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ID: go-best-practices/regexp-zero-results

Language: Go

Severity: Info

Category: Best Practices


Go, invoking the function re.FindAll() with the second argument set to 0 will not return any results.

Non-Compliant Code Examples

import "regexp"

func main () {
    re := regexp.MustCompile("foo(")
    re.FindAll([]byte(`seafood fool`), 0)
import "regexp"

func main () {

    var re *regexp.Regexp

    res := re.FindAll(something, 0)
import "regexp"

func main () {

    re := regexp.MustCompile(`foo.?`)

    res := re.FindAll(something, 0)
import "regexp"

func main () {
    var r *regexp.Regexp
    res := r.FindAll(something, 0)
    var r2 regexp.Regexp
    res := r2.FindAll(something, 0)

    regexp.MustCompile("foo(").FindAll(nil, 0)
    regexp.MustCompile(`foo.?`).FindAll([]byte(`seafood fool`), -1)

    res = r.FindAll(something, 0)

    if something {
        re.FindAll([]byte(`seafood fool`), -1)