Server fingerprinting misconfiguration
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ID: javascript-express/reduce-server-fingerprinting
Language: JavaScript
Severity: Warning
Category: Security
CWE: 693
Improve your overall server security by taking the step to reduce the likelihood of server fingerprinting the software being used on the server.
By default, Express.js sends the X-Powered-By
response header banner which can be disabled with app.disable('X-Powered-By')
If you’re using helmet
, you can use either of these methods too:
Learn More
Non-Compliant Code Examples
const app = express()
// express() is called but none of the following were detected afterwards
// app.disable('x-powered-by')
// app.use(hidePoweredBy())
// app.use(helmet.hidePoweredBy())
Compliant Code Examples
const app = express()
// rest of your config
const app = express()
// rest of your config
const app = express()
// rest of your config