Install Datadog CoTerm

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CoTerm is supported on macOS and Linux.

  1. Install Datadog CoTerm with Homebrew or curl:

    brew (macOS only)

    brew install coterm


    curl --tlsv1.2 --proto '=https' -sSf '' | bash

    This command downloads the latest version of CoTerm to .ddcoterm/bin/ddcoterm and updates your PATH in .bashrc and .zshrc. Restart your terminal or source your profile. If you are using a shell other than Bash or Zsh, add path/to/.ddcoterm/bin to your PATH manually.

  2. If your Datadog site is not, set your site in .ddcoterm/config.yaml under

  3. Initialize your configuration file by running:

    ddcoterm init

    Select your settings. You can change these settings in the ~/.ddcoterm/config.yaml file.

Authorize CoTerm to connect to Datadog

During initialization, you can choose one of the following ways to authorize CoTerm to access your Datadog Account:

  • OAuth: Opens a browser for you to log in with OAuth.
  • API Key + App Key: Prompts you to set your Datadog API key and application key in ~/.ddcoterm/config.yaml.
  • API Key Only: Prompts you to set your Datadog API key in ~/.ddcoterm/config.yaml.
If you select the API Key Only option, you cannot require approvals with Case Management.

Configure your CoTerm settings

The ~/.ddcoterm/config.yaml file contains your CoTerm configurations:

Configure CoTerm to act as a linter and take certain actions when it intercepts a command that matches a rule. See CoTerm Configuration Rules.
Enable or disable sending telemetry to Datadog. Defaults to false.
Enable or disable experimental ptrace-based process monitoring on Linux. Defaults to false.
Host for connecting to Datadog. Defaults to
Port for connecting to Datadog. Defaults to 443.
If you are not using OAuth, your Datadog API key. If you have enabled OAuth, CoTerm defaults to using OAuth and ignores api_key.
If you are not using OAuth, your Datadog application key.
Note: To require approvals with Case Management, you must use OAuth or specify both your API key and application key in this file.

Next steps

  • Run ddcoterm to start a recorded terminal session.
  • Learn more about using CoTerm.


To uninstall CoTerm, delete the .ddcoterm folder.

Further reading