- 필수 기능
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- 개발자
- Administrator's Guide
- Datadog Mobile App
- CoScreen
- Cloudcraft
- 앱 내
- 서비스 관리
- 인프라스트럭처
- 애플리케이션 성능
- Continuous Profiler
- 스팬 시각화
- 데이터 스트림 모니터링
- 데이터 작업 모니터링
- 디지털 경험
- 소프트웨어 제공
- 보안
- AI Observability
- 로그 관리
- 관리
Catchpoint는 디지털 성능 분석 플랫폼으로, 전체 디지털 에코시스템에 대해 완전하고 실행 가능한 인사이트와 가시성을 선사합니다.
Catchpoint 통합을 통해 다음 작업을 실행할 수 있습니다.
설치가 필요하지 않습니다.
이벤트 스트림으로 Catchpoint 알림을 보내려면, Catchpoint 포털레 로그인한 다음 설정>_API_로 이동합니다.
알림 API에서 활성화를 선택합니다.
Datadog 엔드포인트 URL을 입력합니다.
기존 Datadog API 키를 선택하거나 통합 타일의 설정 탭에서 API 키를 생성합니다.
상태를 활성으로 설정합니다.
형식에 대한 템플릿을 선택합니다.
새로운 템플릿을 추가합니다.
와 같은 템플릿 이름을 입력하고 Format을 JSON으로 설정합니다.
다음 JSON 템플릿을 사용하여 저장합니다.
"title": "${TestName} [${TestId}] - ${switch(${notificationLevelId},'0','WARNING','1','CRITICAL','3','OK')}",
"text": "${TestName} - http://portal.catchpoint.com/ui/Content/Charts/Performance.aspx?tList=${testId}&uts=${alertProcessingTimestampUtc}&z=&chartView=1",
"priority": "normal",
"tags": [
"alertType:${Switch(${AlertTypeId},'0', 'Unknown','2', 'Byte Length','3','Content Match','4', 'Host Failure','7', 'Timing','9', 'Test Failure', '10',Insight', '11','Javascript Failure', '12', 'Ping',13, 'Requests')}"
"alert_type": "${switch(${notificationLevelId},'0','warning','1','error','3','success')}",
"source_type_name": "catchpoint"
Catchpoint는 Datadog의 이벤트 탐색기에 직접 알림을 전송합니다.
Datadog에서 Catchpoint 메트릭을 수신하려면 Catchpoint 포털에서 Test Data Webhook을 생성합니다.
"series": [
"metric": "catchpoint.error.error",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${if('${errorany}', 1, 0)}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}",
"ErrorCode : ${errorcode}",
"ErrorDescription : ${errorconnection}${errordns}${errorload}${errorloadobjects}${errorssl}${errorsystemlimit}${errortimeout}${errortransaction}"
"type": "count"
"metric": "catchpoint.success.rate",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "1"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${testName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}",
"type": "count"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.client_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingclient}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.network.tcp_connect_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingconnect}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.content_load_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingcontentload}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.network.dns_resolution_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingdns}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.document_complete_time",
"points": [
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.dom_content_load_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingdomcontentloadedevent}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.dom_interactive_time",
"points": [
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.dom_load_time",
"points": [
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.first_party_zone_impact",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingimpactself}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.third_party_zone_impact",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingimpactthirdparty}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.load_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingload}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_root_request_redirect_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingredirect}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.render_start_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingrenderstart}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_root_request_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingresponse}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.network.send_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingsend}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.network.ssl_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingssl}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.time_to_title",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingtimetotitle}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_test_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingtotal}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.network.wait_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingwait}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.webpage_response_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingwebpageresponse}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.wire_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingwire}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ping.percentage.ping_packet_loss",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${pingpacketlosspct}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ping.ping_round_trip_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${pingroundtriptimeavg}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.imap.message_fetch_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingfetch}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.imap.message_list_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timinglist}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.imap.logout_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timinglogout}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.imap.message_search_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingsearch}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ftp.total_download_bytes",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${bytedownload}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ftp.total_get_bytes",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${byteget}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ftp.uploaded_bytes",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${byteupload}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ftp.delete_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingdelete}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ftp.download_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingdownload}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ftp.get_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingget}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ftp.upload_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingupload}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ntp.root_delay_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingrootdelay}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ntp.root_dispersion_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingrootdispersion}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ntp.round_trip_delay_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingroundtripdelay}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.ntp.ntp_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timinglocalclockoffset}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "millisecond"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_self_zone_bytes",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${byteresponseselfzone}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "byte"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_response_content_bytes",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${byteresponsetotalcontent}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "byte"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_response_header_bytes",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${byteresponsetotalheaders}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "byte"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.root_request_response_content_bytes",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${byteresponsecontent}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "byte"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.root_request_response_header_bytes",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${byteresponseheaders}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "byte"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_downloaded_bytes",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${bytereceive}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge",
"unit": "byte"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_number_of_connections",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${counterconnections}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_number_of_failed_requests",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${counterfailedrequests}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_number_of_filmstrip_images",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${counterfilmstripimages}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_number_of_hosts",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${counterhosts}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_number_of_js_errors",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${counterjsfailures}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_number_of_redirect",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${counterredirections}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.total_number_of_requests",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${counterrequests}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.page_speed_score",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${scorepagespeed}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.speed_index_score",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${scorespeedindex}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.above_the_fold_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingabovethefold}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge"
"metric": "catchpoint.frontend.authentication_time",
"points": [["${timestampepoch}", "${timingauth}"]],
"tags": [
"NodeName: ${nodename}",
"TestName: ${TestName}",
"TestUrl: ${testurl}"
"type": "gauge"
catchpoint.network.timing.tcp_connect_time (gauge) | The time it took to establish a TCP connection with the server. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.network.timing.dns_resolution_time (gauge) | The time it took to resolve the domain name to an IP address. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.network.timing.send_time (gauge) | The time it took to send the request to the server. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.network.timing.ssl_time (gauge) | The time it took to complete the SSL handshake with the server. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.network.timing.wait_time (gauge) | The time from when the request was sent to the server until the first response packet was received. (Known as "First Byte" in some tools) Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.client_time (gauge) | The total amount of time where no request was on wire, from the start of the test or step to Document Complete. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.content_load_time (gauge) | The time it took to load the entire content of the webpage after the connection was established with the primary URL server. This is the time from the end of Send (ms) until the final element, or object, on the page was loaded. Content Load excludes DNS, Connect, SSL, and Send time. For Object monitor tests, this value is equivalent to Load (ms). Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.document_complete_time (gauge) | The time it took from the initial URL request being issued until the browser triggered the "onload" event. Any inline requests or requests inserted via "document.write" must complete loading before the event is fired. Document Complete does not account for dynamic requests that may be generated later via JavaScript and/or DOM manipulation. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.dom_content_load_time (gauge) | DOM Content Load Time Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.dom_interactive_time (gauge) | The time when the page first became interactive. TTI marks the point at which the webpage is both visually rendered and capable of reliably responding to user input. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.dom_load_time (gauge) | The time it took to load the Document Object Model (DOM) for the webpage. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.first_party_zone_impact (gauge) | First Party Zone Impact time in miliseconds. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.third_party_zone_impact (gauge) | Third Party Zone Impact time in miliseconds. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.load_time (gauge) | The time from the first packet to the last packet of data for the response. (Other tools might call this metric "Receive" or "Receiving") Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.total_root_request_redirect_time (gauge) | Total Root Request Redirect Time reposted in miliseconds. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.render_start_time (gauge) | Time from the start of navigation to the end of the last Redirect. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.total_root_request_time (gauge) | Total Root Request Time Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.time_to_title (gauge) | Time take to parse the title tag. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.webpage_response_time (gauge) | time taken to load the entire webpage, this includes all the page components. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.wire_time (gauge) | The total amount of time where at least one request was on the wire, from the start of the test or step to Document Complete. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.total_test_time (gauge) | One cohesive metric that applies to all test types and indicates the total duration of the test run. Test Time is equivalent to Response, Test Response (Transaction and Web tests) and Ping RTT (Trace Route tests), and is used when calculating Apdex. Test Time is not available for Request, Host, or Zone charting. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.above_the_fold_time (gauge) | Time taken to load the above the Fold content on a webpage. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.timing.authentication_time (gauge) | The time it took to authenticate with the SMTP server. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.frontend.score.page_speed_score (count) | Google's PageSpeed Score, which represents how well a webpage utilizes various performance-optimization techniques. |
catchpoint.frontend.score.speed_index_score (count) | A calculated metric that represents how quickly the page rendered the initial user-visible content above the fold. A lower Speed Index indicates faster rendering of visible content. |
catchpoint.frontend.counter.total_number_of_connections (count) | The total number of TCP connections established during the test. |
catchpoint.frontend.counter.total_number_of_failed_requests (count) | Total Number of Failed Requests |
catchpoint.frontend.counter.total_number_of_filmstrip_images (count) | Total Number of Filmstrip Images |
catchpoint.frontend.counter.total_number_of_hosts (count) | Total Number of Hosts Shown as host |
catchpoint.frontend.counter.total_number_of_js_errors (count) | Total Number of JS Errors |
catchpoint.frontend.counter.total_number_of_redirect (count) | Total Number of Redirects |
catchpoint.frontend.counter.total_number_of_requests (count) | Total Number of Requests Shown as request |
catchpoint.frontend.bytes.total_downloaded_bytes (count) | Total Downloaded Bytes. Shown as byte |
catchpoint.frontend.bytes.root_request_response_content_bytes (count) | Root Request Response Content Bytes Shown as byte |
catchpoint.frontend.bytes.root_request_response_header_bytes (count) | Root Request Response Header Bytes Shown as byte |
catchpoint.frontend.bytes.total_self_zone_bytes (count) | Total Self-Zone Bytes Shown as byte |
catchpoint.frontend.bytes.total_response_content_bytes (count) | Total Response Content Bytes Shown as byte |
catchpoint.frontend.bytes.total_response_header_bytes (count) | Total Response Header Bytes Shown as byte |
catchpoint.ftp.bytes.total_download_bytes (count) | Total FTP Total Download Bytes by the test. Shown as byte |
catchpoint.ftp.bytes.total_get_bytes (count) | Total FTP Total GET Bytes by the test. Shown as byte |
catchpoint.ftp.bytes.uploaded_bytes (count) | Total FTP Uploaded Bytes by the test. Shown as byte |
catchpoint.ftp.timing.delete_time (gauge) | The time it took to delete the specified file from the FTP server. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.ftp.timing.download_time (gauge) | The time it took to download the entire file from the FTP server. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.ftp.timing.get_time (gauge) | The time it took to connect to the FTP server and query it for the file size. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.ftp.timing.upload_time (gauge) | The time it took to upload the specified file to the FTP server. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.imap.timing.message_fetch_time (gauge) | The time it took to fetch the message from the IMAP server. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.imap.timing.message_list_time (gauge) | The time it took to list folders. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.imap.timing.logout_time (gauge) | The time it took to log out from the IMAP server. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.imap.timing.message_search_time (gauge) | The time it took to search for messages. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.ntp.timing.ntp (gauge) | NTP total time. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.ntp.timing.root_delay_time (gauge) | The estimated delay between the local system clock and the root clock. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.ntp.timing.root_dispersion_time (gauge) | The estimated error in the local system clock since it was last synchronized with the upstream clock. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.ntp.timing.round_trip_delay_time (gauge) | The total amount of time that the NTP request packet and response packet were traveling between the Node and the NTP server. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.ping.percentage.ping_packet_loss (gauge) | The percentage of pings packets sent which did not receive a response. Calculated as: (# packets received / # packets sent) * 100 Shown as percent |
catchpoint.ping.timing.ping_round_trip_time (gauge) | Average time between sending a ping packet and receiving a response. Shown as millisecond |
catchpoint.error.boolean.error (count) | All failure error count, include child request failures. Shown as error |
catchpoint.success.rate (count) | Test failure error count Shown as error |
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