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The Observability Pipelines Worker is software that runs in your environment to centrally aggregate, process, and route your logs. You install and configure the Worker as part of the pipeline setup process. These are the general steps for setting up a pipeline in the UI:

  1. Select a log source.
  2. Select destinations to which you want to send your logs.
  3. Select and configure processors to transform your logs.
  4. Install the Worker.
  5. Deploy the pipeline.

Note: If you are using a proxy, see the proxy option in Bootstrap options.

Install the Worker

After you set up your source, destinations, and processors on the Build page of the pipeline UI, follow the steps on the Install page.

The install page in the UI with a dropdown menu to choose your installation platform and fields to enter environment variables
  1. Select the platform on which you want to install the Worker.
  2. Enter the environment variables for your sources and destinations, if applicable.
  3. Follow the instructions on installing the Worker for your platform. The command provided in the UI to install the Worker has the relevant environment variables populated.
  1. Click Select API key to choose the Datadog API key you want to use.
  2. Run the command provided in the UI to install the Worker. The command is automatically populated with the environment variables you entered earlier.
    docker run -i -e DD_API_KEY=<DATADOG_API_KEY> \
        -e DD_SITE=<DATADOG_SITE> \
        -e <SOURCE_ENV_VARIABLE> \
        -p 8088:8088 \
        datadog/observability-pipelines-worker run
    Note: By default, the docker run command exposes the same port the Worker is listening on. If you want to map the Worker’s container port to a different port on the Docker host, use the -p | --publish option in the command:
    -p 8282:8088 datadog/observability-pipelines-worker run
  3. Navigate back to the Observability Pipelines installation page and click Deploy.

See Update Existing Pipelines if you want to make changes to your pipeline’s configuration.

  1. Download the Helm chart values file. If you are not using a managed service such as Amazon EKS, Google GKE, or Azure AKS, see Self-hosted and self-managed Kubernetes clusters before continuing to the next step.
  2. Click Select API key to choose the Datadog API key you want to use.
  3. Add the Datadog chart repository to Helm:
    helm repo add datadog
    If you already have the Datadog chart repository, run the following command to make sure it is up to date:
    helm repo update
  4. Run the command provided in the UI to install the Worker. The command is automatically populated with the environment variables you entered earlier.
    helm upgrade --install opw \
    -f values.yaml \
    --set datadog.apiKey=<DATADOG_API_KEY> \
    --set datadog.pipelineId=<PIPELINE_ID> \
    --set service.ports[0].protocol=TCP,service.ports[0].port=<SERVICE_PORT>,service.ports[0].targetPort=<TARGET_PORT> \
    Note: By default, the Kubernetes Service maps incoming port <SERVICE_PORT> to the port the Worker is listening on (<TARGET_PORT>). If you want to map the Worker’s pod port to a different incoming port of the Kubernetes Service, use the following service.ports[0].port and service.ports[0].targetPort values in the command:
    --set service.ports[0].protocol=TCP,service.ports[0].port=8088,service.ports[0].targetPort=8282
  5. Navigate back to the Observability Pipelines installation page and click Deploy.

See Update Existing Pipelines if you want to make changes to your pipeline’s configuration.

Self-hosted and self-managed Kubernetes clusters

If you are running a self-hosted and self-managed Kubernetes cluster, and defined zones with node labels using, then you can use the Helm chart values file as is. However, if you are not using the label, you need to update the topologyKey in the values.yaml file to match the key you are using. Or if you run your Kubernetes install without zones, remove the entire section.

For RHEL and CentOS, the Observability Pipelines Worker supports versions 8.0 or later.

Follow the steps below if you want to use the one-line installation script to install the Worker. Otherwise, see Manually install the Worker on Linux.

  1. Click Select API key to choose the Datadog API key you want to use.

  2. Run the one-step command provided in the UI to install the Worker.

    Note: The environment variables used by the Worker in /etc/default/observability-pipelines-worker are not updated on subsequent runs of the install script. If changes are needed, update the file manually and restart the Worker.

  3. Navigate back to the Observability Pipelines installation page and click Deploy.

See Update Existing Pipelines if you want to make changes to your pipeline’s configuration.

  1. Select one of the options in the dropdown to provide the expected log volume for the pipeline:

    UnsureUse this option if you are not able to project the log volume or you want to test the Worker. This option provisions the EC2 Auto Scaling group with a maximum of 2 general purpose t4g.large instances.
    1-5 TB/dayThis option provisions the EC2 Auto Scaling group with a maximum of 2 compute optimized instances c6g.large.
    5-10 TB/dayThis option provisions the EC2 Auto Scaling group with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 compute optimized c6g.large instances.
    >10 TB/dayDatadog recommends this option for large-scale production deployments. It provisions the EC2 Auto Scaling group with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 compute optimized c6g.xlarge instances.

    Note: All other parameters are set to reasonable defaults for a Worker deployment, but you can adjust them for your use case as needed in the AWS Console before creating the stack.

  2. Select the AWS region you want to use to install the Worker.

  3. Click Select API key to choose the Datadog API key you want to use.

  4. Click Launch CloudFormation Template to navigate to the AWS Console to review the stack configuration and then launch it. Make sure the CloudFormation parameters are as expected.

  5. Select the VPC and subnet you want to use to install the Worker.

  6. Review and check the necessary permissions checkboxes for IAM. Click Submit to create the stack. CloudFormation handles the installation at this point; the Worker instances are launched, the necessary software is downloaded, and the Worker starts automatically.

  7. Navigate back to the Observability Pipelines installation page and click Deploy.

See Update Existing Pipelines if you want to make changes to your pipeline’s configuration.

Manually install the Worker on Linux

If you prefer not to use the one-line installation script for Linux, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Set up APT transport for downloading using HTTPS:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https curl gnupg
  2. Run the following commands to set up the Datadog deb repo on your system and create a Datadog archive keyring:
    sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/datadog-archive-keyring.gpg] stable observability-pipelines-worker-2' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/datadog-observability-pipelines-worker.list"
    sudo touch /usr/share/keyrings/datadog-archive-keyring.gpg
    sudo chmod a+r /usr/share/keyrings/datadog-archive-keyring.gpg
    curl | sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/datadog-archive-keyring.gpg --import --batch
    curl | sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/datadog-archive-keyring.gpg --import --batch
    curl | sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/datadog-archive-keyring.gpg --import --batch
    curl | sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/datadog-archive-keyring.gpg --import --batch
  3. Run the following commands to update your local apt repo and install the Worker:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install observability-pipelines-worker datadog-signing-keys
  4. Add your keys, site (for example, for US1), source, and destination environment variables to the Worker’s environment file:
    sudo cat <<EOF > /etc/default/observability-pipelines-worker
  5. Start the worker:
    sudo systemctl restart observability-pipelines-worker

Note: The environment variables used by the Worker in /etc/default/observability-pipelines-worker are not updated on subsequent runs of the install script. If changes are needed, update the file manually and restart the Worker.

See Update Existing Pipelines if you want to make changes to your pipeline’s configuration.

For RHEL and CentOS, the Observability Pipelines Worker supports versions 8.0 or later.
  1. Set up the Datadog rpm repo on your system with the below command.
    Note: If you are running RHEL 8.1 or CentOS 8.1, use repo_gpgcheck=0 instead of repo_gpgcheck=1 in the configuration below.
    cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/datadog-observability-pipelines-worker.repo
    name = Observability Pipelines Worker
    baseurl =\$basearch/
  2. Update your packages and install the Worker:
    sudo yum makecache
    sudo yum install observability-pipelines-worker
  3. Add your keys, site (for example, for US1), source, and destination environment variables to the Worker’s environment file:
    sudo cat <<-EOF > /etc/default/observability-pipelines-worker
  4. Start the worker:
    sudo systemctl restart observability-pipelines-worker
  5. Navigate back to the Observability Pipelines installation page and click Deploy.

Note: The environment variables used by the Worker in /etc/default/observability-pipelines-worker are not updated on subsequent runs of the install script. If changes are needed, update the file manually and restart the Worker.

See Update Existing Pipelines if you want to make changes to your pipeline’s configuration.

Further reading

Más enlaces, artículos y documentación útiles: