjava (requires jetty ) |
Spring Boot | 1.5+ | Fully Supported | spring-web or spring-webflux |
Spring Web (MVC) | 4.0+ | Fully Supported | spring-web |
Spring WebFlux | 5.0+ | Fully Supported | spring-webflux |
Tomcat | 5.5+ | Fully Supported | tomcat |
Undertow | 2.0+ | Fully Supported | undertow |
Vert.x | 3.4+ | Fully Supported | vertx , vertx-3.4 , vertx-3.9 , vertx-4.0 |
Note: Many application servers are Servlet compatible and are automatically covered by that instrumentation, such as Websphere, Weblogic, and JBoss. Also, frameworks like Spring Boot (version 3) inherently work because they usually use a supported embedded application server, such as Tomcat, Jetty, or Netty.
The following instrumentations are disabled by default and can be enabled with the following settings:
Instrumentation | To Enable |
Grizzly | -Ddd.integration.grizzly-client.enabled=true |
Grizzly-HTTP | -Ddd.integration.grizzly-filterchain.enabled=true |
Hazelcast (client side only) | -Ddd.integration.hazelcast.enabled=true -Ddd.integration.hazelcast_legacy.enabled=true |
Ignite | -Ddd.integration.ignite.enabled=true |
JAX-WS | -Ddd.integration.jax-ws.enabled=true |
JDBC Datasource | -Ddd.integration.jdbc-datasource.enabled=true |
Kotlin Coroutines | -Ddd.integration.kotlin_coroutine.experimental.enabled=true |
Mulesoft | -Ddd.integration.mule.enabled=true |
Netty Promise | -Ddd.integration.netty-promise.enabled=true |
Ning | -Ddd.integration.ning.enabled=true |
Spark Java | -Ddd.integration.sparkjava.enabled=true |
TIBCO BusinessWorks | -Ddd.integration.tibco.enabled=true |
URL Connection | -Ddd.integration.urlconnection.enabled=true -Ddd.integration.httpurlconnection.enabled=true |
ZIO | -Ddd.integration.zio.experimental.enabled=true |
Note: JAX-WS integration instruments endpoints annotated with @WebService (JAX-WS 1.x) and @WebServiceProvider (JAX-WS 2.x).
Don’t see your desired web frameworks? Datadog is continually adding additional support. Contact Datadog support if you need help.
includes support for automatically tracing the following networking frameworks.
Networking tracing provides:
Framework | Versions | Support Type | Instrumentation Names (used for configuration) |
Apache HTTP Client | 4.0+ | Fully Supported | httpclient , apache-httpclient , apache-http-client |
Apache HTTP Async Client | 4.0+ | Fully Supported | httpasyncclient , apache-httpasyncclient |
AWS Java SDK | 1.11+, 2.2+ | Fully Supported | aws-sdk |
Camel-OpenTelemetry | 3.12.0+ | Preview | opentelemetry-1 |
Commons HTTP Client | 2.0+ | Fully Supported | commons-http-client |
Google HTTP Client | 1.19.0+ | Fully Supported | google-http-client |
Google Pub/Sub | 1.116.0+ | Fully Supported | google-pubsub |
Grizzly HTTP Client | 1.9+ | Preview | grizzly-client |
gRPC | 1.5+ | Fully Supported | grpc , grpc-client , grpc-server |
HttpURLConnection | all | Fully Supported | httpurlconnection , urlconnection |
Kafka-Clients | 0.11+ | Fully Supported | kafka |
Kafka-Streams | 0.11+ | Fully Supported | kafka , kafka-streams |
Java RMI | all | Distributed Tracing Not Supported | rmi , rmi-client , rmi-server |
Jax RS Clients | 2.0+ | Fully Supported | jax-rs , jaxrs , jax-rs-client |
Jersey Client | 1.9-2.29 | Fully Supported | jax-rs , jaxrs , jax-rs-client |
JMS / Jakarta JMS | 1-3.0+ | Fully Supported | jms , jms-1 , jms-2 , jakarta-jms |
Netty HTTP Client | 4.0+ | Fully Supported | netty , netty-4.0 , netty-4.1 |
Ning HTTP Client | 1.9.0+ | Preview | ning |
OkHTTP | 2.2+ | Fully Supported | okhttp , okhttp-2 ,okhttp-3 |
Play WSClient | 1.0+ | Fully Supported | play-ws |
Rabbit AMQP | 2.7+ | Fully Supported | amqp , rabbitmq |
Spring SessionAwareMessageListener | 3.1+ | Fully Supported | spring-jms-3.1 |
Spring WebClient | 5.0+ | Fully Supported | spring-webflux , spring-webflux-client |
Kafka Note: Datadog’s Kafka integration works with Kafka version 0.11+
, which supports the Header API. This API is used to inject and extract trace context. If you are running a mixed version environment, the Kafka broker can incorrectly report the newer version of Kafka. This causes an issue when the tracer tries to inject headers that are not supported by the local producer. Additionally, older consumers are unable to consume the message because of the presence of headers. To prevent these issues, if you are running a mixed version Kafka environment with versions older than 0.11, disable context propagation with the environment variable: DD_KAFKA_CLIENT_PROPAGATION_ENABLED=false
JMS Note: Datadog’s JMS integration automatically adds and reads message object properties x__dash__datadog__dash__trace__dash__id
and x__dash__datadog__dash__parent__dash__id
to maintain context propagation between consumer and producer services.
Camel Note: Distributed trace propagation over Camel routes is not supported.
Don’t see your desired networking framework? Datadog is continually adding additional support. Contact Datadog support if you need help.
includes support for automatically tracing the following database frameworks/drivers.
Datastore tracing provides:
Database | Versions | Support Type | Instrumentation Names (used for configuration) |
Aerospike | 4.0+ | Fully Supported | aerospike |
Couchbase | 2.0+ | Fully Supported | couchbase |
Cassandra | 3.0+ | Fully Supported | cassandra |
Elasticsearch Transport | 2.0+ | Fully Supported | elasticsearch , elasticsearch-transport , elasticsearch-transport-{2,5,6,7} (pick one) |
Elasticsearch Rest | 5.0+ | Fully Supported | elasticsearch , elasticsearch-rest , elasticsearch-rest-{5,6,7} (pick one) |
Ignite | 2.0-3.0 | Preview | ignite |
JDBC | N/A | Fully Supported | jdbc , jdbc-datasource |
Jedis | 1.4+ | Fully Supported | jedis , redis |
Lettuce | 4.0+ | Fully Supported | lettuce , lettuce-4-async , lettuce-5-rx |
MongoDB | 3.0-4.0+ | Fully Supported | mongo |
OpenSearch Rest | 1.x-2.x | Fully Supported | opensearch , opensearch-rest |
OpenSearch Transport | 1.x-2.x | Fully Supported | opensearch , opensearch-transport |
RediScala | 1.5+ | Fully Supported | rediscala , redis |
Redisson | 2.x-3.x | Fully Supported | redisson , redis |
SpyMemcached | 2.12+ | Fully Supported | spymemcached |
Vert.x Cassandra Client | 3.9+ | Fully Supported | cassandra |
Vert.x Redis Client | 3.9 | Fully Supported | vertx-redis-client |
Vert.x MySQL Client | 3.9+ | Fully Supported | vertx-sql-client |
is also compatible with common JDBC drivers including:
The following instrumentations are disabled by default and can be enabled with the following settings:
Instrumentation | To Enable |
JDBC-Datasource | - System Property: -Ddd.integration.jdbc-datasource.enabled=true - Environment Variable: DD_INTEGRATION_JDBC_DATASOURCE_ENABLED=true |
Don’t see your desired datastores? Datadog is continually adding additional support. Contact Datadog support if you need help.
includes support for automatically tracing the following frameworks.
Framework | Versions | Support Type | Instrumentation Names (used for configuration) |
Apache CXF (Jax-WS) | 3.0+ | OpenTelemetry Extension | cxf |
Datanucleus JDO | 4.0+ | Fully Supported | datanucleus |
Dropwizard Views | 0.7+ | Fully Supported | dropwizard , dropwizard-view |
GraphQL | 14.0+ | Fully Supported | graphql-java |
Hazelcast (client) | 3.6+ | Preview | hazelcast , hazelcast_legacy |
Hibernate | 3.5+ | Fully Supported | hibernate , hibernate-core |
Hystrix | 1.4+ | Fully Supported | hystrix |
JSP Rendering | 2.3+ | Fully Supported | jsp , jsp-render , jsp-compile |
JUnit | 4.1+, 5.3+ | Fully Supported | junit , junit-4 , junit-5 |
Project Reactor | 3.1+ | Fully Supported | reactor-core |
Quartz | 2.x | Fully Supported | quartz |
RxJava | 2.x | Fully Supported | rxjava |
Spring Data | 1.8+ | Fully Supported | spring-data |
Spring Scheduling | 3.1+ | Fully Supported | spring-scheduling |
TIBCO BusinessWorks | 5.14.0+ | Preview | tibco , tibco_bw |
Twilio SDK | < 8.0 | Fully Supported | twilio-sdk |
Don’t see your desired frameworks? Datadog is continually adding additional support. To request a framework, contact our awesome support team.
To improve visibility into applications using unsupported frameworks, consider:
Most integrations are enabled by default. The following setting can change the default to disabled.
Integrations can be enabled or disabled individually (overriding the default above).
(See above for each integration’s name.)
GraalVM Native Image is a technology that allows you to compile Java applications into native executables. The Datadog Java tracer supports GraalVM Native Image. This allows you to compile your applications into native executables while still benefiting from the tracing capabilities offered by the library.
To set up the Datadog Java tracer with GraalVM Native Image, follow these steps:
command, add the -J-javaagent:/path/to/dd-java-agent.jar
argument. For example:native-image -J-javaagent:/path/to/dd-java-agent.jar -jar App.jar
-J-Ddd.profiling.enabled=true -–enable-monitoring=jfr
, when executing the generated native executable, ensure that DD_PROFILING_START_FORCE_FIRST=true
is set as an environment variable.To set up the Datadog Java tracer with Quarkus Native, follow these steps:
property. For example:./mvnw package -Dnative -Dquarkus.native.additional-build-args='-J-javaagent:/path/to/dd-java-agent.jar'
-J-Ddd.profiling.enabled=true -–enable-monitoring=jfr
, when executing the generated native executable, ensure that DD_PROFILING_START_FORCE_FIRST=true
is set as an environment variable.To set up the Datadog Java tracer with Spring Native, follow these steps:
pack build
command with --env BP_DATADOG_ENABLED=true
option to enable the Datadog buildpack.BP_NATIVE_IMAGE_BUILD_ARGUMENTS=’-J-Ddd.profiling.enabled=true -–enable-monitoring=jfr’
, when executing the generated native executable, ensure that DD_PROFILING_START_FORCE_FIRST=true
is set as an environment variable.After completing the setup, the service should send traces to Datadog.
You can view traces using the Trace Explorer.
There are known issues with accessing system properties at runtime from a binary built with Graal Native Image.
), instead of system properties (-Ddd.property.name=value
to the native-image
tool at build time.Older native-image buildpack versions expose the following option: USE_NATIVE_IMAGE_JAVA_PLATFORM_MODULE_SYSTEM
When this option is false
, exceptions like the following can occur:
Caused by: org.graalvm.compiler.java.BytecodeParser$BytecodeParserError:
No instances of datadog.trace.bootstrap.DatadogClassLoader are allowed in the image heap
as this class should be initialized at image runtime. To see how this object got
instantiated use --trace-object-instantiation=datadog.trace.bootstrap.DatadogClassLoader.
Solutions to this issue are:
explicitly to true in the image env configuration,native-image
buildpack to version 5.12.2 or later. The best way to do this is by upgrading the java-native-image
buildpack to 8.13.0 or later.Paketo buildpack for Datadog had a bug in older versions that materialized with the following error message:
disabling Datadog at launch time is unsupported for Node
ERROR: failed to launch: exec.d: failed to execute exec.d file at path '/layers
paketo-buildpacks_datadog/helper/exec.d/toggle': exit status 1
The solution to this issue is to upgrade to version 4.6.0 or later.
You might encounter initialization errors if your tracer configuration relies on Unix Domain Sockets (UDS), which are not supported in native images:
dd.trace 2024-12-30 08:34:43:306 +0000] [main] WARN datadog.trace.agent.tooling.nativeimage.TracerActivation - Problem activating datadog tracer
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class jnr.unixsocket.UnixSocketChannel
The solution is to configure the Java tracer to use host-based communication (hostip
or service
mode), rather than socket-based communication (socket
For more information, see Configure APM and DogstatsD communication mode. For setups that don’t rely on the Admission Controller, see documentation for DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL.
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