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Supported OS
PowerDNS Recursor의 성능을 추적하고 비정상적인 트래픽을 모니터링하세요. 이 Agent 점검은 다음을 포함하여 Recursor에서 다양한 메트릭을 수집합니다.
이외에 다수가 있습니다.
PowerDNS Recursor 점검은 Datadog Agent 패키지에 포함되어 있으므로 다른 것을 설치할 필요가 없습니다.
이 점검은 PowerDNS Recursor의 통계 API를 사용하여 성능 통계를 수집합니다. 4.1 이전의 pdns_recursor 버전은 기본적으로 통계 API를 활성화하지 않습니다. 이전 버전을 실행 중인 경우 다음을 recursor 구성 파일에 추가하여 활성화합니다(예: /etc/powerdns/recursor.conf
api-key=changeme # v4.0 이상만 사용 가능
webserver-readonly=yes # 기본값 no
#webserver-port=8081 # 기본값 8082
#webserver-address= # 기본값
pdns_recursor 3.x를 실행하는 경우 다음 옵션 이름 앞에 experimental-
을 추가합니다 (예: experimental-webserver=yes
pdns_recursor 4.1 이상이라면 api-key
를 설정하기만 하면 됩니다.
통계 API를 활성화하려면 recursor를 다시 시작합니다.
호스트에서 실행 중인 에이전트에 대해 이 점검을 구성하려면:
Agent 구성 디렉토리 루트의 conf.d/
폴더에 있는 powerdns_recursor.d/conf.yaml
파일을 편집합니다. 사용 가능한 모든 구성 옵션은 샘플 powerdns_recursor.d/conf.yaml을 참조하세요:
## @param host - string - required
## Host running the recursor.
- host:
## @param port - integer - required
## Recursor web server port.
port: 8082
## @param api_key - string - required
## Recursor web server api key.
api_key: "<POWERDNS_API_KEY>"
## @param version - integer - required - default: 3
## Version 3 or 4 of PowerDNS Recursor to connect to.
## The PowerDNS Recursor in v4 has a production ready web server that allows for
## statistics gathering. In version 3.x the server was marked as experimental.
## As the server was marked as experimental in version 3 many of the metrics have
## changed names and the API structure (paths) have also changed. With these changes
## there has been a need to separate the two concerns. The check now has a key value
## version: which if set to version 4 queries with the correct API path on the
## non-experimental web server.
## https://doc.powerdns.com/md/httpapi/api_spec/#url-apiv1serversserver95idstatistics
version: 3
에이전트를 재시작하세요.
Datadog Agent에서는 로그 수집이 기본적으로 비활성화되어 있습니다. datadog.yaml
파일에서 활성화해야 합니다.
logs_enabled: true
다음을 실행해 systemd-journal
그룹에 dd-agent
사용자를 추가하세요.
usermod -a -G systemd-journal dd-agent
PowerDNS Recursor 로그 수집을 시작하려면 이 구성 블록을 powerdns_recursor.d/conf.yaml
파일에 추가하세요.
- type: journald
source: powerdns
사용 가능한 모든 구성 옵션은 샘플 powerdns_recursor.d/conf.yaml을 참조하세요.
에이전트를 재시작하세요.
컨테이너화된 환경의 경우 자동탐지 통합 템플릿에 다음 파라미터를 적용하는 방법이 안내되어 있습니다.
파라미터 | 값 |
<INTEGRATION_NAME> | powerdns_recursor |
<INIT_CONFIG> | 비어 있음 또는 {} |
<INSTANCE_CONFIG> | {"host":"%%host%%", "port":8082, "api_key":"<POWERDNS_API_KEY>", "version": 3} |
Datadog Agent에서 로그 수집은 기본값으로 비활성화되어 있습니다. 이를 활성화하려면 쿠버네티스(Kubernetes) 로그 수집을 참조하세요.
파라미터 | 값 |
<LOG_CONFIG> | {"source": "powerdns"} |
Agent의 status
하위 명령을 실행하고 Checks 섹션에서 powerdns_recursor
를 찾습니다.
powerdns.recursor.all_outqueries (gauge) | The number of outgoing udp queries per second Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.answers0_1 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered within 1 millisecond Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.answers100_1000 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered within 1 second Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.answers10_100 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered within 100 milliseconds Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.answers1_10 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered within 10 milliseconds Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.answers_slow (gauge) | Number of queries per second NOT answered within 1 second Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.auth4_answers0_1 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered by auth4s within 1 millisecond; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.auth4_answers100_1000 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered by auth4s within 1 second; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.auth4_answers10_100 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered by auth4s within 100 milliseconds; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.auth4_answers1_10 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered by auth4s within 10 milliseconds; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.auth4_answers_slow (gauge) | Number of queries per second NOT answered by auth4s within 1 second; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.auth6_answers0_1 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered by auth6s within 1 millisecond; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.auth6_answers100_1000 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered by auth6s within 1 second; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.auth6_answers10_100 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered by auth6s within 100 milliseconds; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.auth6_answers1_10 (gauge) | Number of queries per second answered by auth6s within 10 milliseconds; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.auth6_answers_slow (gauge) | Number of queries per second NOT answered by auth6s within 1 second; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.cache_entries (gauge) | The number of entries in the cache Shown as entry |
powerdns.recursor.cache_hits (gauge) | The number of cache hits per second Shown as hit |
powerdns.recursor.cache_misses (gauge) | The number of cache misses per second Shown as miss |
powerdns.recursor.case_mismatches (gauge) | The number of mismatches in character case per second Shown as error |
powerdns.recursor.chain_resends (gauge) | The number of queries per second chained to existing outstanding query Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.client_parse_errors (gauge) | The number of unparsable packets per second Shown as error |
powerdns.recursor.concurrent_queries (gauge) | The number of MThreads currently running Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.dlg_only_drops (gauge) | The number of records dropped per second because of 'delegation only' setting; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as record |
powerdns.recursor.dnssec_queries (gauge) | The number of queries received per second with the DO bit set; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as record |
powerdns.recursor.dnssec_result_bogus (gauge) | The number of DNSSEC validations per second that had the Bogus state; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x |
powerdns.recursor.dnssec_result_indeterminate (gauge) | The number of DNSSEC validations per second that had the Indeterminate state; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x |
powerdns.recursor.dnssec_result_insecure (gauge) | The number of DNSSEC validations per second that had the Insecure state; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x |
powerdns.recursor.dnssec_result_nta (gauge) | The number of DNSSEC validations per second that had the NTA (negative trust anchor) state; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x |
powerdns.recursor.dnssec_result_secure (gauge) | The number of DNSSEC validations per second that had the Secure state; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x |
powerdns.recursor.dnssec_validations (gauge) | The number of DNSSEC validations performed per second; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x |
powerdns.recursor.dont_outqueries (gauge) | The number of outgoing queries dropped per second because of 'dont query' setting Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.edns_ping_matches (gauge) | The number of servers per second that sent a valid EDNS PING response; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as host |
powerdns.recursor.edns_ping_mismatches (gauge) | The number of servers per second that sent an invalid EDNS PING response; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as host |
powerdns.recursor.failed_host_entries (gauge) | The number of servers that failed to resolve Shown as host |
powerdns.recursor.ignored_packets (gauge) | The number of non-query packets received per second on server sockets that should only get queries; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as packet |
powerdns.recursor.ipv6_outqueries (gauge) | The number of outgoing queries per second over IPv6 |
powerdns.recursor.ipv6_questions (gauge) | The number of end-user-initiated IPv6 UDP queries with the RD bit set Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.max_mthread_stack (gauge) | The maximum amount of thread stack ever used |
powerdns.recursor.negcache_entries (gauge) | The number of entries in the negative answer cache Shown as entry |
powerdns.recursor.no_error_packets (gauge) | The number of erroneous packets received per second; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as packet |
powerdns.recursor.noedns_outqueries (gauge) | The number of queries per second sent without EDNS; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.noerror_answers (gauge) | The number of NOERROR answers per second Shown as operation |
powerdns.recursor.noping_outqueries (gauge) | The number of queries per second sent without EDNS PING; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.nsset_invalidations (gauge) | The number of times per second an nsset was dropped because it no longer worked; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x |
powerdns.recursor.nsspeeds_entries (gauge) | The number of entries in the NS speeds map; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as entry |
powerdns.recursor.nxdomain_answers (gauge) | The number of NXDOMAIN answers per second Shown as response |
powerdns.recursor.outgoing4_timeouts (gauge) | The number of timeouts per second for outgoing UDP IPv4 queries; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as timeout |
powerdns.recursor.outgoing6_timeouts (gauge) | The number of timeouts per second for outgoing UDP IPv6 queries; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as timeout |
powerdns.recursor.outgoing_timeouts (gauge) | The number of outgoing UDP query timeouts per second Shown as timeout |
powerdns.recursor.over_capacity_drops (gauge) | The number of questions per second dropped due to having reached concurrent query limit Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.packetcache_entries (gauge) | The number of entries in the packet cache Shown as entry |
powerdns.recursor.packetcache_hits (gauge) | The number of packet cache hits per second Shown as hit |
powerdns.recursor.packetcache_misses (gauge) | The number of packet cache misses per second Shown as miss |
powerdns.recursor.policy_drops (gauge) | The number of packets dropped per second because of Lua policy decision Shown as packet |
powerdns.recursor.policy_result_custom (gauge) | The number of packets per second that were sent a custom answer by the RPZ/filter engine; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as packet |
powerdns.recursor.policy_result_drop (gauge) | The number of packets per second dropped by the RPZ/filter engine; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as packet |
powerdns.recursor.policy_result_noaction (gauge) | The number of packets per second that were not actioned upon by the RPZ/filter engine; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as packet |
powerdns.recursor.policy_result_nodata (gauge) | The number of packets per second that were replied to with NODATA by the RPZ/filter engine; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as packet |
powerdns.recursor.policy_result_nxdomain (gauge) | The number of packets per second that were replied to with NXDOMAIN by the RPZ/filter engine; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as packet |
powerdns.recursor.policy_result_truncate (gauge) | The number of packets per second that were forced to TCP by the RPZ/filter engine; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as packet |
powerdns.recursor.qa_latency (gauge) | The average latency in microseconds exponentially weighted over past 'latency-statistic-size' packets Shown as microsecond |
powerdns.recursor.questions (gauge) | The number of user initiated udp queries per second Shown as operation |
powerdns.recursor.real_memory_usage (gauge) | The amount of memory consumed by PowerDNS in bytes; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as byte |
powerdns.recursor.resource_limits (gauge) | The number of queries per second that could not be performed due to resource limits; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.server_parse_errors (gauge) | The number of server replied packets per second that could not be parsed Shown as error |
powerdns.recursor.servfail_answers (gauge) | The number of SERVFAIL answers per second Shown as response |
powerdns.recursor.spoof_prevents (gauge) | The number of times per second PowerDNS considers itself spoofed and drops data |
powerdns.recursor.sys_msec (gauge) | The number of CPU milliseconds spent in 'system' mode Shown as millisecond |
powerdns.recursor.tcp_client_overflow (gauge) | The number of outgoing queries dropped per second because of 'dont query' setting Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.tcp_clients (gauge) | The number of active TCP/IP clients per second |
powerdns.recursor.tcp_outqueries (gauge) | The number of outgoing TCP queries per second Shown as operation |
powerdns.recursor.tcp_questions (gauge) | The number of incoming tcp queries per second Shown as operation |
powerdns.recursor.throttle_entries (gauge) | The number of entries in the throttle map Shown as entry |
powerdns.recursor.throttled_out (gauge) | The number of throttled outgoing UDP queries per second Shown as operation |
powerdns.recursor.too_old_drops (gauge) | The number of questions per second that were dropped because they were too old; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as query |
powerdns.recursor.udp_in_errors (gauge) | The number of packets per second that were received faster than the OS could process them; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as packet |
powerdns.recursor.udp_noport_errors (gauge) | The number of UDP packets per second where an ICMP response was received saying the remote port was not listening; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as packet |
powerdns.recursor.udp_recvbuf_errors (gauge) | The number of errors per second caused in the UDP receive buffer; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as error |
powerdns.recursor.udp_sndbuf_errors (gauge) | The number of errors per second caused in the UDP send buffer; Available since pdns_recursor v4.x Shown as error |
powerdns.recursor.unauthorized_tcp (gauge) | The number of TCP questions denied per second because of allow-from restrictions Shown as operation |
powerdns.recursor.unauthorized_udp (gauge) | The number of UDP questions denied per second because of allow-from restrictions Shown as operation |
powerdns.recursor.unexpected_packets (gauge) | The number of unexpected answers per second from remote servers Shown as operation |
powerdns.recursor.unreachables (gauge) | The number times per second nameservers were unreachable |
powerdns.recursor.uptime (gauge) | The number of seconds PowerDNS has been running Shown as second |
powerdns.recursor.user_msec (gauge) | The number of CPU milliseconds spent in 'user' mode Shown as millisecond |
PowerDNS Recursor 점검은 이벤트를 포함하지 않습니다.
if the Agent check is unable to connect to the monitored Gearman instance. Returns OK
Statuses: ok, critical
도움이 필요하신가요? Datadog 지원팀에 문의하세요.