Don't reassign a catch variable
ID: java-best-practices/avoid-reassigning-catch-vars
Language: Java
Severity: Notice
Category: Best Practices
Maintaining a consistent link between the caught variable and the exception thrown in the corresponding try
block brings clarity and predictability. Reassigning the caught variable disrupts this expectation and can lead to confusion. By refraining from these reassignments, developers can know that the variable encapsulates the essence of the original exception.
Non-Compliant Code Examples
public class Foo {
public void foo() {
try {
// do something
} catch (Exception e) {
e = new NullPointerException(); // should not reassign here
Compliant Code Examples
public class Foo {
public void foo() {
try {
// do something
} catch (MyException e) {
newError = new RuntimeException(); // created a new error variable