Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)


Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cost-effective, outbound-only email-sending service.

Enable this integration to see in Datadog all your SES metrics.



If you haven’t already, set up the Amazon Web Services integration first.

Metric collection

  1. In the AWS integration page, ensure that SES is enabled under the Metric Collection tab.

  2. Add those permissions to your Datadog IAM policy in order to collect Amazon SES metrics:

    • ses:GetSendQuota: Add metrics about send quotas.
    • ses:GetSendStatistics: Add metrics about send statistics.

    For more information, see the SES policies on the AWS website.

  3. Install the Datadog - Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) integration.

Log collection

Enable logging

Configure Amazon SES to send logs either to a S3 bucket or to CloudWatch.

Note: If you log to a S3 bucket, make sure that amazon_ses is set as Target prefix.

Send logs to Datadog

  1. If you haven’t already, set up the Datadog Forwarder Lambda function.

  2. Once the Lambda function is installed, manually add a trigger on the S3 bucket or CloudWatch log group that contains your Amazon SES logs in the AWS console:

Data Collected

The average number of emails that resulted in a bounce.
Shown as response
The total number of emails that resulted in a bounce.
Shown as response
The number of emails that resulted in a hard bounce.
Shown as response
The number of emails that were marked by their recipients as spam.
Shown as response
The average number of emails that Amazon SES successfully delivered to the mail servers of the intended recipients.
Shown as response
The total number of emails that Amazon SES successfully delivered to the mail servers of the intended recipients.
Shown as response
The number of delivery attempts
Shown as event
The maximum number of emails that can be sent in a 24-hour period
Shown as event
The number of emails that were opened by their recipients.
Shown as response
Amazon SES encountered an error when it tried to execute the actions you configured, and Amazon SES will no longer retry to deliver the email.
Shown as response
Amazon SES encountered an error when it tried to execute the actions you configured.
Shown as response
Rejected send attempts (a rejected email is an email that Amazon SES initially accepted, but later rejected because the email contained a virus. Amazon SES notifies you by email and does not send the message.)
Shown as response
The percentage of messages that resulted in hard bounces.
Shown as fraction
The percentage of messages that were reported as spam by their recipients.
Shown as fraction
The email sending API call to Amazon SES was successful and Amazon SES will attempt to deliver the email.
Shown as response
The total number of emails sent.
Shown as response
The total number of emails sent in the past 24 hours.
Shown as event

Each of the metrics retrieved from AWS are assigned the same tags that appear in the AWS console, including but not limited to host name, security-groups, and more.


The Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) integration does not include any events.

Service Checks

The Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) integration does not include any service checks.


Need help? Contact Datadog support.

Further reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: