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Graphique PostgreSQL


Recueillez des métriques de PostgreSQL en temps réel pour :

  • Visualiser et surveiller les états de PostgreSQL.
  • Être informé des failovers et des événements PostgreSQL.


Cette page décrit le fonctionnement de l'intégration d'Agent Postgres. Si vous souhaitez obtenir des informations sur la solution Database Monitoring pour Postgres, consultez la section Database Monitoring.


Le check PostgreSQL est fourni avec l’Agent. Pour commencer à recueillir vos logs et métriques PostgreSQL, installez l’Agent.


Préparer Postgres

Pour implémenter l’intégration PostgreSQL, créez un utilisateur datadog en lecture seule avec un accès approprié à votre serveur PostgreSQL. Lancez psql sur votre base de données PostgreSQL.

Pour PostgreSQL 10 et versions ultérieures, exécutez :

create user datadog with password '<MOTDEPASSE>';
grant pg_monitor to datadog;
grant SELECT ON pg_stat_database to datadog;

Pour les versions plus anciennes de PostgreSQL, exécutez :

create user datadog with password '<MOTDEPASSE>';
grant SELECT ON pg_stat_database to datadog;

Pour vérifier que les autorisations sont bien configurées, exécutez la commande suivante :

psql -h localhost -U datadog postgres -c \
"select * from pg_stat_database LIMIT(1);" \
&& echo -e "\e[0;32mPostgres connection - OK\e[0m" \
|| echo -e "\e[0;31mCannot connect to Postgres\e[0m"

Une fois invité à saisir un mot de passe, indiquez celui utilisé dans la première commande.

Remarque : pour PostgreSQL 9.6 et versions inférieures, exécutez la commande ci-dessous et créez une fonction SECURITY DEFINER pour obtenir un accès en lecture à pg_stat_activity.

CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_activity() RETURNS SETOF pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity AS
$$ SELECT * from pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity; $$

CREATE VIEW pg_stat_activity_dd AS SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity();
grant SELECT ON pg_stat_activity_dd to datadog;

Remarque : pour créer des métriques custom nécessitant d’interroger des tables supplémentaires, vous devrez peut-être accorder à l’utilisateur datadog l’autorisation SELECT pour ces tables. Exemple de commande : grant SELECT on <NOM_TABLE> to datadog;. Consultez la rubrique FAQ pour en savoir plus.


Pour configurer ce check lorsque l’Agent est exécuté sur un host :

Collecte de métriques
  1. Modifiez le fichier postgres.d/conf.yaml afin de spécifier votre host / port et de définir les masters à surveiller. Consultez le fichier d’exemple postgres.d/conf.yaml pour découvrir toutes les options de configuration disponibles.

      ## @param host - string - required
      ## The hostname to connect to.
      ## NOTE: Even if the server name is "localhost", the agent connects to
      ## PostgreSQL using TCP/IP, unless you also provide a value for the sock key.
      - host: localhost
        ## @param port - integer - required
        ## Port to use when connecting to PostgreSQL.
        port: 5432
        ## @param user - string - required
        ## Datadog Username created to connect to PostgreSQL.
        username: datadog
        ## @param pass - string - required
        ## Password associated with the Datadog user.
        password: "<PASSWORD>"
        ## @param dbname - string - optional - default: postgres
        ## Name of the PostgresSQL database to monitor.
        ## Note: If omitted, the default system postgres database is queried.
        dbname: "<DB_NAME>"
        # @param disable_generic_tags - boolean - optional - default: false
        # The integration will stop sending server tag as is reduntant with host tag
        disable_generic_tags: true
  2. Redémarrez l’Agent.

Collecte de traces

L’APM Datadog s’intègre à Postgres pour vous permettre de visualiser les traces sur l’ensemble de votre système distribué. La collecte de traces est activée par défaut dans les versions 6 et ultérieures de l’Agent Datadog. Pour commencer à recueillir des traces :

  1. Activez la collecte de trace dans Datadog.
  2. Instrumentez l’application qui envoie des requêtes à Postgres.
Collecte de logs

Disponible à partir des versions > 6.0 de l’Agent

Par défaut, les logs PostgreSQL sont envoyés vers stderr et n’incluent aucune information détaillée. Il est conseillé d’enregistrer les logs dans un fichier en ajoutant des détails supplémentaires spécifiés en tant que préfixe dans la ligne de log. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la section Rapports d’erreur et journalisation de la documentation PostgreSQL (en anglais).

  1. La configuration de la journalisation se fait depuis le fichier /etc/postgresql/<VERSION>/main/postgresql.conf. Pour recueillir des logs standard, y compris les sorties des déclarations, supprimez la mise en commentaire des paramètres suivants dans la section dédiée aux logs :

      logging_collector = on
      log_directory = 'pg_log'  # directory where log files are written,
                                # can be absolute or relative to PGDATA
      log_filename = 'pg.log'   # log file name, can include pattern
      log_statement = 'all'     # log all queries
      #log_duration = on
      log_line_prefix= '%m [%p] %d %a %u %h %c '
      log_file_mode = 0644
      ## For Windows
      #log_destination = 'eventlog'
  2. Pour recueillir des métriques de durée détaillées et les rechercher depuis l’interface Datadog, vous devez les configurer directement au sein des déclarations. Comparez la configuration recommandée qui suit avec celle ci-dessus. Remarque : les options log_statement et log_duration ont été mises en commentaire. Pour en savoir plus à ce sujet, consultez la discussion Déclaration de journalisation et durée sur la même ligne (en anglais).

    Cette configuration enregistre toutes les déclarations dans les logs. Pour réduire le volume de la sortie à l’aide d’un critère de durée, définissez la valeur log_min_duration_statement sur la durée minimum souhaitée (en millisecondes) :

      log_min_duration_statement = 0    # -1 is disabled, 0 logs all statements
                                        # and their durations, > 0 logs only
                                        # statements running at least this number
                                        # of milliseconds
      #log_statement = 'all'
      #log_duration = on
  3. La collecte de logs est désactivée par défaut dans l’Agent Datadog. Vous devez l’activer dans datadog.yaml :

    logs_enabled: true
  4. Ajoutez ce bloc de configuration à votre fichier postgres.d/conf.yaml et modifiez-le pour commencer à recueillir vos logs PostgreSQL :

      - type: file
        path: "<LOG_FILE_PATH>"
        source: postgresql
        service: "<SERVICE_NAME>"
        #To handle multi line that starts with yyyy-mm-dd use the following pattern
        #  - type: multi_line
        #    pattern: \d{4}\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])
        #    name: new_log_start_with_date

    Modifiez les valeurs des paramètres path et service en fonction de votre environnement. Consultez le fichier d’exemple postgres.d/conf.yaml pour découvrir toutes les options de configuration disponibles.

  5. Redémarrez l’Agent.


Pour configurer ce check lorsque l’Agent est exécuté sur un conteneur :

Collecte de métriques

Définissez des modèles d’intégration Autodiscovery en tant qu’étiquettes Docker sur votre conteneur d’application :

LABEL ""='["postgres"]'
LABEL ""='[{}]'
LABEL ""='[{"host":"%%host%%", "port":5432,"username":"datadog","password":"<MOT_DE_PASSE>"}]'
Collecte de logs

La collecte des logs est désactivée par défaut dans l’Agent Datadog. Pour l’activer, consultez la section Collecte de logs avec Docker.

Définissez ensuite des [intégrations de logs][5] en tant qu’étiquettes Docker :

LABEL ""='[{"source":"postgresql","service":"postgresql"}]'
Collecte de traces

L’APM dédié aux applications conteneurisées est pris en charge sur les versions 6 et ultérieures de l’Agent, mais nécessite une configuration supplémentaire pour recueillir des traces.

Variables d’environnement requises sur le conteneur de l’Agent :


Consultez la section Tracer des applications Docker pour voir la liste complète des variables d’environnement et configurations disponibles.

Ensuite, instrumentez votre conteneur d’application qui envoie des requêtes à Postgres et définissez DD_AGENT_HOST sur le nom du conteneur de votre Agent.


Pour configurer ce check lorsque l’Agent est exécuté sur Kubernetes :

Collecte de métriques

Définissez des modèles d’intégration Autodiscovery en tant qu’annotations de pod sur votre conteneur d’application. Cette configuration peut également être réalisée avec un fichier, une configmap ou une paire key/value.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: postgres
  annotations: '["postgres"]' '[{}]' |
          "host": "%%host%%",
    - name: postgres
Collecte de logs

La collecte des logs est désactivée par défaut dans l’Agent Datadog. Pour l’activer, consultez la section Collecte de logs avec Kubernetes.

Définissez ensuite des intégrations de logs en tant qu’annotations de pod. Cette configuration peut également être réalisée avec un fichier, une configmap ou une paire key/value.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: postgres
  annotations: '[{"source":"postgresql","service":"<NOM_SERVICE>"}]'
    - name: postgres
Collecte de traces

L’APM dédié aux applications conteneurisées est pris en charge par les hosts exécutant les versions 6 et ultérieures de l’Agent, mais nécessite une configuration supplémentaire pour recueillir des traces.

Variables d’environnement requises sur le conteneur de l’Agent :


Consultez les sections relatives au tracing d’applications Kubernetes et à la configuration de DaemonSet Kubernetes pour voir la liste complète des variables d’environnement et configurations disponibles.

Ensuite, instrumentez votre conteneur d’application qui envoie des requêtes à Postgres.


Pour configurer ce check lorsque l’Agent est exécuté sur ECS :

Collecte de métriques

Définissez des modèles d’intégration Autodiscovery en tant qu’étiquettes Docker sur votre conteneur d’application :

  "containerDefinitions": [{
    "name": "postgres",
    "image": "postgres:latest",
    "dockerLabels": {
      "": "[\"postgres\"]",
      "": "[{}]",
      "": "[{\"host\":\"%%host%%\", \"port\":5432,\"username\":\"datadog\",\"password\":\"<MOT_DE_PASSE>\"}]"
Collecte de logs

La collecte des logs est désactivée par défaut dans l’Agent Datadog. Pour l’activer, consultez la section Collecte de logs Amazon ECS.

Définissez ensuite des intégrations de logs en tant qu’étiquettes Docker :

  "containerDefinitions": [{
    "name": "postgres",
    "image": "postgres:latest",
    "dockerLabels": {
      "": "[{\"source\":\"postgresql\",\"service\":\"postgresql\"}]"
Collecte de traces

L’APM dédié aux applications conteneurisées est pris en charge sur les versions 6 et ultérieures de l’Agent, mais nécessite une configuration supplémentaire pour recueillir des traces.

Variables d’environnement requises sur le conteneur de l’Agent :


Consultez la section Tracer des applications Docker pour voir la liste complète des variables d’environnement et configurations disponibles.

Ensuite, instrumentez votre conteneur d’application qui envoie des requêtes à Postgres et définissez DD_AGENT_HOST sur l’adresse IP privée EC2.


Lancez la sous-commande status de l’Agent et cherchez postgres dans la section Checks.

Données collectées

Certaines des métriques répertoriées ci-dessous nécessitent une configuration supplémentaire. Consultez le fichier d’exemple postgres.d/conf.yaml pour découvrir toutes les options de configuration disponibles.


Enabled with collect_activity_metrics. The number of active queries in this database. This metric (by default) is tagged with db, app, user.
Enabled with collect_activity_metrics. The number of waiting queries in this database in state active. This metric (by default) is tagged with db, app, user.
The age of the oldest backend's xid relative to latest stable xid. This metric (by default) is tagged with db, app, user.
Shown as transaction
The age of the oldest backend's xmin horizon relative to latest stable xid. This metric (by default) is tagged with db, app, user.
Shown as transaction
The age of the oldest active transactions. This metric (by default) is tagged with db, app, user.
Shown as second
Number of child tables scanned. This counter only advances when the phase is acquiring inherited sample rows. This metric is tagged with db, table, child_relation, phase.
Number of child tables. This metric is tagged with db, table, child_relation, phase.
Number of extended statistics computed. This counter only advances when the phase is computing extended statistics. This metric is tagged with db, table, child_relation, phase.
Number of extended statistics. This metric is tagged with db, table, child_relation, phase.
Number of heap blocks scanned. This metric is tagged with db, table, child_relation, phase.
Shown as block
Total number of heap blocks that will be sampled. This metric is tagged with db, table, child_relation, phase.
Shown as block
Enabled with relations. The number of times this table has been manually analyzed. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Enabled with relations. The number of times this table has been analyzed by the autovacuum daemon. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Enabled with relations. The number of times this table has been vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
The number of transactions that can occur until a transaction wraparound. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as transaction
The number of buffers allocated
The number of buffers written directly by a backend.
Shown as buffer
The of times a backend had to execute its own fsync call instead of the background writer.
The number of buffers written during checkpoints.
The number of buffers written by the background writer.
The number of requested checkpoints that were performed.
The number of scheduled checkpoints that were performed.
The number of times the background writer stopped a cleaning scan due to writing too many buffers.
The total amount of checkpoint processing time spent synchronizing files to disk.
Shown as millisecond
The total amount of checkpoint processing time spent writing files to disk.
Shown as millisecond
Time spent reading data file blocks by backends in this database if trackiotiming is enabled. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as millisecond
Time spent writing data file blocks by backends in this database if trackiotiming is enabled. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as millisecond
The number of times disk blocks were found in the buffer cache, preventing the need to read from the database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as hit
Number of dirty shared buffers. pg_buffercache extension needs to be installed. This metric is tagged by db, schema and relation.
Shown as buffer
Number of backends pinning shared buffers. pg_buffercache extension needs to be installed. This metric is tagged by db, schema and relation.
Number of unused shared buffers. pg_buffercache extension needs to be installed.
Shown as buffer
Sum of shared buffers' usagecount. pgbuffercache extension needs to be installed. This metric is tagged by db, schema and relation.
Number of shared buffers. pg_buffercache extension needs to be installed. This metric is tagged by db, schema and relation.
Shown as buffer
The number of checksum failures in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Whether database checksums are enabled. Value is always 1 and tagged with enabled:true or enabled:false. This metric is tagged with db.
Number of heap blocks scanned. This counter only advances when the phase is seq scanning heap. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, command, phase, index.
Shown as block
Total number of heap blocks in the table. This number is reported as of the beginning of seq scanning heap. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, command, phase, index.
Shown as block
Number of heap tuples scanned. This counter only advances when the phase is seq scanning heap, index scanning heap or writing new heap. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, command, phase, index.
Number of heap tuples written. This counter only advances when the phase is seq scanning heap, index scanning heap or writing new heap. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, command, phase, index.
Number of indexes rebuilt. This counter only advances when the phase is rebuilding index. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, command, phase, index.
The number of transactions that have been committed in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as transaction
Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to pinned buffers. Buffer pin conflicts will occur when the walreceiver process tries to apply a buffer cleanup like HOT chain pruning. This require a complete lock of the buffer and any query pinning the buffer will conflict with the cleaning. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as query
Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to deadlocks. Deadlock conflicts will happen when the walreceiver tries to apply a buffer like HOT chain pruning. If the conflict takes more than deadlock_timeout seconds, a deadlock check will be triggered and conflicting queries will be canceled until the buffer is unpinned. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as query
Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to lock timeouts. This will occur when the walreceiver process tries to apply a change requiring an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock while a query on the replica is reading the table. The conflicting query will be killed after waiting up to maxstandbystreaming_delay seconds. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as query
Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to old snapshots. Snapshot conflict will occur when a VACUUM is replayed, removing tuples currently read on a standby. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as query
Number of queries in this database that have been canceled due to dropped tablespaces. This will occur when a temp_tablespace is dropped while being used on a standby. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as query
The number of active connections to this database. If DBM is enabled, this metric is tagged with state, app, db and user
Shown as connection
The time since the last checkpoint.
Shown as second
The current timeline id.
Number of blocks already processed in the current phase. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, index, command, phase.
Total number of blocks to be processed in the current phase. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, index, command, phase.
Number of lockers already waited for. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, index, command, phase.
Total number of lockers to wait for, when applicable. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, index, command, phase.
When creating an index on a partitioned table, this column is set to the number of partitions on which the index has been created. This field is 0 during a REINDEX. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, index, command, phase.
When creating an index on a partitioned table, this column is set to the total number of partitions on which the index is to be created. This field is 0 during a REINDEX. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, index, command, phase.
Number of tuples already processed in the current phase. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, index, command, phase.
Total number of tuples to be processed in the current phase. Only available with PostgreSQL 12 and newer. This metric is tagged with db, table, index, command, phase.
The disk space used by this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as byte
The number of available databases.
Shown as item
Enabled with relations. The estimated number of dead rows. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as row
The rate of deadlocks detected in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as lock
The number of deadlocks detected in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as lock
The number of disk blocks read in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as block
Enabled with collect_function_metrics. The number of calls made to a function. This metric is tagged with db, schema, function.
Enabled with collect_function_metrics. Total time spent in this function itself, not including other functions called by it. This metric is tagged with db, schema, function.
Enabled with collect_function_metrics. Total time spent in this function and all other functions called by it. This metric is tagged with db, schema, function.
Enabled with relations. The number of buffer hits in this table. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as hit
Enabled with relations. The number of disk blocks read from this table. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as block
Enabled with collect_bloat_metrics. The estimated percentage of index bloat. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table, index.
Shown as percent
Enabled with relations. The number of buffer hits in all indexes on this table. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as hit
Enabled with relations. The number of disk blocks read from all indexes on this table. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as block
Enabled with relations. The number of live rows fetched by index scans. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as row
Enabled with relations. The overall number of index scans initiated on this table. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as scan
Enabled with relations. The number of live rows fetched by index scans. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table, index.
Shown as row
Enabled with relations. The number of index entries returned by scans on this index. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table, index.
Shown as row
Enabled with relations. The number of index scans initiated on this table. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table, index
Shown as scan
Enabled with relations. The total disk space used by indexes attached to the specified table. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as byte
The disk space used by a specified index. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table, index.
Shown as byte
The number of times a block has been written out from a shared or local buffer in order to make it available for another use. This metric is tagged with backend_type, context, object. Only available with PostgreSQL 16 and newer. (DBM only)
Shown as millisecond
The time spent in extend operations (if trackiotiming is enabled, otherwise zero). This metric is tagged with backend_type, context, object. Only available with PostgreSQL 16 and newer. (DBM only)
Shown as millisecond
The number of relation extend operations. This metric is tagged with backend_type, context, object. Only available with PostgreSQL 16 and newer. (DBM only)
The time spent in fsync operations (if trackiotiming is enabled, otherwise zero). This metric is tagged with backend_type, context, object. Only available with PostgreSQL 16 and newer. (DBM only)
Shown as millisecond
The number of fsync calls. This metric is tagged with backend_type, context, object. Only available with PostgreSQL 16 and newer. (DBM only)
The number of times a desired block was found in a shared buffer. This metric is tagged with backend_type, context, object. Only available with PostgreSQL 16 and newer. (DBM only)
Shown as millisecond
The time spent in read operations (if trackiotiming is enabled, otherwise zero). This metric is tagged with backend_type, context, object. Only available with PostgreSQL 16 and newer. (DBM only)
Shown as millisecond
The number of read operations. This metric is tagged with backend_type, context, object. Only available with PostgreSQL 16 and newer. (DBM only)
The time spent in write operations (if trackiotiming is enabled, otherwise zero). This metric is tagged with backend_type, context, object. Only available with PostgreSQL 16 and newer. (DBM only)
Shown as millisecond
The number of write operations. This metric is tagged with backend_type, context, object. Only available with PostgreSQL 16 and newer. (DBM only)
Last time at which this table was manually analyzed. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as second
Last time at which this table was analyzed by the autovacuum daemon. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as second
Last time at which this table was vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as second
Last time at which this table was manually vacuumed (not counting VACUUM FULL). This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as second
Enabled with relations. The estimated number of live rows. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as row
Enabled with relations. The number of locks active for this database. This metric is tagged with db, lockmode, locktype, schema, table, granted.
Shown as lock
The maximum number of client connections allowed to this database.
Shown as connection
The number of connections to this database as a fraction of the maximum number of allowed connections.
Shown as fraction
The number of times pgstatstatements had to evict least executed queries because pgstatstatements.max was reached.
Total time spent reading blocks per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as nanosecond
Total time spent writing blocks per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as nanosecond
The total query execution count per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as query
The age of the longest running query per user, db and app. (DBM only)
Shown as nanosecond
The sum of the age of all running queries per user, db and app. (DBM only)
Shown as nanosecond
Total number of local blocks dirtied per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as block
Total number of local block cache hits per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as block
Total number of local blocks read per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as block
Total number of local blocks written per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as block
The total number of rows retrieved or affected per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as row
Total number of shared blocks dirtied per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as block
Total number of shared block cache hits per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as block
Total number of shared blocks read per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as block
Total number of shared blocks written per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as block
Total number of temp blocks read per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as block
Total number of temp blocks written per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as block
The total query execution time per query_signature, db, and user. (DBM only)
Shown as nanosecond
Number of pages that are marked as all visible in the table's visibility map. This is only an estimation used by the planner and is updated by VACUUM or ANALYZE. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table, partition_of
Size of a table in pages (1 page == 8KB by default). This is only an estimation used by the planner and is updated by VACUUM or ANALYZE. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table, partition_of.
Number of live rows in the table. This is only an estimation used by the planner and is updated by VACUUM or ANALYZE. If the table has never been vacuumed or analyze, -1 will be reported. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table, partition_of
The disk space used by the specified table. TOAST data, indexes, free space map and visibility map are not included. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as byte
The age of the standby server's xmin horizon (relative to latest stable xid) reported by hotstandbyfeedback.
Time elapsed between flushing recent WAL locally and receiving notification that this standby server has written and flushed it (but not yet applied it). This can be used to gauge the delay that synchronous_commit level on incurred while committing if this server was configured as a synchronous standby. Only available with postgresql 10 and newer.
Shown as second
Time elapsed between flushing recent WAL locally and receiving notification that this standby server has written, flushed and applied it. This can be used to gauge the delay that synchronouscommit level remoteapply incurred while committing if this server was configured as a synchronous standby. Only available with postgresql 10 and newer.
Shown as second
Time elapsed between flushing recent WAL locally and receiving notification that this standby server has written it (but not yet flushed it or applied it). This can be used to gauge the delay that synchronouscommit level remotewrite incurred while committing if this server was configured as a synchronous standby. Only available with postgresql 10 and newer.
Shown as second
The current replication delay in seconds. Only available with postgresql 9.1 and newer
Shown as second
The current replication delay in bytes. Only available with postgresql 9.2 and newer
Shown as byte
The delay in bytes between the current WAL position and last position this slot's consumer confirmed. This is only available for logical replication slots. This metric is tagged with slotname, slottype, slotpersistence, slotstate.
Shown as byte
The amount of WAL bytes that the consumer of this slot may require and won't be automatically removed during checkpoints unless it exceeds maxslotwalkeepsize parameter. Nothing is reported if there's no WAL reservation for this slot. This metric is tagged with slotname, slottype, slotpersistence, slotstate.
Shown as byte
Amount of decoded transaction data spilled to disk while performing decoding of changes from WAL for this slot. This and other spill counters can be used to gauge the I/O occurred during logical decoding and allow tuning logicaldecodingworkmem. Extracted from pgstatreplicationslots. Only available with PostgreSQL 14 and newer. This metric is tagged with slotname, slottype, slot_state.
Shown as byte
Number of times transactions were spilled to disk while decoding changes from WAL for this slot. This counter is incremented each time a transaction is spilled, and the same transaction may be spilled multiple times. Extracted from pgstatreplicationslots. Only available with PostgreSQL 14 and newer. This metric is tagged with slotname, slottype, slotstate.
Number of transactions spilled to disk once the memory used by logical decoding to decode changes from WAL has exceeded logicaldecodingworkmem. The counter gets incremented for both top-level transactions and subtransactions. Extracted from pgstatreplicationslots. Only available with PostgreSQL 14 and newer. This metric is tagged with slotname, slottype, slot_state.
Shown as transaction
Amount of transaction data decoded for streaming in-progress transactions to the decoding output plugin while decoding changes from WAL for this slot. Extracted from pgstatreplicationslots. Only available with PostgreSQL 14 and newer. This metric is tagged with slotname, slottype, slotstate.
Shown as byte
Number of times in-progress transactions were streamed to the decoding output plugin while decoding changes from WAL for this slot. Extracted from pgstatreplicationslots. Only available with PostgreSQL 14 and newer. This metric is tagged with slotname, slottype, slotstate.
Number of in-progress transactions streamed to the decoding output plugin after the memory used by logical decoding to decode changes from WAL for this slot has exceeded logicaldecodingworkmem. Extracted from pgstatreplicationslots. Only available with PostgreSQL 14 and newer. This metric is tagged with slotname, slottype, slot_state.
Shown as transaction
Amount of transaction data decoded for sending transactions to the decoding output plugin while decoding changes from WAL for this slot. Extracted from pgstatreplicationslots. Only available with PostgreSQL 14 and newer. This metric is tagged with slotname, slottype, slotstate.
Shown as byte
Number of decoded transactions sent to the decoding output plugin for this slot. Extracted from pgstatreplicationslots. Only available with PostgreSQL 14 and newer. This metric is tagged with slotname, slottype, slotstate.
Shown as transaction
The age of the oldest transaction that this slot needs the database to retain. Only physical replication slot will have a xmin. Orphaned replication slot (no consumer or consumer is not connected) will prevent the xmin horizon from progressing. This metric is tagged with slotname, slottype, slotpersistence, slotstate.
Shown as transaction
The number of transactions that have been rolled back in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as transaction
Enabled with relations. The number of rows deleted by queries in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as row
The number of rows fetched by queries in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as row
Enabled with relations. The number of rows HOT updated, meaning no separate index update was needed. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as row
Enabled with relations. The number of rows inserted by queries in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as row
The number of rows returned by queries in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as row
Enabled with relations. The number of rows updated by queries in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as row
The number of instances running.
Enabled with relations. The number of live rows fetched by sequential scans. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as row
Enabled with relations. The number of sequential scans initiated on this table. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as scan
Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated because connection to the client was lost. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as session
Time spent executing SQL statements in this database, in milliseconds (this corresponds to the states active and fastpath function call in pgstatactivity). This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as millisecond
Total number of sessions established to this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as session
Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated by fatal errors. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as session
Time spent idling while in a transaction in this database, in milliseconds (this corresponds to the states idle in transaction and idle in transaction (aborted) in pgstatactivity). This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as millisecond
Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated by operator intervention. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as session
Time spent by database sessions in this database, in milliseconds (note that statistics are only updated when the state of a session changes, so if sessions have been idle for a long time, this idle time won't be included). This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as millisecond
Number of blocks checked for existence for SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. Only CommitTs and MultiXactOffset caches are checking if blocks are already present on disk. This metric is tagged with slru_name.
Shown as block
Number of times disk blocks were found already in the SLRU (simple least-recently-used), so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the SLRU, not the operating system's file system cache). This metric is tagged with slru_name.
Shown as block
Number of disk blocks read for SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. SLRU caches are created with a fixed number of pages. When all pages are used, the least recently used block is dumped on disk to create space. Access to the evicted block will require data to be read from the disk and loaded back in an SLRU cache page, increasing the block read count. This metric is tagged with slru_name.
Shown as block
Number of disk blocks written for SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. SLRU caches are created with a fixed number of pages. When all pages are used, the least recently used block is dumped on disk to create space. A block eviction doesn't necessarily generate disk write as the block could have been written in a previous eviction. This metric is tagged with slru_name.
Shown as block
Number of blocks zeroed during initializations of SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. SLRU caches are created with a fixed number of pages. For Subtrans, Xact and CommitTs caches, the global transactionId is used to get the page number. Thus, it will increase with the transaction throughput. This metric is tagged with slru_name.
Shown as block
Number of flush of dirty data for SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. CommitTs, MultiXact, Subtrans, Xact caches flush will happen during checkpoint. MultiXact cache flush may happen during vacuum. This metric is tagged with slru_name.
Number of truncates for SLRU (simple least-recently-used) cache. For CommitTs, Xact and MultiXact, truncates will happen when the frozenID progresses. For Subtrans, a truncate can occur during restartpoint and a checkpoint. This metric is tagged with slru_name.
Report the number of active transactions based on pgsnapshotxip(pgcurrentsnapshot()).
Report the next transaction ID that will be assigned based on pgsnapshotxmax(pgcurrentsnapshot()).
Report the lowest transaction ID still active based on pgsnapshotxmin(pgcurrentsnapshot()). All transaction IDs less than xmin are either committed and visible, or rolled back and dead.
Number of errors that occurred while applying changes. Extracted from pgstatsubscriptionstats. Only available on PostgreSQL 15 or higher. This metric is tagged with subscriptionname.
Age of receipt time of the last message received from origin WAL sender. Extracted from pgstatsubscription. Only available on PostgreSQL 12 or higher. This metric is tagged with subscription_name.
Shown as second
Age of last message received from origin WAL sender. Extracted from pgstatsubscription. Only available on PostgreSQL 12 or higher. This metric is tagged with subscription_name.
Shown as second
Age of last write-ahead log location reported to origin WAL sender. Extracted from pgstatsubscription. Only available on PostgreSQL 12 or higher. This metric is tagged with subscription_name.
Shown as second
State of a subscription per relation and subscription. Extracted from pgsubscriptionrel. Only available on PostgreSQL 14 or higher. This metric is tagged with subscription_name, relation, state.
Number of errors that occurred during the initial table synchronization. Extracted from pgstatsubscriptionstats. Only available on PostgreSQL 15 or higher. This metric is tagged with subscriptionname.
The number of user tables in this database. This metric is tagged with db, schema.
Shown as table
Enabled with collect_bloat_metrics. The estimated percentage of table bloat. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as percent
Enabled with relations. The disk space used by the specified table with TOAST data. Free space map and visibility map are not included. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as byte
The amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as byte
The number of temporary files created by queries in this database. This metric is tagged with db.
Shown as file
Enabled with relations. The number of times the toast table of a relation has been autovacuumed. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Enabled with relations. The number of dead rows on the toast table of a relation. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Enabled with relations. The number of index scans done on the toast table of a relation. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Last time at which the toast table of this table was vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as second
Last time at which the toast table of this table was manually vacuumed (not counting VACUUM FULL). This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as second
Enabled with relations. The number of live rows on the toast table of a relation. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Enabled with relations. The number of deleted rows on the toast table of a relation. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Enabled with relations. The number of fetched rows on the toast table of a relation. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Enabled with relations. The number of inserted rows on the toast table of a relation. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Enabled with relations. The number times the toast table of a relation has been vacuumed. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Enabled with relations. The number of buffer hits in this table's TOAST table. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as hit
Enabled with relations. The number of disk blocks read from this table's TOAST table. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as block
Enabled with relations. The number of buffer hits in this table's TOAST table index. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as block
Enabled with relations. The number of disk blocks read from this table's TOAST table index. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as block
The total disk space used by the toast table attached to the specified table. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as byte
Enabled with relations. The total disk space used by the table, including indexes and TOAST data. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Shown as byte
The age of the longest running transaction per user, db and app. (DBM only)
Shown as nanosecond
The sum of the age of all running transactions per user, db and app. (DBM only)
Shown as nanosecond
Enabled with collect_activity_metrics. The number of 'idle in transaction' transactions in this database. This metric (by default) is tagged with db, app, user.
Shown as transaction
Enabled with collect_activity_metrics. The number of open transactions in this database. This metric (by default) is tagged with db, app, user.
Shown as transaction
The uptime of the server in seconds.
Shown as second
Number of heap blocks scanned. Because the visibility map is used to optimize scans, some blocks will be skipped without inspection; skipped blocks are included in this total, so that this number will eventually become equal to heapblkstotal when the vacuum is complete. This counter only advances when the phase is scanning heap. This metric is tagged with db, table, phase.
Shown as block
Total number of heap blocks in the table. This number is reported as of the beginning of the scan; blocks added later will not be (and need not be) visited by this VACUUM. This metric is tagged with db, table, phase.
Shown as block
Number of heap blocks vacuumed. Unless the table has no indexes, this counter only advances when the phase is vacuuming heap. Blocks that contain no dead tuples are skipped, so the counter may sometimes skip forward in large increments. This metric is tagged with db, table, phase.
Shown as block
Number of completed index vacuum cycles. This metric is tagged with db, table, phase.
Shown as block
Number of dead tuples that we can store before needing to perform an index vacuum cycle, based on maintenanceworkmem. This metric is tagged with db, table, phase.
Number of dead tuples collected since the last index vacuum cycle. This metric is tagged with db, table, phase.
Enabled with relations. The number of times this table has been manually vacuumed. This metric is tagged with db, schema, table.
Enabled with collect_activity_metrics. The number of waiting queries in this database. This metric (by default) is tagged with db, app, user.
Number of times WAL data was written to disk because WAL buffers became full. WAL changes are stored in WAL buffers first. If the buffer is full, WAL insertions will be blocked until buffer is flushed. The size of this buffer is set by walbuffers configuration. By default, it will use 3% of the sharedbuffers value.
Total amount of WAL generated in bytes.
Shown as byte
Total number of WAL full page images generated. Full page write will happen when a block is modified for the first time after a checkpoint.
Shown as page
Total number of WAL records generated.
Shown as record
Number of times WAL files were synced to disk.
Total amount of time spent syncing WAL files to disk, in milliseconds (if trackwaliotiming is enabled, fsync is on, and walsyncmethod is either fdatasync, fsync or fsyncwritethrough, otherwise zero).
Shown as millisecond
Number of times WAL buffers were written out to disk.
Shown as write
Total amount of time spent writing WAL buffers to disk, in milliseconds (if trackwalio_timing is enabled, otherwise zero).
Shown as millisecond
Enabled with collect_wal_metrics. The age in seconds of the oldest WAL file.
Shown as second
The number WAL files on disk.
The status of the WAL receiver. This metric will be set to 1 with a 'status:disconnected' tag if the instance doesn't have a running WAL receiver. Otherwise it will use status value from pgstatwal_receiver. This metric is tagged with status.
Time since the reception of the last message from the WAL sender. This metric is tagged with status.
Shown as second
The age of the latest message's send time received from the WAL sender. This metric is tagged with status.
Shown as second
Time since the reception of the last message from the WAL sender with an WAL location update. This metric is tagged with status.
Shown as second
Timeline number of last write-ahead log location received and flushed to disk, the initial value of this field being the timeline number of the first log location used when WAL receiver is started. This metric is tagged with status.
The sum of all WAL files on disk.
Shown as byte

Avec la version 7.32.0 et les versions ultérieures de l’Agent, si vous avez activé Database Monitoring, les tags state, app, db et user sont appliqués à la métrique postgresql.connections.


Le check PostgreSQL n’inclut aucun événement.

Checks de service

Renvoie CRITICAL si l’Agent n’est pas capable de se connecter à l’instance PostgreSQL qu’il surveille. Si ce n’est pas le cas, renvoie OK.
Statuses: ok, critical


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