La monitorización de bases de datos ofrece información completa sobre las bases de datos de Amazon DocumentDB (compatible con MongoDB) al brindar acceso a métricas fundamentales, muestras de operaciones, planes de explicación y cambios en el estado de la replicación. Con el fin de aprovechar la monitorización de bases de datos para Amazon DocumentDB, asegúrate de que el Datadog Agent se encuentre instalado y configurado para conectarse a tus instancias de Amazon DocumentDB. En esta guía se describen los pasos a fin de configurar la monitorización de bases de datos para Amazon DocumentDB.
Antes de empezar
Versiones principales de Amazon DocumentDB compatibles
4.0.0, 5.0.0
Tipos de clústeres de Amazon DocumentDB compatibles
clústeres basados en instancias.
Nota: El clúster elástico de Amazon DocumentDB no es compatible.
Supported Agent versions
Performance impact
The default Agent configuration for Database Monitoring is conservative, but you can adjust settings such as the collection interval and operation sampling rate to better suit your needs. For most workloads, the Agent represents less than one percent of query execution time on the database and less than one percent of CPU.
Connection strings or SRV strings
Although Amazon DocumentDB connection strings provide many benefits such as automatic failover and load balancing, the Datadog Agent must connect directly to the DocumentDB instance being monitored. If the Agent connects to a different DocumentDB instance while it is running (as in the case of failover, load balancing, and so on), the Agent calculates the difference in statistics between two hosts, producing inaccurate metrics.
Data security considerations
Read about how Database Management handles sensitive information for information about what data the Agent collects from your databases and how to ensure it is secure.
A fin de habilitar la monitorización de bases de datos para tu base de datos:
Conceder acceso al Agent a tus instancias de Amazon DocumentDB
El Datadog Agent requiere acceso de solo lectura a la instancia de Amazon DocumentDB para recopilar estadísticas y consultas.
En un shell de Mongo, autentícate en el nodo principal del conjunto de réplicas, crea un usuario de solo lectura para el Datadog Agent en la base de datos admin y concede los permisos necesarios:
# Autentícate como usuario administrador.use admin
db.auth("admin", "<YOUR_AMAZON_DOCUMENTDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD>")# Crea el usuario para el Datadog Agent.db.createUser({"user": "datadog",
"roles": [{ role: "read", db: "admin"},
{ role: "read", db: "local"},
{ role: "clusterMonitor", db: "admin"}]})
Concede permisos adicionales al usuario datadog en las bases de datos que quieres monitorizar:
Store your password using secret management software such as Vault. You can then reference this password as ENC[<SECRET_NAME>] in your Agent configuration files: for example, ENC[datadog_user_database_password]. See Secrets Management for more information.
The examples on this page use datadog_user_database_password to refer to the name of the secret where your password is stored. It is possible to reference your password in plain text, but this is not recommended.
Instalación y configuración del Agent
Para monitorizar tu clúster de Amazon DocumentDB, debes instalar y configurar el Datadog Agent en un host que pueda acceder de manera remota a tu clúster de Amazon DocumentDB. Este host puede ser un host de Linux, un contenedor de Docker o un pod de Kubernetes.
Crear el archivo de configuración
To monitor an Amazon DocumentDB replica set, the Agent needs to connect to all members (including the arbiter) of the replica set.
Use the following configuration block as an example to configure the Agent to connect to a replica set member:
init_config:instances:## @param hosts - required## Specify the hostname, IP address, or UNIX domain socket of## a mongod instance as listed in the replica set configuration.## If the port number is not specified, the default port 27017 is used.#- hosts:- <HOST>:<PORT>## @param username - string - optional## The username to use for authentication.#username:datadog## @param password - string - optional## The password to use for authentication.#password:'ENC[datadog_user_database_password]'## @param options - mapping - optional## Connection options. For a complete list, see:## @param tls - boolean - required## Required 'true' in Amazon DocumentDB.tls:true## @param tls_ca_file - string - required## Path to the CA certificate file used to verify the server certificate.tls_ca_file:<CERT_FILE_PATH>## @param dbm - boolean - optional## Set to true to enable Database Monitoring.#dbm:true## @param cluster_name - string - optional## The unique name of the cluster to which the monitored MongoDB instance belongs.## Used to group MongoDB instances in a MongoDB cluster.## cluster_name should follow Datadog tags naming conventions. See:## Required when `dbm` is enabled.#cluster_name:<MONGO_CLUSTER_NAME>## @param reported_database_hostname - string - optional## Set the reported database hostname for the connected MongoDB instance.## This value overrides the MongoDB hostname detected by the Agent## from the MongoDB admin command<DATABASE_HOSTNAME_OVERRIDE>## @param additional_metrics - list of strings - optional## List of additional metrics to collect. Available options are:## - metrics.commands: Use of database commands## - tcmalloc: TCMalloc memory allocator## - top: Usage statistics for each collection## - collection: Metrics of the specified collections#additional_metrics:['metrics.commands','tcmalloc','top','collection']## @param collections_indexes_stats - boolean - optional## Set to true to collect index statistics for the specified collections.## Requires `collections` to be set.#collections_indexes_stats:true## @param database_autodiscovery - mapping - optional## Enable database autodiscovery to automatically collect metrics from all your MongoDB databases.#database_autodiscovery:## @param enabled - boolean - required## Enable database autodiscovery.#enabled:true## @param include - list of strings - optional## List of databases to include in the autodiscovery. Use regular expressions to match multiple databases.## For example, to include all databases starting with "mydb", use "^mydb.*".## By default, include is set to ".*" and all databases are included.#include:- '^mydb.*'## @param exclude - list of strings - optional## List of databases to exclude from the autodiscovery. Use regular expressions to match multiple databases.## For example, to exclude all databases starting with "mydb", use "^mydb.*".## When the exclude list conflicts with include list, the exclude list takes precedence.#exclude:- '^mydb2.*'- 'admin$'## @param max_databases - integer - optional## Maximum number of databases to collect metrics from. The default value is 100.#max_databases:100## @param refresh_interval - integer - optional## Interval in seconds to refresh the list of databases. The default value is 600 seconds.#refresh_interval:600
An example configuration for a replica set with 1 primary and 2 secondaries is as follows:
Si instalaste la integración de Amazon DocumentDB para enriquecer las instancias
con la telemetría de la integración de Amazon DocumentDB, añade esta sección a tu configuración:
## @param aws - mapping - optional## Este bloque define la configuración para las instancias de Amazon DocumentDB.## Estos valores solo se aplican cuando se configura la opción `dbm: true`.#aws:## @param instance_endpoint - string - optional## Igual a Endpoint.Address de la instancia a la que se conecta el Agent.## Este valor es opcional si el valor de `host` ya se ha configurado en el endpoint de la instancia.#### Para obtener más información sobre los endpoints de la instancia,## consulta la documentación de AWS<AMAZON_DOCUMENTDB_ENDPOINT>## @param cluster_identifier - string - optional## Igual al identificador del clúster de la instancia a la que se conecta el Agent.## Este valor es opcional si el valor de `cluster_name` ya se ha configurado para el identificador del clúster.#### Para obtener más información sobre los identificadores del clúster,## consulta la documentación de AWS<AMAZON_DOCUMENTDB_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER>
Configurar el Agent
Place the MongoDB Agent configuration file created in the previous step in /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/mongo.d/conf.yaml. See the sample conf file for all available configuration options.
To configure the Database Monitoring Agent running in a Docker container, set the Autodiscovery Integration Templates as Docker labels on your Agent container.
The MongoDB check is included in the Datadog Agent. No additional installation is necessary.
Note: The Agent must have read permission on the Docker socket for autodiscovery of labels to work.
Add the configuration details for the MongoDB check from the previous step in the label. See the sample conf file for all available configuration options.
If you have a Kubernetes cluster, use the Datadog Cluster Agent for Database Monitoring.
If cluster checks are not already enabled in your Kubernetes cluster, follow the instructions to enable cluster checks. You can configure the Cluster Agent either with static files mounted in the Cluster Agent container, or by using Kubernetes service annotations.
Command line with Helm
Execute the following Helm command to install the Datadog Cluster Agent on your Kubernetes cluster. Replace the values to match your account and environment:
To configure a cluster check with a mounted configuration file, mount the configuration file in the Cluster Agent container on the path: /conf.d/mongo.yaml:
cluster_check:true# Make sure to include this flaginit_config:instances:- hosts:- <HOST>:<PORT>username:datadogpassword:"ENC[datadog_user_database_password]"options:authSource:admindbm:truecluster_name:<MONGO_CLUSTER_NAME>reported_database_hostname:<DATABASE_HOSTNAME_OVERRIDE>database_autodiscovery:enabled:trueadditional_metrics:["metrics.commands","tcmalloc","top","collection"]collections_indexes_stats:true
Configure with Kubernetes service annotations
Rather than mounting a file, you can declare the instance configuration as a Kubernetes Service. To configure this check for an Agent running on Kubernetes, create a Service in the same namespace as the Datadog Cluster Agent:
The Cluster Agent automatically registers this configuration and begins running the MongoDB integration.
To avoid exposing the datadog user’s password in plain text, use the Agent’s secret management package and declare the password using the ENC[] syntax.
Database Monitoring for Amazon DocumentDB gathers operation samples using the currentOp command. This command provides information about operations that are currently being executed on the DocumentDB instance. Additionally, Database Monitoring collects explain plans for the read operation samples using the explain command, offering detailed insights into the query execution plans.
Replication state changes
Database Monitoring for Amazon DocumentDB generates an event each time there is a change in the replication state within the DocumentDB instance. This ensures that any changes in replication are promptly detected and reported.
Collection of schemas and indexes
Database Monitoring for Amazon DocumentDB collects inferred schemas and indexes of Amazon DocumentDB collections. This information is used to provide insights into the structure and organization of your collections.
When analyzing Amazon DocumentDB collections, Datadog collects inferred schema information by sampling documents using the $sample aggregation stage. From this analysis, only metadata about the schema is gathered and sent to Datadog, including field names, field prevalence (how often each field appears), and their respective data types. Datadog does not collect or transmit the actual content of documents or any customer business data. This ensures that sensitive data remains protected while still providing valuable insights into the structure and organization of your collections.