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Google Cloud Pub/Sub는 엔터프라이즈 메시지 중심 미들웨어의 확장성, 유연성, 안정성을 클라우드에서 제공해 드립니다.
Google Pub/Sub 메트릭을 수집하면 다음을 할 수 있습니다.
아직 설치하지 않았다면 먼저 Google 클라우드 플랫폼 통합을 설정합니다. 그 외 다른 설치가 필요하지 않습니다.
커스텀 Pub/Sub 레이블을 태그로 수집하려면 클라우드 에셋 인벤토리 권한을 활성화합니다.
Google Cloud Pub/Sub 로그는 Google Cloud Logging으로 수집하여 클라우드 Pub/Sub 토픽을 통해 데이터 플로우 작업으로 전송됩니다. 아직 설정하지 않았다면 Datadog 데이터 플로우 템플릿으로 로깅을 설정하세요.
해당 작업이 완료되면 Google Cloud Logging에서 Google Cloud Pub/Sub 로그를 다음 Pub/Sub 주제로 내보냅니다.
Google Cloud Logging 페이지로 이동해 Google Cloud Pub/Sub 로그를 필터링하세요.
Create Sink를 클릭하고 그에 따라 싱크 이름을 지정합니다.
“Cloud Pub/Sub"를 대상으로 선택하고 해당 목적으로 생성된 Pub/Sub 주제를 선택합니다. 참고: Pub/Sub 주제는 다른 프로젝트에 있을 수 있습니다.
Create를 클릭하고 확인 메시지가 나타날 때까지 기다립니다.
gcp.pubsub.snapshot.backlog_bytes (gauge) | Total byte size of the messages retained in a snapshot. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.snapshot.backlog_bytes_by_region (gauge) | Total byte size of the messages retained in a snapshot, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.snapshot.config_updates_count (count) | Cumulative count of configuration changes, grouped by operation type and result. Shown as update |
gcp.pubsub.snapshot.num_messages (gauge) | Number of messages retained in a snapshot. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.snapshot.num_messages_by_region (gauge) | Number of messages retained in a snapshot, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.snapshot.oldest_message_age (gauge) | Age (in seconds) of the oldest message retained in a snapshot. Shown as second |
gcp.pubsub.snapshot.oldest_message_age_by_region (gauge) | Age (in seconds) of the oldest message retained in a snapshot, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as second |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.ack_latencies.avg (gauge) | Average of ack latencies. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.ack_latencies.samplecount (count) | Sample Count for ack latencies. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.ack_latencies.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of Squared Deviation for ack latencies. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.ack_message_count (count) | Cumulative count of messages acknowledged by Acknowledge requests, grouped by delivery type. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.backlog_bytes (gauge) | Total byte size of the unacknowledged messages (also known as backlog messages) in a subscription. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.billable_bytes_by_region (gauge) | Total byte size of the billable messages in a subscription, broken down by Cloud region and type. See the Pub/Sub pricing page for more information about pricing for retaining unacknowledged messages in subscriptions for more than 24 hours. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.byte_cost (count) | Cost of operations per subscription measured. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.config_updates_count (count) | Number of configuration changes for subscriptions. Shown as occurrence |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.dead_letter_message_count (count) | Cumulative count of messages published to dead letter topic. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.delivery_latency_health_score (gauge) | A score that measures the health of a subscription. Shown as occurrence |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.exactly_once_warning_count (count) | Count of instances (acks and modacks that may have failed) that may lead to message redeliveries. Shown as occurrence |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.expired_ack_deadlines_count (count) | Cumulative count of messages whose ack deadline expired while the messages was outstanding to a subscriber client. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.export_push_subscription_details (gauge) | Type and state of the export push subscription. |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.mod_ack_deadline_message_count (count) | Cumulative count of messages whose deadline was updated by ModifyAckDeadline requests. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.mod_ack_deadline_request_count (count) | Number of ModifyAckDeadline requests. Shown as request |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.mod_ack_latencies.avg (count) | The average distribution of ModAck latencies. For each message delivery attempt, the ModAck latency is the duration between when the CPS service delivers the message to a subscriber client and when the CPS service receives a ModAck request for that message. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.mod_ack_latencies.samplecount (count) | The sample count for distribution of ModAck latencies. For each message delivery attempt, the ModAck latency is the duration between when the CPS service delivers the message to a subscriber client and when the CPS service receives a ModAck request for that message. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.mod_ack_latencies.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for distribution of ModAck latencies. For each message delivery attempt, the ModAck latency is the duration between when the CPS service delivers the message to a subscriber client and when the CPS service receives a ModAck request for that message. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.nack_requests (gauge) | Cumulative count of messages that were nacked. One message nacked multiple times will be counted multiple times. |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.num_outstanding_messages (gauge) | Messages delivered but not yet acknowledged. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.num_retained_acked_messages (gauge) | Number of acknowledged messages retained in a subscription. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.num_retained_acked_messages_by_region (gauge) | Number of acknowledged messages retained in a subscription, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.num_unacked_messages_by_region (gauge) | Number of unacknowledged messages in a subscription, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.num_undelivered_messages (gauge) | Number of unacknowledged messages (also known as backlog messages) in a subscription. |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.oldest_retained_acked_message_age (gauge) | Age (in seconds) of the oldest acknowledged message retained in a subscription. Shown as second |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.oldest_retained_acked_message_age_by_region (gauge) | Age (in seconds) of the oldest acknowledged message retained in a subscription, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as second |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.oldest_unacked_message_age (gauge) | Age (in seconds) of the oldest unacknowledged message (also known as a backlog message) in a subscription. Shown as second |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.oldest_unacked_message_age_by_region (gauge) | Age (in seconds) of the oldest unacknowledged message in a subscription, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as second |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.open_streaming_pulls (gauge) | Number of open StreamingPull streams per subscription, grouped by status. |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.pull_ack_request_count (count) | Delta count of message pull acknowledgement requests. Shown as request |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.pull_request_count (count) | Number of message pull requests. Shown as request |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.push_request_count (count) | Number of message push attempts. Shown as request |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.push_request_latencies.avg (gauge) | Average of push request latencies. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.push_request_latencies.samplecount (count) | Sample Count for push request latencies. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.push_request_latencies.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of Squared Deviation for push request latencies. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.retained_acked_bytes (gauge) | Total byte size of the acknowledged messages retained in a subscription. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.retained_acked_bytes_by_region (gauge) | Total byte size of the acknowledged messages retained in a subscription, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.seek_request_count (count) | Cumulative count of seek attempts, grouped by result. Shown as request |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.sent_message_count (count) | Cumulative count of messages sent by Cloud Pub/Sub to subscriber clients. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.streaming_pull_ack_request_count (count) | Cumulative count of streaming pull requests with non-empty acknowledge IDs, grouped by result. Shown as request |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.streaming_pull_mod_ack_deadline_request_count (count) | Cumulative count of streaming pull requests with non-empty ModifyAckDeadline fields, grouped by result. Shown as request |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.streaming_pull_response_count (count) | Cumulative count of streaming pull responses, grouped by result. Shown as response |
gcp.pubsub.subscription.unacked_bytes_by_region (gauge) | Total byte size of the unacknowledged messages in a subscription, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.topic.byte_cost (count) | Byte cost of operations per topic. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.topic.config_updates_count (count) | Number of configuration changes for topics. Shown as occurrence |
gcp.pubsub.topic.ingestion_byte_count (count) | Byte count of ingested messages per ingestion source type and import partition (for example, AWS Kinesis shard ID). Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.topic.ingestion_data_source_state (gauge) | State of the ingestion data source per ingestion source type. |
gcp.pubsub.topic.ingestion_failure_count (count) | Number of errors encountered when ingesting data per ingestion source type, source name, import partition, and reason for error. |
gcp.pubsub.topic.ingestion_message_count (count) | Number of ingested messages per ingestion source type and import partition (for example, AWS Kinesis shard ID). |
gcp.pubsub.topic.message_sizes.avg (gauge) | Average of publish message sizes. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.topic.message_sizes.samplecount (count) | Sample Count for publish message sizes. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.topic.message_sizes.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of Squared Deviation for publish message sizes. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.topic.num_retained_acked_messages_by_region (gauge) | Number of acknowledged messages retained in a topic, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.topic.num_retained_messages (gauge) | Number of messages retained in a topic. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.topic.num_unacked_messages_by_region (gauge) | Number of unacknowledged messages in a topic, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as message |
gcp.pubsub.topic.oldest_retained_acked_message_age_by_region (gauge) | Age (in seconds) of the oldest acknowledged message retained in a topic, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as second |
gcp.pubsub.topic.oldest_retained_message_age (gauge) | Age (in seconds) of the oldest message retained in a topic. Shown as second |
gcp.pubsub.topic.oldest_unacked_message_age_by_region (gauge) | Age (in seconds) of the oldest unacknowledged message in a topic, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as second |
gcp.pubsub.topic.retained_acked_bytes_by_region (gauge) | Total byte size of the acknowledged messages retained in a topic, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.topic.retained_bytes (gauge) | Total byte size of the messages retained in a topic. Shown as byte |
gcp.pubsub.topic.schema_validation_latencies.avg (count) | The average distribution of schema validation latencies in milliseconds. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.pubsub.topic.schema_validation_latencies.samplecount (count) | The sample count for distribution of schema validation latencies in milliseconds. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.pubsub.topic.schema_validation_latencies.sumsqdev (count) | The sum of squared deviation for distribution of schema validation latencies in milliseconds. Shown as millisecond |
gcp.pubsub.topic.send_request_count (count) | Number of message send requests. Shown as request |
gcp.pubsub.topic.send_request_latencies.avg (gauge) | Average of topic send request latencies. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.pubsub.topic.send_request_latencies.samplecount (count) | Sample Count for topic send request latencies. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.pubsub.topic.send_request_latencies.sumsqdev (gauge) | Sum of Squared Deviation for topic send request latencies. Shown as microsecond |
gcp.pubsub.topic.unacked_bytes_by_region (gauge) | Total byte size of the unacknowledged messages in a topic, broken down by Cloud region. Shown as byte |
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