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ID: javascript-best-practices/no-ex-assign

Language: JavaScript

Severity: Error

Category: Best Practices


Catching an exception and assigning a different value to the error parameter will overwrite the reference to the original error data, which will be lost since there is no arguments object in a catch clause.

Non-Compliant Code Examples

try { } catch (e) { e = 10; }
try { } catch (ex) { ex = 10; }
try { } catch (ex) { [ex] = []; }
try { } catch (ex) { ({x: ex = 0} = {}); }
try { } catch ({message}) { message = 10; }

Compliant Code Examples

try { } catch (e) { three = 2 + 1; }
try { } catch ({e}) { this.something = 2; }
function foo() { try { } catch (e) { return false; } }