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Many types of logs are meant to be used for telemetry to track trends, such as KPIs, over long periods of time. Generating metrics from your logs is a cost-effective way to summarize log data from high-volume logs, such as CDN logs, VPC flow logs, firewall logs, and networks logs. Use the generate metrics processor to generate either a count metric of logs that match a query or a distribution metric of a numeric value contained in the logs, such as a request duration.

Note: The metrics generated are custom metrics and billed accordingly. See Custom Metrics Billing for more information.

To set up the processor:

Click Manage Metrics to create new metrics or edit existing metrics. This opens a side panel.

  • If you have not created any metrics yet, enter the metric parameters as described in the Add a metric section to create a metric.
  • If you have already created metrics, click on the metric’s row in the overview table to edit or delete it. Use the search bar to find a specific metric by its name, and then select the metric to edit or delete it. Click Add Metric to add another metric.
Add a metric
  1. Enter a filter query. Only logs that match the specified filter query are processed. All logs, regardless of whether they match the filter query, are sent to the next step in the pipeline. Note: Since a single processor can generate multiple metrics, you can define a different filter query for each metric.
  2. Enter a name for the metric.
  3. In the Define parameters section, select the metric type (count, gauge, or distribution). See the Count metric example and Distribution metric example. Also see Metrics Types for more information.
    • For gauge and distribution metric types, select a log field which has a numeric (or parseable numeric string) value that is used for the value of the generated metric.
    • For the distribution metric type, the log field’s value can be an array of (parseable) numerics, which is used for the generated metric’s sample set.
    • The Group by field determines how the metric values are grouped together. For example, if you have hundreds of hosts spread across four regions, grouping by region allows you to graph one line for every region. The fields listed in the Group by setting are set as tags on the configured metric.
  4. Click Add Metric.
Metrics Types

You can generate these types of metrics for your logs. See the Metrics Types and Distributions documentation for more details.

Metric typeDescriptionExample
COUNTRepresents the total number of event occurrences in one time interval. This value can be reset to zero, but cannot be decreased.You want to count the number of logs with status:error.
GAUGERepresents a snapshot of events in one time interval.You want to measure the latest CPU utilization per host for all logs in the production environment.
DISTRIBUTIONRepresent the global statistical distribution of a set of values calculated across your entire distributed infrastructure in one time interval.You want to measure the average time it takes for an API call to be made.
Count metric example

For this status:error log example:

{"status": "error", "env": "prod", "host": "ip-172-25-222-111.ec2.internal"}

To create a count metric that counts the number of logs that contain "status":"error" and groups them by env and host, enter the following information:

Input parametersValue
Filter query@status:error
Metric namestatus_error_total
Metric typeCount
Group byenv, prod
Distribution metric example

For this example of an API response log:

    "timestamp": "2018-10-15T17:01:33Z",
    "method": "GET",
    "status": 200,
    "request_body": "{"information"}",
    "response_time_seconds: 10

To create a distribution metric that measures the average time it takes for an API call to be made, enter the following information:

Input parametersValue
Filter query@method
Metric namestatus_200_response
Metric typeDistribution
Select a log attributeresponse_time_seconds
Group bymethod

Sintaxis de las consultas de filtro

Cada procesador tiene una consulta de filtro correspondiente en sus campos. Los procesadores sólo procesan los logs que coinciden con su consulta de filtro. Y en todos los procesadores, excepto el procesador de filtro, los logs que no coinciden con la consulta se envían al siguiente paso de la cadena. Para el procesador de filtro, los logs que no coinciden con la consulta se descartan.

Para cualquier atributo, etiqueta (tag) o par key:value que no sea un atributo reservado, la consulta debe empezar por @. Por el contrario, para filtrar atributos reservados, no es necesario añadir @ delante de la consulta de filtro.

Por ejemplo, para filtrar y descartar logs status:info, tu filtro puede definirse como NOT (status:info). Para filtrar y descartar system-status:info, el filtro debe ser NOT (@system-status:info).

Ejemplos de consulta de filtro:

  • NOT (status:debug): Esto filtra sólo los logs que no tienen el estado DEBUG.
  • status:ok service:flask-web-app: Esto filtra todos los logs con el estado OK de tu servicioflask-web-app.
    • Esta consulta también se puede escribir como: status:ok AND service:flask-web-app.
  • host:COMP-A9JNGYK OR host:COMP-J58KAS: Esta consulta de filtro sólo coincide con los logs de hosts etiquetados.
  • @user.status:inactive: Esto filtra los logs con el estado inactive anidado bajo el atributo user.

Las consultas ejecutadas en el worker de Observability Pipelines distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas. Obtén más información sobre cómo escribir consultas de filtro con la sintaxis de búsqueda de logs de Datadog.