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Supported OS
이 점검은 Riak 복제 riak-repl를 모니터링합니다.
Riak-Repl 점검은 Datadog 에이전트 패키지에 포함되어 있지 않으므로 설치해야 합니다.
에이전트 v7.21+/v6.21+의 경우 아래 지침을 따라 호스트에 Riak-Repl 점검을 설치하세요. 커뮤니티 통합을 사용하여 도커(Docker) 에이전트 또는 이전 버전의 에이전트를 설치합니다.
다음 명령어를 실행해 에이전트 통합을 설치하세요.
datadog-agent integration install -t datadog-riak_repl==<INTEGRATION_VERSION>
통합을 코어 통합과 유사하게 설정하세요.
에이전트의 설정 디렉터리 루트에 있는 conf.d/
폴더에서 riak_repl.d/conf.yaml
파일을 편집하여 riak_repl 성능 데이터 수집을 시작합니다. 사용 가능한 모든 설정 옵션은 샘플 riak_repl.d/conf.yaml을 참조하세요.
에이전트 상태 하위 명령을 실행하고 점검 섹션 아래에서 riak_repl
을 찾습니다.
riak_repl.server_bytes_sent (gauge) | Total number of bytes the primary has sent Shown as byte |
riak_repl.server_bytes_recv (gauge) | Total number of bytes the primary has received Shown as byte |
riak_repl.server_connects (gauge) | Number of times the primary connects to the client sink Shown as connection |
riak_repl.server_connect_errors (gauge) | The number of listener to site connection errors Shown as error |
riak_repl.server_fullsyncs (gauge) | Number of fullsync operations since the server was started Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.client_bytes_sent (gauge) | Total number of bytes sent to all connected secondaries Shown as byte |
riak_repl.client_bytes_recv (gauge) | Total number of bytes the client has received since the server has been started Shown as byte |
riak_repl.client_connects (gauge) | Total number of sink connections made to this node Shown as connection |
riak_repl.client_connect_errors (gauge) | Total number of sink connection errors to this node Shown as connection |
riak_repl.client_redirect (gauge) | Count of client connects to a non-leader node that are redirected to a leader node Shown as connection |
riak_repl.objects_dropped_no_clients (gauge) | Total number of objects dropped from a full realtime queue Shown as object |
riak_repl.objects_dropped_no_leader (gauge) | Total number of objects dropped by a sink with no leader Shown as object |
riak_repl.objects_sent (gauge) | Total number of objects sent via realtime replication Shown as object |
riak_repl.objects_forwarded (gauge) | Total number of objects forwarded to the leader Shown as object |
riak_repl.elections_elected (gauge) | Total number of times a new leader has been elected Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.elections_leader_changed (gauge) | Total number of times a Riak node has surrendered leadership Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.rt_source_errors (gauge) | Total number of source errors detected on the source node Shown as error |
riak_repl.rt_sink_errors (gauge) | Total number of sink errors detected on the source node Shown as error |
riak_repl.rt_dirty (gauge) | Number of errors detected that can prevent objects from being replicated via realtime Shown as error |
riak_repl.realtime_send_kbps (gauge) | Total number of bytes realtime has sent Shown as kibibyte |
riak_repl.realtime_recv_kbps (gauge) | Total number of bytes realtime has received Shown as kibibyte |
riak_repl.fullsync_send_kbps (gauge) | Total number of bytes fullsync has sent Shown as kibibyte |
riak_repl.fullsync_recv_kbps (gauge) | Total number of bytes fullsync has received Shown as kibibyte |
riak_repl.realtime_queue_stats.percent_bytes_used (gauge) | Percentage of realtime queue used (max_bytes/bytes) Shown as percent |
riak_repl.realtime_queue_stats.bytes (gauge) | Size in bytes of all objects currently in the realtime queue Shown as byte |
riak_repl.realtime_queue_stats.max_bytes (gauge) | Size in bytes of the realtime queue Shown as byte |
riak_repl.realtime_queue_stats.overload_drops (gauge) | Number of put transfers dropped due to an overload of the message queue of the Erlang process responsible for processing outgoing transfers Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.realtime_queue_stats_consumers.pending (gauge) | Total number of objects waiting to be sent to the sink cluster Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.realtime_queue_stats_consumers.unacked (gauge) | Total number of objects waiting to be acknowledged by a queue consumer Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.realtime_queue_stats_consumers.drops (gauge) | Total number of objects dropped from the realtime queue as the result of the queue being full or other errors Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.realtime_queue_stats_consumers.errs (gauge) | Total number of errors while pushing/popping from the realtime queue Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.realtime_source_conn.hb_rtt (gauge) | Realtime replication heartbeat round-trip time in milliseconds, recorded on the replication source Shown as millisecond |
riak_repl.realtime_source_conn.sent_seq (gauge) | The last realtime queue sequence number that has been transmitted Shown as item |
riak_repl.realtime_source_conn.objects (gauge) | Total number of realtime replication objects that have been successfully transmitted to the sink cluster Shown as object |
riak_repl.realtime_sink_conn.deactivated (gauge) | Total number of realtime replication objects that have been deactivated Shown as object |
riak_repl.realtime_sink_conn.source_drops (gauge) | Total number of dropped put transfers from the perspective of the sink cluster Shown as object |
riak_repl.realtime_sink_conn.expected_seq (gauge) | The next realtime queue sequence number that is expected Shown as item |
riak_repl.realtime_sink_conn.acked_seq (gauge) | The last realtime queue sequence number that has been acknowledged Shown as item |
riak_repl.realtime_sink_conn.pending (gauge) | Total number of objects waiting to be sent to the sink cluster Shown as object |
riak_repl.fullsync_coordinator.queued (gauge) | Total number of partitions that are waiting for an available process Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.fullsync_coordinator.in_progress (gauge) | Total number of partitions that are being synced Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.fullsync_coordinator.waiting_for_retry (gauge) | Total number of partitions waiting for retry Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.fullsync_coordinator.starting (gauge) | Total number of partitions connecting to remote cluster Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.fullsync_coordinator.successful_exits (gauge) | Total number of partitions successfully synced. Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.fullsync_coordinator.error_exits (gauge) | Total number of partitions for which sync failed or was aborted Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.fullsync_coordinator.retry_exits (gauge) | Total number of partitions successfully synced via retry Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.fullsync_coordinator.soft_retry_exits (gauge) | description Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.fullsync_coordinator.busy_nodes (gauge) | description Shown as node |
riak_repl.fullsync_coordinator.fullsyncs_completed (gauge) | Total number of fullsyncs that have been completed to the specified sink cluster Shown as occurrence |
riak_repl.fullsync_coordinator.last_fullsync_duration (gauge) | The duration (in seconds) of the last completed fullsync Shown as second |
Riak-Repl 통합은 서비스 점검을 포함하지 않습니다.
Riak-Repl 통합은 이벤트를 포함하지 않습니다.
도움이 필요하신가요? Datadog 지원팀에 문의하세요.