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The RUM Mobile SDKs can be configured to send requests through a proxy.

Proxies use OkHttpClient Proxy and Authenticator on Android and URLSessionConfiguration.connectionProxyDictionary on iOS.


Prerequisite proxy setup

To successfully forward a request to Datadog, your proxy must support HTTP CONNECT requests.

When initializing the Android SDK, specify the following proxy configuration:

val configBuilder = Configuration.Builder(
    clientToken = "<client token>",
    env = "<environment>"

val proxy = Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, InetSocketAddress("<www.example.com>", <123>))
val authenticator = ProxyAuthenticator("<proxy user>", "<proxy password>")

configBuilder.setProxy(proxy, authenticator)

For more information, see the OkHttpClient Proxy and Authenticator documentation.

When initializing the iOS SDK, specify the following proxy configuration:


import DatadogCore

  with: Datadog.Configuration(
    clientToken: "<client token>",
    env: "<environment>",
    proxyConfiguration: [
        kCFNetworkProxiesHTTPEnable: true,
        kCFNetworkProxiesHTTPPort: <123>,
        kCFNetworkProxiesHTTPProxy: "<www.example.com>",
        kCFProxyUsernameKey: "<proxy user>",
        kCFProxyPasswordKey: "<proxy password>"
  trackingConsent: trackingConsent

Objective C

@import DatadogObjc;

DDConfiguration *configuration = [[DDConfiguration alloc] initWithClientToken:@"<client token>" env:@"<environment>"];
configuration.proxyConfiguration = @{
    (NSString *)kCFNetworkProxiesHTTPEnable: @YES,
    (NSString *)kCFNetworkProxiesHTTPPort: @<123>,
    (NSString *)kCFNetworkProxiesHTTPProxy: @"<www.example.com>",
    (NSString *)kCFProxyUsernameKey: @"<proxyuser>",
    (NSString *)kCFProxyPasswordKey: @"<proxypass>"

[DDDatadog initializeWithConfiguration:configuration

For more information, see the URLSessionConfiguration.connectionProxyDictionary documentation.

When initializing the React Native SDK, specify the following proxy configuration:

import { DatadogProviderConfiguration, ProxyConfiguration, ProxyType } from '@datadog/mobile-react-native';

const config = new DatadogProviderConfiguration('<client token>', '<environment>', '<application id>');

config.proxyConfig = new ProxyConfiguration(ProxyType.HTTPS, '<www.example.com>', <123>, '<proxy user>', '<proxy password>');

SOCKS proxy

Prerequisite proxy setup

To successfully forward a request to Datadog, your proxy must support SOCKS5 proxying.

When initializing the Android SDK, specify the following proxy configuration:

val configBuilder = Configuration.Builder(
    clientToken = "<client token>",
    env = "<environment>"

val proxy = Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS, InetSocketAddress("<www.example.com>", <123>))
val authenticator = ProxyAuthenticator("<proxy user>", "<proxy password>")

configBuilder.setProxy(proxy, authenticator)

For more information, see the OkHttpClient Proxy and Authenticator documentation.

When initializing the iOS SDK, specify the following proxy configuration:


import DatadogCore

  with: Datadog.Configuration(
    clientToken: "<client token>",
    env: "<environment>",
    proxyConfiguration: [
        kCFNetworkProxiesSOCKSEnable: true,
        kCFNetworkProxiesSOCKSPort: <123>,
        kCFNetworkProxiesSOCKSProxy: "<www.example.com>",
        kCFProxyUsernameKey: "<proxy user>",
        kCFProxyPasswordKey: "<proxy password>"
  trackingConsent: trackingConsent

Objective C

@import DatadogObjc;

DDConfiguration *configuration = [[DDConfiguration alloc] initWithClientToken:@"<client token>" env:@"<environment>"];
configuration.proxyConfiguration = @{
    (NSString *)kCFNetworkProxiesSOCKSEnable: @YES,
    (NSString *)kCFNetworkProxiesSOCKSPort: @<123>,
    (NSString *)kCFNetworkProxiesSOCKSProxy: @"<www.example.com>",
    (NSString *)kCFProxyUsernameKey: @"<proxyuser>",
    (NSString *)kCFProxyPasswordKey: @"<proxypass>"

[DDDatadog initializeWithConfiguration:configuration

For more information, see the URLSessionConfiguration.connectionProxyDictionary documentation.

When initializing the React Native SDK, specify the following proxy configuration:

import { DatadogProviderConfiguration, ProxyConfiguration, ProxyType } from '@datadog/mobile-react-native';

const config = new DatadogProviderConfiguration('<client token>', '<environment>', '<application id>');

config.proxyConfig = new ProxyConfiguration(ProxyType.SOCKS, '<www.example.com>', <123>, '<proxy user>', '<proxy password>');

Further Reading

추가 유용한 문서, 링크 및 기사: