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Amazon DynamoDB는 AWS 포트폴리오의 일부인 완전관리형 NoSQL 데이터베이스 클라우드 서비스입니다. 빠르고 쉽게 확장할 수 있으며 대규모 데이터를 처리하는 중에도 매우 낮은 지연을 요구하는 애플리케이션을 지원할 수 있습니다. 문서 및 핵심-값 저장 모델을 모두를 지원하며 데이터베이스 및 분산된 해시 표 등 속성을 제공합니다.
이미 하지 않은 경우 Amazon Web Services 통합을 설정합니다.
AWS 통합 페이지에서 Metric Collection
탭에 DynamoDB
가 활성화되어 있습니다.
Amazon DynamoDB 메트릭를 수집하려면 Datadog IAM 정책에 이러한 권한을 추가합니다.
: 사용 가능한 DynamoDB 표를 목록화하는 데 사용됩니다.dynamodb:DescribeTable
: 메트릭을 표 크기 또는 항목 개수로 추가할 수 있습니다.dynamodb:ListTagsOfResource
: DynamoDB 리소스에서 태그를 모두 수집하는 데 사용됩니다.자세한 내용은 AWS 웹사이트의 DynamoDB 정책을 참고하세요.
Datadog - Amazon DynamoDB 통합을 설치합니다.
AWS CloudTrail에서 트레일을 생성한 다음 로그를 작성할 S3 버킷을 선택합니다.
All object create events
로 남겨둡니다.Log Explorer로 이동해 로그를 탐색합니다.
AWS 서비스 로그 수집에 대한 자세한 정보는 Datadog Lambda 함수를 사용해 AWS 서비스 로그 전송을 참고하세요.
aws.dynamodb.account_max_reads (count) | The maximum number of read capacity units that can be used by an account. Shown as read |
aws.dynamodb.account_max_table_level_reads (count) | The maximum number of read capacity units that can be used by a table or global secondary index of an account. Shown as read |
aws.dynamodb.account_max_table_level_writes (count) | The maximum number of write capacity units that can be used by a table or global secondary index of an account. Shown as write |
aws.dynamodb.account_max_writes (count) | The maximum number of write capacity units that can be used by an account. Shown as write |
aws.dynamodb.account_provisioned_read_capacity_utilization (gauge) | The percentage of provisioned read capacity units utilized by an account. Shown as percent |
aws.dynamodb.account_provisioned_write_capacity_utilization (gauge) | The percentage of provisioned write capacity units utilized by an account. Shown as percent |
aws.dynamodb.conditional_check_failed_requests (count) | Number of failed attempts to perform conditional writes. Shown as request |
aws.dynamodb.consumed_read_capacity_units (gauge) | Average number of read capacity units consumed over one second. Can be directly compared to the number of provisioned read capacity units. Shown as unit |
aws.dynamodb.consumed_write_capacity_units (gauge) | Average number of write capacity units consumed over one second. Can be directly compared to the number of provisioned write capacity units. Shown as unit |
aws.dynamodb.global_secondary_indexes.index_size_bytes (gauge) | Total size of the the specified secondary index Shown as byte |
aws.dynamodb.global_secondary_indexes.item_count (gauge) | The number of items in the specified secondary index Shown as item |
aws.dynamodb.item_count (gauge) | Approximate number of items in table (updated every 6h). Shown as item |
aws.dynamodb.max_provisioned_table_read_capacity_utilization (gauge) | The percentage of provisioned read capacity units utilized by the highest provisioned read table or global secondary index of an account. Shown as unit |
aws.dynamodb.max_provisioned_table_write_capacity_utilization (gauge) | The percentage of provisioned write capacity units utilized by the highest provisioned write table or global secondary index of an account. Shown as unit |
aws.dynamodb.online_index_consumed_write_capacity (gauge) | Number of write capacity units consumed when adding a new global secondary index to a table. Shown as unit |
aws.dynamodb.online_index_percentage_progress (gauge) | Percentage of completion when a new global secondary index is being added to a table. Shown as percent |
aws.dynamodb.online_index_throttle_events (gauge) | Number of write throttle events that occur when adding a new global secondary index to a table. Shown as event |
aws.dynamodb.pending_replication_count (count) | (This metric is for DynamoDB global tables.) The number of item updates that are written to one replica table but that have not yet been written to another replica in the global table. Shown as unit |
aws.dynamodb.provisioned_read_capacity_units (gauge) | Number of provisioned read capacity units for a table or a global secondary index. Shown as unit |
aws.dynamodb.provisioned_write_capacity_units (gauge) | Number of provisioned write capacity units for a table or a global secondary index. Shown as unit |
aws.dynamodb.read_throttle_events (count) | Number of read events that exceeded the preset provisioned throughput limits in the specified time period. Shown as read |
aws.dynamodb.replication_latency (gauge) | (This metric is for DynamoDB global tables.) The elapsed time between an updated item appearing in the DynamoDB stream for one replica table and that item appearing in another replica in the global table. Shown as millisecond |
aws.dynamodb.returned_bytes (gauge) | The number of bytes returned by GetRecords operations (Amazon DynamoDB Streams) during the specified time period. Shown as byte |
aws.dynamodb.returned_item_count (gauge) | The average number of items returned by a scan or query operation. Shown as item |
aws.dynamodb.returned_item_count.maximum (gauge) | The maximum number of items returned by a scan or query operation. Shown as item |
aws.dynamodb.returned_item_count.minimum (gauge) | The minimum number of items returned by a scan or query operation. Shown as item |
aws.dynamodb.returned_item_count.samplecount (count) | The number of scan or query operations. Shown as item |
aws.dynamodb.returned_item_count.sum (count) | The total number of items returned by a scan or query operation. Shown as item |
aws.dynamodb.returned_records_count (count) | The number of stream records returned by GetRecords operations (Amazon DynamoDB Streams) during the specified time period. Shown as item |
aws.dynamodb.successful_request_latency (gauge) | The average latency for successful requests. Shown as millisecond |
aws.dynamodb.successful_request_latency.maximum (gauge) | The maximum latency for successful requests. Shown as millisecond |
aws.dynamodb.successful_request_latency.minimum (gauge) | The minimum latency for successful requests. Shown as millisecond |
aws.dynamodb.successful_request_latency.samplecount (count) | The total number of successful requests. Shown as request |
aws.dynamodb.system_errors (count) | Number of requests generating a 500 status code response. Shown as request |
aws.dynamodb.table_size (gauge) | Approximate size of the table (updated every 6h). Shown as byte |
aws.dynamodb.throttled_requests (count) | Number of user requests that exceeded the preset provisioned throughput limits. Shown as request |
aws.dynamodb.time_to_live_deleted_item_count (count) | The number of items deleted by Time To Live (TTL) during the specified time period. Shown as item |
aws.dynamodb.transaction_conflict (count) | Rejected item-level requests due to transactional conflicts between concurrent requests on the same items. Shown as request |
aws.dynamodb.user_errors (count) | The aggregate of HTTP 400 errors for DynamoDB or Amazon DynamoDB Streams requests for the current region and the current AWS account. Shown as request |
aws.dynamodb.write_throttle_events (count) | Number of write events that exceeded the preset provisioned throughput limits in the specified time period. Shown as write |
AWS에서 검색된 각 메트릭에는 호스트 이름, 보안 그룹 등을 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않고 AWS 콘솔에 표시되는 동일한 태그가 할당됩니다.
Amazon DynamoDB 통합은 이벤트를 포함하지 않습니다.
Amazon DynamoDB 통합은 서비스 점검을 포함하지 않습니다.
도움이 필요하신가요? Datadog 고객 지원팀에 문의하세요.