Short-running CLI scripts
A short-running script typically runs for a few seconds or minutes. The expected behavior is to receive one trace each time the script is executed.
# Optionally, set the agent host and port if different from localhost and 8126, respectively
$ export DD_AGENT_HOST=agent
$ export DD_TRACE_AGENT_PORT=8126
For example, assume the following script.php
runs a cURL request:
$ch = curl_init('');
Run the script:
Once the script is run, the trace is generated and sent to the Datadog backend when the script terminates.
Long-running CLI scripts
A long-running script runs for hours or days. Typically, such scripts repetitively execute a specific task, for example processing new incoming messages or new lines added to a table in a database. The expected behavior is that one trace is generated for each “unit of work”, for example the processing of a message.
# With this setting, traces for each "unit of work" are sent as soon as the method execution terminates.
# Optionally, set service name, env, etc...
$ export DD_SERVICE=my_service
# Optionally, set the agent host and port if different from localhost and 8126, respectively
$ export DD_AGENT_HOST=agent
$ export DD_TRACE_AGENT_PORT=8126
For example, assume the following long_running.php
/* Datadog specific code. It can be in a separate files and required in this script */
use function DDTrace\trace_method;
use function DDTrace\trace_function;
use DDTrace\SpanData;
trace_function('processMessage', function(SpanData $span, $args) {
// Access method arguments and change resource name
$span->resource = 'message:' . $args[0]->id;
$span->meta['message.content'] = $args[0]->content;
$span->service = 'my_service';
trace_method('ProcessingStage1', 'process', function (SpanData $span, $args) {
$span->service = 'my_service';
// Resource name defaults to the fully qualified method name.
trace_method('ProcessingStage2', 'process', function (SpanData $span, $args) {
$span->service = 'my_service';
$span->resource = 'message:' . $args[0]->id;
/* Enf of Datadog code */
/** Represents a message to be received and processed */
class Message
public $id;
public $content;
public function __construct($id, $content)
$this->id = $id;
$this->content = $content;
/** One of possibly many processing stages, each of which should have a Span */
class ProcessingStage1
public function process(Message $message)
$ch = curl_init('');
/** One of possibly many processing stages, each of which should have a Span */
class ProcessingStage2
public function process(Message $message)
/** In a real world application, this will read new messages from a source, for example a queue */
function waitForNewMessages()
return [
new Message($id = (time() + rand(1, 1000)), 'content of a message: ' . $id),
new Message($id = (time() + rand(1, 1000)), 'content of a message: ' . $id),
new Message($id = (time() + rand(1, 1000)), 'content of a message: ' . $id),
/** This function is the "unit of work", each execution of it will generate one single trace */
function processMessage(Message $m, array $processors)
foreach ($processors as $processor) {
$processors = [new ProcessingStage1(), new ProcessingStage2()];
/** A loop that runs forever waiting for new messages */
while (true) {
$messages = waitForNewMessages();
foreach ($messages as $message) {
processMessage($message, $processors);
Run the script:
Once the script is run, one trace is generated and sent to the Datadog backend every time a new message is processed.
Further reading
Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: