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The following table provides a summary of Agentless scanning technologies in relation to their corresponding components for each supported cloud provider:

Operating SystemLinuxLinux
Host FilesystemBtrfs, Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, xfsBtrfs, Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, xfs
Package ManagerDeb (debian, ubuntu)
RPM (amazon-linux, fedora, redhat, centos)
APK (alpine)
Deb (debian, ubuntu)
RPM (fedora, redhat, centos)
APK (alpine)
Encrypted - Platform Managed Key (PMK) and Customer Managed Key (CMK)
Encrypted - Platform Managed Key (PMK): Azure Disk Storage Server-Side Encryption, Encryption at host
Note: Encrypted - Customer Managed Key (CMK) is not supported
Container runtimeDocker, containerd
Note: CRI-O is not supported
Docker, containerd
Note: CRI-O is not supported
ServerlessAWS LambdaTo request this feature, contact Datadog Support
Application languages (in hosts and containers)Java, .Net, Python, Node.js, Go, Ruby, Rust, PHP, Swift, Dart, Elixir, Conan, CondaJava, .Net, Python, Node.js, Go, Ruby, Rust, PHP, Swift, Dart, Elixir, Conan, Conda

Note: AMIs must be stored in an account that uses Datadog’s AWS integration. Otherwise, Datadog can’t read the AMI’s underlying Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) snapshot, so it can’t scan or report on the AMI.

Linux distributions

The following Linux distributions are supported for hosts and containers scans:

Operating SystemSupported VersionsPackage ManagersSecurity Advisories
Alpine Linux2.2-2.7, 3.0-3.19 (edge is not supported)apk
Wolfi LinuxN/Aapk
Red Hat Enterprise Linux6, 7, 8dnf/yum/rpm and
CentOS6, 7, 8dnf/yum/rpm and
AlmaLinux8, 9dnf/yum/rpm
Rocky Linux8, 9dnf/yum/rpm
Oracle Linux5, 6, 7, 8dnf/yum/rpm
CBL-Mariner1.0, 2.0dnf/yum/rpm
Amazon Linux1, 2, 2023dnf/yum/rpm
openSUSE Leap42, 15zypper/rpm
SUSE Linux Enterprise11, 12, 15zypper/rpm
Photon OS1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0tdnf/yum/rpm
Debian GNU/Linux7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (unstable/sid is not supported)apt/dpkg and
UbuntuAll versions supported by Canonicalapt/dpkg

Application libraries

The following application languages and libraries are supported for vulnerability scans on containers and Lambda instances:

LanguageSupported Package ManagerSupported Files
RubybundlerGemfile.lock, gemspec
.NETnugetpackages.lock.json, packages.config, .deps.json, *packages.props
GomodBinaries built by Go, go.mod
JavaGradle, Mavenpom.xml, *gradle.lockfile, JAR/WAR/PAR/EAR (with
Node.jsnpm, pnpm, yarnpackage-lock.json, yarn.lock, pnpm-lock.yaml, package.json
Pythonpip, poetrypipfile.lock, poetry.lock, egg package, wheel package, conda package

Container image registries

The following container image registries are supported for container image scans:

  • Amazon ECR public
  • Amazon ECR private

Note: Container image scanning from registry is only supported if you have installed Agentless with:

  • Cloudformation Integrations >= v2.0.8
  • Terraform Agentless Module >= v0.11.7

Container runtimes

The following container runtimes are supported:

  • containerd: v1.5.6 or later
  • Docker

Note for container observations: Agentless Scanning requires uncompressed container image layers. As a workaround, you can set the configuration option discard_unpacked_layers=false in the containerd configuration file.