Amazon Elastic Transcoder

Información general

Amazon Elastic Transcoder permite convertir archivos multimedia almacenados en Amazon S3 en formatos de archivo multimedia requeridos por los dispositivos de reproducción del usuario.

Habilita esta integración para ver todas tus métricas de Elastic Transcoder en Datadog.



Si aún no lo has hecho, configura primero la integración de Amazon Web Services.

Recopilación de métricas

  1. En la página de la integración de AWS, asegúrate de que Elastic Transcoder está activado en la pestaña Metric Collection.
  2. Instala la integración de Datadog y Amazon Elastic Transcoder.


Activar logging

Configura Amazon Elastic Transcoder para enviar logs a un bucket de S3 o a CloudWatch.

Nota: Si vas a loguear en un bucket de S3, asegúrate de que amazon_elastic_transcoder está configurado como Target prefix (Prefijo de destino).

Enviar logs a Datadog

  1. Si aún no lo has hecho, configura la función de Lambda de Datadog Forwarder.

  2. Una vez instalada la función de Lambda, añade manualmente un activador en el bucket de S3 o en el grupo de logs de CloudWatch que contiene tus logs de Amazon Elastic Transcoder en la consola de AWS:

Datos recopilados


The average number of billable seconds of audio output for a pipeline.
Shown as second
The maximum number of billable seconds of audio output for a pipeline.
Shown as second
The minimum number of billable seconds of audio output for a pipeline.
Shown as second
The average number of billable seconds of HD output for a pipeline.
Shown as second
The maximum number of billable seconds of HD output for a pipeline.
Shown as second
The minimum number of billable seconds of HD output for a pipeline.
Shown as second
The average number of billable seconds of SD output for a pipeline.
Shown as second
The maximum number of billable seconds of SD output for a pipeline.
Shown as second
The minimum number of billable seconds of SD output for a pipeline.
Shown as second
The number of errors caused by invalid operation parameters.
The minimum number of errors caused by invalid operation parameters.
The average number of jobs completed by this pipeline.
The maximum average number of jobs completed by this pipeline.
The minimum average number of jobs completed by this pipeline.
The number of jobs that failed because of invalid inputs such as a request to transcode a file that is not in the given input bucket.
The maximum number of jobs that failed because of invalid inputs such as a request to transcode a file that is not in the given input bucket.
The minimum number of jobs that failed because of invalid inputs such as a request to transcode a file that is not in the given input bucket.
The maximum number of errors caused by invalid operation parameters.
The number of outputs Elastic Transcoder created for a job.
The maximum number of outputs Elastic Transcoder created for a job.
The minimum number of outputs Elastic Transcoder created for a job.
The number of seconds before Elastic Transcoder started transcoding a job.
Shown as second
The maximum number of seconds before Elastic Transcoder started transcoding a job.
Shown as second
The minimum number of seconds before Elastic Transcoder started transcoding a job.
Shown as second
The number of times that Elastic Transcoder automatically throttled an operation.
The maximum number of times that Elastic Transcoder automatically throttled an operation.
The minimum number of times that Elastic Transcoder automatically throttled an operation.


La integración de Amazon Elastic Transcoder no incluye ningún evento.

Checks de servicio

La integración de Amazon Elastic Transcoder no incluye ningún check de servicio.

Resolución de problemas

¿Necesitas ayuda? Ponte en contacto con el servicio de asistencia de Datadog.