init_config:instances:- ceph_cmd:/path/to/your/ceph# default is /usr/bin/cephuse_sudo:true# only if the ceph binary needs sudo on your nodes
Si has habilitado use_sudo, añade una línea como la siguiente a tu archivo sudoers:
dd-agent ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/path/to/your/ceph
Recopilación de logs
Disponible para la versión 6.0 o posteriores del Agent
La recopilación de logs está deshabilitada por defecto en el Datadog Agent; habilítala en tu archivo datadog.yaml:
Luego, edita ceph.d/conf.yaml al quitar los comentarios de las líneas logs de la parte inferior. Actualiza la path de los logs con la ruta correcta a tus archivos de logs de Ceph.
Time taken to flush an update to disks Shown as millisecond
ceph.class_pct_used (gauge)
Per-class percentage of raw storage used Shown as percent
ceph.commit_latency_ms (gauge)
Time taken to commit an operation to the journal Shown as millisecond
ceph.misplaced_objects (gauge)
Number of objects misplaced Shown as item
ceph.misplaced_total (gauge)
Total number of objects if there are misplaced objects Shown as item
ceph.num_full_osds (gauge)
Number of full osds Shown as item
ceph.num_in_osds (gauge)
Number of participating storage daemons Shown as item
ceph.num_mons (gauge)
Number of monitor daemons Shown as item
ceph.num_near_full_osds (gauge)
Number of nearly full osds Shown as item
ceph.num_objects (gauge)
Object count for a given pool Shown as item
ceph.num_osds (gauge)
Number of known storage daemons Shown as item
ceph.num_pgs (gauge)
Number of placement groups available Shown as item
ceph.num_pools (gauge)
Number of pools Shown as item
ceph.num_up_osds (gauge)
Number of online storage daemons Shown as item
ceph.op_per_sec (gauge)
IO operations per second for given pool Shown as operation
ceph.osd.pct_used (gauge)
Percentage used of full/near full osds Shown as percent
ceph.pgstate.active_clean (gauge)
Number of active+clean placement groups Shown as item
ceph.read_bytes (gauge)
Per-pool read bytes Shown as byte
ceph.read_bytes_sec (gauge)
Bytes/second being read Shown as byte
ceph.read_op_per_sec (gauge)
Per-pool read operations/second Shown as operation
ceph.recovery_bytes_per_sec (gauge)
Rate of recovered bytes Shown as byte
ceph.recovery_keys_per_sec (gauge)
Rate of recovered keys Shown as item
ceph.recovery_objects_per_sec (gauge)
Rate of recovered objects Shown as item
ceph.total_objects (gauge)
Object count from the underlying object store. [v<=3 only] Shown as item
ceph.write_bytes (gauge)
Per-pool write bytes Shown as byte
ceph.write_bytes_sec (gauge)
Bytes/second being written Shown as byte
ceph.write_op_per_sec (gauge)
Per-pool write operations/second Shown as operation
Nota: Si estás ejecutando Ceph Luminous o posterior, la métrica ceph.osd.pct_used no está incluida.
El check de Ceph no incluye eventos.
Checks de servicio
ceph.overall_status Returns OK if your ceph cluster status is HEALTH_OK, WARNING if it’s HEALTH_WARNING, CRITICAL otherwise. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.osd_down Returns OK if you have no down OSD. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.osd_orphan Returns OK if you have no orphan OSD. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.osd_full Returns OK if your OSDs are not full. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.osd_nearfull Returns OK if your OSDs are not near full. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.pool_full Returns OK if your pools have not reached their quota. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.pool_near_full Returns OK if your pools are not near reaching their quota. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.pg_availability Returns OK if there is full data availability. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.pg_degraded Returns OK if there is full data redundancy. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.pg_degraded_full Returns OK if there is enough space in the cluster for data redundancy. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.pg_damaged Returns OK if there are no inconsistencies after data scrubing. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.pg_not_scrubbed Returns OK if the PGs were scrubbed recently. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.pg_not_deep_scrubbed Returns OK if the PGs were deep scrubbed recently. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.cache_pool_near_full Returns OK if the cache pools are not near full. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.too_few_pgs Returns OK if the number of PGs is above the min threshold. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.too_many_pgs Returns OK if the number of PGs is below the max threshold. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.object_unfound Returns OK if all objects can be found. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.request_slow Returns OK requests are taking a normal time to process. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical
ceph.request_stuck Returns OK requests are taking a normal time to process. Otherwise, returns WARNING if the severity is HEALTH_WARN, else CRITICAL. Statuses: ok, warning, critical