Google Cloud Router te permite intercambiar rutas dinámicamente entre tu Nube virtual privada (VPC) y las redes on-premises utilizando Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
Utiliza la integración de Google Cloud Platform con Datadog para recopilar métricas de Google Cloud Router.
Si aún no lo has hecho, primero configura la integración Google Cloud Platform. No es necesario realizar ningún otro paso de instalación.
Los logs de Google Cloud Router se recopilan con Google Cloud Logging y se envían a una tarea de Dataflow a través de un tema Cloud Pub/Sub. Si aún no lo has hecho, configura la generación de logs con la plantilla Dataflow de Datadog.
Una vez hecho esto, exporta tus logs de Google Cloud Router de Google Cloud Logging al tema Pub/Sub:
- Ve a la página de Google Cloud Logging y filtra logs de Google Cloud Router.
- Haz clic en Create Export (Crear exportación) y asigna un nombre al sumidero.
- Elige “Cloud Pub/Sub” como destino y selecciona el tema Pub/Sub creado para tal fin. Nota: El tema Pub/Sub puede encontrarse en un proyecto diferente.
- Haz clic en Create (Crear) y espera a que aparezca el mensaje de confirmación.
Datos recopilados
gcp.router.best_received_routes_count (gauge) | Current number of best routes received by router. Shown as route |
gcp.router.bgp.received_routes_count (gauge) | Current number of routes received on a bgp session. Shown as route |
gcp.router.bgp.sent_routes_count (gauge) | Current number of routes sent on a bgp session. Shown as route |
gcp.router.bgp.session_up (gauge) | Indicator for successful bgp session establishment. |
gcp.router.bgp_sessions_down_count (gauge) | Number of BGP sessions on the router that are down. Shown as session |
gcp.router.bgp_sessions_up_count (gauge) | Number of BGP sessions on the router that are up. Shown as session |
gcp.router.nat.allocated_ports (gauge) | The number of ports allocated to all VMs by the NAT gateway |
gcp.router.nat.closed_connections_count (count) | The number of connections to the NAT gateway that are closed Shown as connection |
gcp.router.nat.dropped_received_packets_count (count) | The number of received packets dropped by the NAT gateway Shown as packet |
gcp.router.nat.new_connections_count (count) | The number of new connections to the NAT gateway Shown as connection |
gcp.router.nat.open_connections (gauge) | The number of connections open to the NAT gateway Shown as connection |
gcp.router.nat.port_usage (gauge) | The highest port usage among all VMs connected to the NAT gateway |
gcp.router.nat.received_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes received by the NAT gateway Shown as byte |
gcp.router.nat.received_packets_count (count) | The number of packets received by the NAT gateway Shown as packet |
gcp.router.nat.sent_bytes_count (count) | The number of bytes sent by the NAT gateway Shown as byte |
gcp.router.nat.sent_packets_count (count) | The number of packets sent by the NAT gateway Shown as packet |
gcp.router.router_up (gauge) | Router status, up or down |
gcp.router.sent_routes_count (gauge) | Current number of routes sent by router. Shown as route |
La integración Google Cloud Router no incluye eventos.
Checks de servicio
La integración Google Cloud Router no incluye checks de servicio.
Resolución de problemas
¿Necesitas ayuda? Ponte en contacto con el servicio de asistencia de Datadog.