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The remap processor can add, drop, or rename fields within your individual log data. Use this processor to enrich your logs with additional context, remove low-value fields to reduce volume, and standardize naming across important attributes. Select add field, drop field, or rename field in the dropdown menu to get started.

Add field

Use add field to append a new key-value field to your log.

To set up the add field processor:

  1. Define a filter query. Only logs that match the specified filter query are processed. All logs, regardless of whether they do or do not match the filter query, are sent to the next step in the pipeline.
  2. Enter the field and value you want to add. To specify a nested field for your key, use the path notation: <OUTER_FIELD>.<INNER_FIELD>. All values are stored as strings. Note: If the field you want to add already exists, the Worker throws an error and the existing field remains unchanged.
Drop field

Use drop field to drop a field from logging data that matches the filter you specify below. It can delete objects, so you can use the processor to drop nested keys.

To set up the drop field processor:

  1. Define a filter query. Only logs that match the specified filter query are processed. All logs, regardless of whether they do or do not match the filter query, are sent to the next step in the pipeline.
  2. Enter the key of the field you want to drop. To specify a nested field for your specified key, use the path notation: <OUTER_FIELD>.<INNER_FIELD>. Note: If your specified key does not exist, your log will be unimpacted.
Rename field

Use rename field to rename a field within your log.

To set up the rename field processor:

  1. Define a filter query. Only logs that match the specified filter query are processed. All logs, regardless of whether they do or do not match the filter query, are sent to the next step in the pipeline.
  2. Enter the name of the field you want to rename in the Source field. To specify a nested field for your key, use the path notation: <OUTER_FIELD>.<INNER_FIELD>. Once renamed, your original field is deleted unless you enable the Preserve source tag checkbox described below.
    Note: If the source key you specify doesn’t exist, a default null value is applied to your target.
  3. In the Target field, enter the name you want the source field to be renamed to. To specify a nested field for your specified key, use the path notation: <OUTER_FIELD>.<INNER_FIELD>.
    Note: If the target field you specify already exists, the Worker throws an error and does not overwrite the existing target field.
  4. Optionally, check the Preserve source tag box if you want to retain the original source field and duplicate the information from your source key to your specified target key. If this box is not checked, the source key is dropped after it is renamed.
Path notation example

For the following message structure, use outer_key.inner_key.double_inner_key to refer to the key with the value double_inner_value.

    "outer_key": {
        "inner_key": "inner_value",
        "a": {
            "double_inner_key": "double_inner_value",
            "b": "b value"
        "c": "c value"
    "d": "d value"

Sintaxis de las consultas de filtro

Cada procesador tiene una consulta de filtro correspondiente en sus campos. Los procesadores sólo procesan los logs que coinciden con su consulta de filtro. Y en todos los procesadores, excepto el procesador de filtro, los logs que no coinciden con la consulta se envían al siguiente paso de la cadena. Para el procesador de filtro, los logs que no coinciden con la consulta se descartan.

Para cualquier atributo, etiqueta (tag) o par key:value que no sea un atributo reservado, la consulta debe empezar por @. Por el contrario, para filtrar atributos reservados, no es necesario añadir @ delante de la consulta de filtro.

Por ejemplo, para filtrar y descartar logs status:info, tu filtro puede definirse como NOT (status:info). Para filtrar y descartar system-status:info, el filtro debe ser NOT (@system-status:info).

Ejemplos de consulta de filtro:

  • NOT (status:debug): Esto filtra sólo los logs que no tienen el estado DEBUG.
  • status:ok service:flask-web-app: Esto filtra todos los logs con el estado OK de tu servicioflask-web-app.
    • Esta consulta también se puede escribir como: status:ok AND service:flask-web-app.
  • host:COMP-A9JNGYK OR host:COMP-J58KAS: Esta consulta de filtro sólo coincide con los logs de hosts etiquetados.
  • @user.status:inactive: Esto filtra los logs con el estado inactive anidado bajo el atributo user.

Las consultas ejecutadas en el worker de Observability Pipelines distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas. Obtén más información sobre cómo escribir consultas de filtro con la sintaxis de búsqueda de logs de Datadog.