Setting Up Database Monitoring for Self-Hosted Oracle

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Database Monitoring provides deep visibility into your Oracle databases by exposing query samples to profile your different workloads and diagnose issues.

The Agent collects telemetry directly from the database by logging in as a read-only user.

Before you begin

Supported Oracle versions
11g, 12c, 18c, 19c, 21c
Supported Agent version
Performance impact
The default Agent configuration for Database Monitoring is conservative, but you can adjust settings such as the collection interval and query sampling rate to better suit your needs. For most workloads, the Agent represents less than one percent of query execution time on the database and less than one percent of CPU.

Database Monitoring runs as an integration on top of the base Agent (see benchmarks).
Proxies, load balancers, and connection poolers
The Agent must connect directly to the host being monitored. The Agent should not connect to the database through a proxy, load balancer, or connection pooler. Each Agent must have knowledge of the underlying hostname and should stick to a single host for its lifetime, even in cases of failover. If the Datadog Agent connects to different hosts while it is running, the values of metrics will be incorrect.
Data security considerations
See Sensitive information for information about what data the Agent collects from your databases and how to ensure it is secure.


Complete the following to enable Database Monitoring with your Oracle database:

  1. Create the Datadog user
  2. Grant the user access to the database
  3. Create a view
  4. Install the Agent
  5. Configure the Agent
  6. Install or verify the Oracle integration
  7. Validate the setup

Create the Datadog user

If you already have the legacy Oracle integration installed, skip this step, because the user already exists.

Create a read-only login to connect to your server and grant the required permissions:


CREATE USER datadog IDENTIFIED BY &password ;
CREATE USER datadog IDENTIFIED BY &password ;

Grant the user access to the database

Log on as sysdba, and grant the following permissions:

grant create session to c##datadog ;
grant select on v_$session to c##datadog ;
grant select on v_$database to c##datadog ;
grant select on v_$containers to c##datadog;
grant select on v_$sqlstats to c##datadog ;
grant select on v_$instance to c##datadog ;
grant select on dba_feature_usage_statistics to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$PROCESS to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$SESSION to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$CON_SYSMETRIC to c##datadog ;
grant select on CDB_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS to c##datadog ;
grant select on CDB_TABLESPACES to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQLCOMMAND to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$DATAFILE to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$SYSMETRIC to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$SGAINFO to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$PDBS to c##datadog ;
grant select on CDB_SERVICES to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$OSSTAT to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$PARAMETER to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQLSTATS to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$CONTAINERS to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQL to c##datadog ;
grant select on V_$PGASTAT to c##datadog ;
grant select on v_$asm_diskgroup to c##datadog ;
grant select on v_$rsrcmgrmetric to c##datadog ;
grant select on v_$dataguard_config to c##datadog ;
grant select on v_$dataguard_stats to c##datadog ;
grant select on v_$transaction to c##datadog;
grant select on v_$locked_object to c##datadog;
grant select on dba_objects to c##datadog;
grant select on cdb_data_files to c##datadog;
grant select on dba_data_files to c##datadog;

If you configured custom queries that run on a pluggable database (PDB), you must grant set container privilege to the C##DATADOG user:

connect / as sysdba
alter session set container = your_pdb ;
grant set container to c##datadog ;
grant create session to datadog ;
grant select on v_$session to datadog ;
grant select on v_$database to datadog ;
grant select on v_$containers to datadog;
grant select on v_$sqlstats to datadog ;
grant select on v_$instance to datadog ;
grant select on dba_feature_usage_statistics to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL to datadog ;
grant select on V_$PROCESS to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SESSION to datadog ;
grant select on V_$CON_SYSMETRIC to datadog ;
grant select on CDB_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS to datadog ;
grant select on CDB_TABLESPACES to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQLCOMMAND to datadog ;
grant select on V_$DATAFILE to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SYSMETRIC to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SGAINFO to datadog ;
grant select on V_$PDBS to datadog ;
grant select on CDB_SERVICES to datadog ;
grant select on V_$OSSTAT to datadog ;
grant select on V_$PARAMETER to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQLSTATS to datadog ;
grant select on V_$CONTAINERS to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQL to datadog ;
grant select on V_$PGASTAT to datadog ;
grant select on v_$asm_diskgroup to datadog ;
grant select on v_$rsrcmgrmetric to datadog ;
grant select on v_$dataguard_config to datadog ;
grant select on v_$dataguard_stats to datadog ;
grant select on v_$transaction to datadog;
grant select on v_$locked_object to datadog;
grant select on dba_objects to datadog;
grant select on cdb_data_files to datadog;
grant select on dba_data_files to datadog;
grant create session to datadog ;
grant select on v_$session to datadog ;
grant select on v_$database to datadog ;
grant select on v_$sqlstats to datadog ;
grant select on v_$instance to datadog ;
grant select on dba_feature_usage_statistics to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL to datadog ;
grant select on V_$PROCESS to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SESSION to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQLCOMMAND to datadog ;
grant select on V_$DATAFILE to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SYSMETRIC to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SGAINFO to datadog ;
grant select on V_$OSSTAT to datadog ;
grant select on V_$PARAMETER to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQLSTATS to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL to datadog ;
grant select on V_$SQL to datadog ;
grant select on V_$PGASTAT to datadog ;
grant select on dba_tablespace_usage_metrics to datadog ;
grant select on dba_tablespaces to datadog ;
grant select on v_$asm_diskgroup to datadog ;
grant select on v_$rsrcmgrmetric to datadog ;
grant select on v_$dataguard_config to datadog ;
grant select on v_$dataguard_stats to datadog ;

Securely store your password

Store your password using secret management software such as Vault. You can then reference this password as ENC[<SECRET_NAME>] in your Agent configuration files: for example, ENC[datadog_user_database_password]. See Secrets Management for more information.

The examples on this page use datadog_user_database_password to refer to the name of the secret where your password is stored. It is possible to reference your password in plain text, but this is not recommended.

Create a view

Log on as sysdba, create a new view in the sysdba schema, and give the Agent user access to it:

SELECT /*+ push_pred(sq) push_pred(sq_prev) */
  s.indx as sid,
  s.ksuseser as serial#,
  s.ksuudlna as username,
  DECODE(BITAND(s.ksuseidl, 9), 1, 'ACTIVE', 0, DECODE(BITAND(s.ksuseflg, 4096), 0, 'INACTIVE', 'CACHED'), 'KILLED') as status,
  s.ksuseunm as osuser,
  s.ksusepid as process,
  s.ksusemnm as machine,
  s.ksusemnp as port,
  s.ksusepnm as program,
  DECODE(BITAND(s.ksuseflg, 19), 17, 'BACKGROUND', 1, 'USER', 2, 'RECURSIVE', '?') as type,
  s.ksusesqi as sql_id,
  sq.force_matching_signature as force_matching_signature,
  s.ksusesph as sql_plan_hash_value,
  s.ksusesesta as sql_exec_start,
  s.ksusesql as sql_address,
  CASE WHEN BITAND(s.ksusstmbv, POWER(2, 04)) = POWER(2, 04) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END as in_parse,
  CASE WHEN BITAND(s.ksusstmbv, POWER(2, 07)) = POWER(2, 07) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END as in_hard_parse,
  s.ksusepsi as prev_sql_id,
  s.ksusepha as prev_sql_plan_hash_value,
  s.ksusepesta as prev_sql_exec_start,
  sq_prev.force_matching_signature as prev_force_matching_signature,
  s.ksusepsq as prev_sql_address,
  s.ksuseapp as module,
    s.ksuseact as action,
    s.ksusecli as client_info,
    s.ksuseltm as logon_time,
    s.ksuseclid as client_identifier,
    s.ksusstmbv as op_flags,
        4294967295, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967294, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967293, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967292, 'NO HOLDER', 4294967291, 'NOT IN WAIT',
    ) as blocking_session_status,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksuseblocker, 2147418112) / 65536
    ) as blocking_instance,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksuseblocker, 65535)
    ) as blocking_session,
        4294967295, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967294, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967293, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967292, 'NO HOLDER', 4294967291, 'NOT IN WAIT', 'VALID'
    ) as final_blocking_session_status,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksusefblocker, 2147418112) / 65536
    ) as final_blocking_instance,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksusefblocker, 65535)
    ) as final_blocking_session,
        1, 'WAITING', decode(bitand(w.kslwtflags, 256), 0, 'WAITED UNKNOWN TIME',
        decode(round(w.kslwtstime / 10000), 0, 'WAITED SHORT TIME', 'WAITED KNOWN TIME'))
    ) as STATE,
    e.kslednam as event,
    e.ksledclass as wait_class,
    w.kslwtstime as wait_time_micro, as pdb_name,
    sq.sql_text as sql_text,
    sq.sql_fulltext as sql_fulltext,
    sq_prev.sql_fulltext as prev_sql_fulltext,
  x$ksuse s,
  x$kslwt w,
  x$ksled e,
  v$sql sq,
  v$sql sq_prev,
  v$containers c,
  v$sqlcommand comm
  BITAND(s.ksspaflg, 1) != 0
  AND BITAND(s.ksuseflg, 1) != 0
  AND s.inst_id = USERENV('Instance')
  AND s.indx = w.kslwtsid
  AND w.kslwtevt = e.indx
  AND s.ksusesqi = sq.sql_id(+)
  AND decode(s.ksusesch, 65535, TO_NUMBER(NULL), s.ksusesch) = sq.child_number(+)
  AND s.ksusepsi = sq_prev.sql_id(+)
  AND decode(s.ksusepch, 65535, TO_NUMBER(NULL), s.ksusepch) = sq_prev.child_number(+)
  AND s.con_id = c.con_id(+)
  AND s.ksuudoct = comm.command_type(+)

GRANT SELECT ON dd_session TO c##datadog ;
SELECT /*+ push_pred(sq) push_pred(sq_prev) */
  s.indx as sid,
  s.ksuseser as serial#,
  s.ksuudlna as username,
  DECODE(BITAND(s.ksuseidl, 9), 1, 'ACTIVE', 0, DECODE(BITAND(s.ksuseflg, 4096), 0, 'INACTIVE', 'CACHED'), 'KILLED') as status,
  s.ksuseunm as osuser,
  s.ksusepid as process,
  s.ksusemnm as machine,
  s.ksusemnp as port,
  s.ksusepnm as program,
  DECODE(BITAND(s.ksuseflg, 19), 17, 'BACKGROUND', 1, 'USER', 2, 'RECURSIVE', '?') as type,
  s.ksusesqi as sql_id,
  sq.force_matching_signature as force_matching_signature,
  s.ksusesph as sql_plan_hash_value,
  s.ksusesesta as sql_exec_start,
  s.ksusesql as sql_address,
  CASE WHEN BITAND(s.ksusstmbv, POWER(2, 04)) = POWER(2, 04) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END as in_parse,
  CASE WHEN BITAND(s.ksusstmbv, POWER(2, 07)) = POWER(2, 07) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END as in_hard_parse,
  s.ksusepsi as prev_sql_id,
  s.ksusepha as prev_sql_plan_hash_value,
  s.ksusepesta as prev_sql_exec_start,
  sq_prev.force_matching_signature as prev_force_matching_signature,
  s.ksusepsq as prev_sql_address,
  s.ksuseapp as module,
    s.ksuseact as action,
    s.ksusecli as client_info,
    s.ksuseltm as logon_time,
    s.ksuseclid as client_identifier,
    s.ksusstmbv as op_flags,
        4294967295, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967294, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967293, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967292, 'NO HOLDER', 4294967291, 'NOT IN WAIT',
    ) as blocking_session_status,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksuseblocker, 2147418112) / 65536
    ) as blocking_instance,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksuseblocker, 65535)
    ) as blocking_session,
        4294967295, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967294, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967293, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967292, 'NO HOLDER', 4294967291, 'NOT IN WAIT', 'VALID'
    ) as final_blocking_session_status,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksusefblocker, 2147418112) / 65536
    ) as final_blocking_instance,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksusefblocker, 65535)
    ) as final_blocking_session,
        1, 'WAITING', decode(bitand(w.kslwtflags, 256), 0, 'WAITED UNKNOWN TIME',
        decode(round(w.kslwtstime / 10000), 0, 'WAITED SHORT TIME', 'WAITED KNOWN TIME'))
    ) as STATE,
    e.kslednam as event,
    e.ksledclass as wait_class,
    w.kslwtstime as wait_time_micro, as pdb_name,
    sq.sql_text as sql_text,
    sq.sql_fulltext as sql_fulltext,
    sq_prev.sql_fulltext as prev_sql_fulltext,
  x$ksuse s,
  x$kslwt w,
  x$ksled e,
  v$sql sq,
  v$sql sq_prev,
  v$containers c,
  v$sqlcommand comm
  BITAND(s.ksspaflg, 1) != 0
  AND BITAND(s.ksuseflg, 1) != 0
  AND s.inst_id = USERENV('Instance')
  AND s.indx = w.kslwtsid
  AND w.kslwtevt = e.indx
  AND s.ksusesqi = sq.sql_id(+)
  AND decode(s.ksusesch, 65535, TO_NUMBER(NULL), s.ksusesch) = sq.child_number(+)
  AND s.ksusepsi = sq_prev.sql_id(+)
  AND decode(s.ksusepch, 65535, TO_NUMBER(NULL), s.ksusepch) = sq_prev.child_number(+)
  AND s.con_id = c.con_id(+)
  AND s.ksuudoct = comm.command_type(+)

GRANT SELECT ON dd_session TO datadog ;
SELECT /*+ push_pred(sq) push_pred(sq_prev) */
  s.indx as sid,
  s.ksuseser as serial#,
  s.ksuudlna as username,
  DECODE(BITAND(s.ksuseidl, 9), 1, 'ACTIVE', 0, DECODE(BITAND(s.ksuseflg, 4096), 0, 'INACTIVE', 'CACHED'), 'KILLED') as status,
  s.ksuseunm as osuser,
  s.ksusepid as process,
  s.ksusemnm as machine,
  s.ksusemnp as port,
  s.ksusepnm as program,
  DECODE(BITAND(s.ksuseflg, 19), 17, 'BACKGROUND', 1, 'USER', 2, 'RECURSIVE', '?') as type,
  s.ksusesqi as sql_id,
  sq.force_matching_signature as force_matching_signature,
  s.ksusesph as sql_plan_hash_value,
  s.ksusesesta as sql_exec_start,
  s.ksusesql as sql_address,
  CASE WHEN BITAND(s.ksusstmbv, POWER(2, 04)) = POWER(2, 04) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END as in_parse,
  CASE WHEN BITAND(s.ksusstmbv, POWER(2, 07)) = POWER(2, 07) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END as in_hard_parse,
  s.ksusepsi as prev_sql_id,
  s.ksusepha as prev_sql_plan_hash_value,
  s.ksusepesta as prev_sql_exec_start,
  sq_prev.force_matching_signature as prev_force_matching_signature,
  s.ksusepsq as prev_sql_address,
  s.ksuseapp as module,
    s.ksuseact as action,
    s.ksusecli as client_info,
    s.ksuseltm as logon_time,
    s.ksuseclid as client_identifier,
    s.ksusstmbv as op_flags,
        4294967295, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967294, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967293, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967292, 'NO HOLDER', 4294967291, 'NOT IN WAIT',
    ) as blocking_session_status,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksuseblocker, 2147418112) / 65536
    ) as blocking_instance,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksuseblocker, 65535)
    ) as blocking_session,
        4294967295, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967294, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967293, 'UNKNOWN', 4294967292, 'NO HOLDER', 4294967291, 'NOT IN WAIT', 'VALID'
    ) as final_blocking_session_status,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksusefblocker, 2147418112) / 65536
    ) as final_blocking_instance,
        4294967295, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967294, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967293, TO_NUMBER(NULL), 4294967292, TO_NUMBER(NULL),
        4294967291, TO_NUMBER(NULL), BITAND(s.ksusefblocker, 65535)
    ) as final_blocking_session,
        1, 'WAITING', decode(bitand(w.kslwtflags, 256), 0, 'WAITED UNKNOWN TIME',
        decode(round(w.kslwtstime / 10000), 0, 'WAITED SHORT TIME', 'WAITED KNOWN TIME'))
    ) as STATE,
    e.kslednam as event,
    e.ksledclass as wait_class,
    w.kslwtstime as wait_time_micro,
    sq.sql_text as sql_text,
    sq.sql_fulltext as sql_fulltext,
    sq_prev.sql_fulltext as prev_sql_fulltext,
  x$ksuse s,
  x$kslwt w,
  x$ksled e,
  v$sql sq,
  v$sql sq_prev,
  v$sqlcommand comm
  BITAND(s.ksspaflg, 1) != 0
  AND BITAND(s.ksuseflg, 1) != 0
  AND s.inst_id = USERENV('Instance')
  AND s.indx = w.kslwtsid
  AND w.kslwtevt = e.indx
  AND s.ksusesqi = sq.sql_id(+)
  AND decode(s.ksusesch, 65535, TO_NUMBER(NULL), s.ksusesch) = sq.child_number(+)
  AND s.ksusepsi = sq_prev.sql_id(+)
  AND decode(s.ksusepch, 65535, TO_NUMBER(NULL), s.ksusepch) = sq_prev.child_number(+)
  AND s.ksuudoct = comm.command_type(+)

GRANT SELECT ON dd_session TO datadog ;

Install the Agent

For installation steps, see the Agent installation instructions.

Configure the Agent

Create the Oracle Agent conf file /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/oracle.d/conf.yaml. See the sample conf file for all available configuration options.

Note: The configuration subdirectory for the Agent releases below 7.53.0 is oracle-dbm.d.

  - server: '<HOSTNAME_1>:<PORT>'
    service_name: "<CDB_SERVICE_NAME>" # The Oracle CDB service name
    username: 'c##datadog'
    password: 'ENC[datadog_user_database_password]'
    dbm: true
    tags:  # Optional
      - 'service:<CUSTOM_SERVICE>'
      - 'env:<CUSTOM_ENV>'
  - server: '<HOSTNAME_2>:<PORT>'
    service_name: "<CDB_SERVICE_NAME>" # The Oracle CDB service name
    username: 'c##datadog'
    password: 'ENC[datadog_user_database_password]'
    dbm: true
    tags:  # Optional
      - 'service:<CUSTOM_SERVICE>'
      - 'env:<CUSTOM_ENV>'

The Agent connects only to the root multitenant container database (CDB). It queries the information about PDB while connected to the root CDB. Don’t create connections to individual PDBs.

  - server: '<HOSTNAME_1>:<PORT>'
    service_name: "<SERVICE_NAME>" # The Oracle DB service name
    username: 'datadog'
    password: 'ENC[datadog_user_database_password]'
    dbm: true
    tags:  # Optional
      - 'service:<CUSTOM_SERVICE>'
      - 'env:<CUSTOM_ENV>'
  - server: '<HOSTNAME_2>:<PORT>'
    service_name: "<SERVICE_NAME>" # The Oracle DB service name
    username: 'datadog'
    password: 'ENC[datadog_user_database_password]'
    dbm: true
    tags:  # Optional
      - 'service:<CUSTOM_SERVICE>'
      - 'env:<CUSTOM_ENV>'
  - server: '<HOSTNAME_1>:<PORT>'
    service_name: "<SERVICE_NAME>" # The Oracle DB service name
    username: 'datadog'
    password: 'ENC[datadog_user_database_password]'
    dbm: true
    tags:  # Optional
      - 'service:<CUSTOM_SERVICE>'
      - 'env:<CUSTOM_ENV>'
  - server: '<HOSTNAME_2>:<PORT>'
    service_name: "<SERVICE_NAME>" # The Oracle DB service name
    username: 'datadog'
    password: 'ENC[datadog_user_database_password]'
    dbm: true
    tags:  # Optional
      - 'service:<CUSTOM_SERVICE>'
      - 'env:<CUSTOM_ENV>'

Once all Agent configuration is complete, restart the Datadog Agent.

Install or verify the Oracle integration

First-time installations

On the Integrations page in Datadog, install the Oracle integration for your organization. This installs an Oracle dashboard in your account that can be used to monitor the performance of your Oracle databases.

Existing installations

For an existing installation, verify that your configuration is located in the conf.d/oracle-dbm.d/ directory. You may need to migrate the legacy configuration from the conf.d/oracle.d/ directory.

Use the following command to migrate the Oracle integration from the legacy integration to the new one:

cp /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/oracle.d/conf.yaml /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/oracle-dbm.d/conf.yaml

Deactivate the legacy integration:

mv /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/oracle.d/conf.yaml /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/oracle.d/conf.yaml.bak

Deactivating the legacy integration prevents sending the system metrics twice.

Since the Agent doesn’t require an external Oracle client, remove the jdbc_driver_path configuration parameter from the new parameter file /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/oracle-dbm.d/conf.yaml.

Validate the setup

Run the Agent’s status subcommand and look for oracle under the Checks section. Navigate to the Dashboard and Databases page in Datadog to get started.

Custom queries

Database Monitoring supports custom queries for Oracle databases. See the conf.yaml.example to learn more about the configuration options available.

Running custom queries may result in additional costs or fees assessed by Oracle.

Further reading

Documentation, liens et articles supplémentaires utiles: