
  • The full Step Function execution length must be less than 6 hours for full traces.
  • Linked Lambda traces are supported for Node.js (layer v112+) and Python (layer v95+) runtimes.

How it works

AWS Step Functions is a fully managed service, and the Datadog Agent cannot be directly installed on Step Functions. However, Datadog can monitor Step Functions through Cloudwatch metrics and logs.

Datadog collects Step Functions metrics from Cloudwatch through the AWS Step Functions integration. Datadog collects Step Functions logs from Cloudwatch through one of the following:

Datadog uses these ingested logs to generate enhanced metrics and traces for your Step Function executions.

A diagram explaining how Step Functions telemetry is ingested and used in Datadog


Ensure that the AWS Step Functions integration is installed.

Then, to send your Step Functions logs to Datadog:

For developers using Serverless Framework to deploy serverless applications, use the Datadog Serverless Framework Plugin.

  1. If you have not already, install the Datadog Serverless Framework Plugin v5.40.0+:

    serverless plugin install --name serverless-plugin-datadog
  2. Ensure you have deployed the Datadog Lambda Forwarder, a Lambda function that ships logs from AWS to Datadog, and that you are using v3.121.0+. You may need to update your Forwarder.

    Take note of your Forwarder’s ARN.

  3. Add the following to your serverless.yml:

        site: <DATADOG_SITE>
        apiKeySecretArn: <DATADOG_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN>
        forwarderArn: <FORWARDER_ARN>
        enableStepFunctionsTracing: true
        propagateUpstreamTrace : true
    • Replace <DATADOG_SITE> with (ensure the correct SITE is selected on the right).
    • Replace <DATADOG_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN> with the ARN of the AWS secret where your Datadog API key is securely stored. The key needs to be stored as a plaintext string (not a JSON blob). The secretsmanager:GetSecretValue permission is required. For quick testing, you can instead use apiKey and set the Datadog API key in plaintext.
    • Replace <FORWARDER_ARN> with the ARN of your Datadog Lambda Forwarder, as noted previously.
    • propagateUpstreamTrace: Optional. Set to true to inject Step Function context into downstream Lambda and Step Function invocations

    For additional settings, see Datadog Serverless Framework Plugin - Configuration parameters.

  4. For Node.js and Python runtimes, set mergeStepFunctionAndLambdaTraces:true in your serverless.yaml file. This links your Step Function traces with Lambda traces. If you have not instrumented your Lambda functions to send traces, you can follow the steps to add the Lambda layer for your preferred runtime.

  1. If you have not already, install the Datadog CLI v2.18.0+.

    npm install -g @datadog/datadog-ci
  2. Ensure you have deployed the Datadog Lambda Forwarder, a Lambda function that ships logs from AWS to Datadog, and that you are using v3.121.0+. You may need to update your Forwarder.

    Take note of your Forwarder’s ARN.

  3. Instrument your Step Function.

    datadog-ci stepfunctions instrument \
     --step-function <STEP_FUNCTION_ARN> \
     --forwarder <FORWARDER_ARN> \
     --env <ENVIRONMENT> \
    • Replace <STEP_FUNCTION_ARN> with the ARN of your Step Function. Repeat the --step-function flag for each Step Function you wish to instrument.
    • Replace <FORWARDER_ARN> with the ARN of your Datadog Lambda Forwarder, as noted previously.
    • Replace <ENVIRONMENT> with the environment tag you would like to apply to your Step Functions.
    • --propagate-upstream-trace is optional, and updates your Step Function definitions to inject Step Function context into any downstream Step Function or Lambda invocations.

    For more information about the datadog-ci stepfunctions command, see the Datadog CLI documentation.

  4. For Node.js and Python runtimes, add the flag --merge-step-function-and-lambda-traces in your datadog-ci command. This links your Step Function traces with Lambda traces. If you have not yet instrumented your Lambda functions to send traces, you can follow the steps to add the Lambda layer for your preferred runtime.

  1. Enable all logging for your Step Function. In your AWS console, open your state machine. Click Edit and find the Logging section. There, set Log level to ALL and enable the Include execution data checkbox.

    AWS UI, Logging section, showing log level set to ALL.
  2. Ensure you have deployed the Datadog Lambda Forwarder, a Lambda function that ships logs from AWS to Datadog, and that you are using v3.121.0+. You may need to update your Forwarder. When deploying the Forwarder on v3.121.0+, you can also set the DdStepFunctionsTraceEnabled parameter in CloudFormation to enable tracing for all your Step Functions at the Forwarder-level.

    Take note of your Forwarder’s ARN.

  3. Subscribe CloudWatch logs to the Datadog Lambda Forwarder. To do this, you have two options:

    • Datadog-AWS integration (recommended)

      1. Ensure that you have set up the Datadog-AWS integration.
      2. In Datadog, open the AWS integration tile, and view the Configuration tab.
      3. On the left, select the AWS account where your Step Function is running. Open the Log Collection tab.
      4. In the Log Autosubscription section, under Autosubscribe Forwarder Lambda Functions, enter the ARN of your Datadog Lambda Forwarder, as noted previously. Click Add.
      5. Toggle on Step Functions CloudWatch Logs. Changes take 15 minutes to take effect.

      Note: Log Autosubscription requires your Lambda Forwarder and Step Function to be in the same region.

    • Manual

      1. Ensure that your log group name has the prefix /aws/vendedlogs/states.
      2. Open your AWS console and go to your Datadog Lambda Forwarder. In the Function overview section, click on Add trigger.
      3. Under Add trigger, in the Trigger configuration section, use the Select a source dropdown to select CloudWatch Logs.
      4. Under Log group, select the log group for your state machine. For example, /aws/vendedlogs/states/my-state-machine.
      5. Enter a filter name. You can choose to name it “empty filter” and leave the Filter pattern box blank.
If you are using a different instrumentation method such as Serverless Framework or datadog-ci, enabling autosubscription may create duplicated logs. Choose one configuration method to avoid this behavior.
  1. Set up tags. Open your AWS console and go to your Step Functions state machine. Open the Tags section and add env:<ENV_NAME>, service:<SERVICE_NAME>, and version:<VERSION> tags. The env tag is required to see traces in Datadog, and it defaults to dev. The service tag defaults to the state machine’s name. The version tag defaults to 1.0.
  2. Link your Step Function traces to downstream Lambda traces:

For Node.js and Python runtimes, you can link your Step Function traces to Lambda traces. On the Lambda Task, set the Parameters key with the following:

"Parameters": {
  "Payload.$": "States.JsonMerge($$, $, false)",

The JsonMerge intrinsic function merges the Step Functions context object ($$) with the original Lambda’s input payload ($). Fields of the original payload overwrite the Step Functions context object if their keys are the same.


"Lambda Read From DynamoDB": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke",
      "Parameters": {
        "Payload.$": "States.JsonMerge($$, $, false)",
        "FunctionName": "${lambdaArn}"
      "End": true

Alternatively, if you have business logic defined in the payload, you could also use the following:

"Lambda Read From DynamoDB": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke",
      "Parameters": {
        "Payload": {
          "Execution.$": "$$.Execution",
          "State.$": "$$.State",
          "StateMachine.$": "$$.StateMachine"
        "FunctionName": "${lambdaArn}"
      "End": true

If you have not yet instrumented your Lambda functions to send traces, you can follow the steps to add the Lambda layer for your preferred runtime.

Enable enhanced metrics

Datadog generates enhanced metrics from collected Cloudwatch logs. To enable this, add a DD_ENHANCED_METRICS tag to each of your Step Functions and set the value to true.

Enhanced metrics are automatically enabled if you enable traces.

Enable tracing

Datadog generates traces from collected Cloudwatch logs. To enable this, add a DD_TRACE_ENABLED tag to each of your Step Functions and set the value to true. Alternatively, to enable tracing for all your Step Functions, add a DD_STEP_FUNCTIONS_TRACE_ENABLED environment variable to the Datadog Forwarder and set the value to true.

Enhanced metrics are automatically enabled if you enable tracing.

If you enable enhanced metrics without enabling traces, you are only billed for Serverless Workload Monitoring. If you enable tracing (which automatically includes enhanced metrics), you are billed for both Serverless Workload Monitoring and Serverless APM. See Pricing.

Ensure that you have also set up Serverless Monitoring for AWS Lambda.

See your Step Function metrics, logs, and traces in Datadog

After you have invoked your state machine, go to the Serverless app in Datadog. Search for service:<YOUR_STATE_MACHINE_NAME> to see the relevant metrics, logs, and traces associated with that state machine. If you set the service tag on your state machine to a custom value, search for service:<CUSTOM_VALUE>.

An AWS Step Function side panel view.

If you cannot see your traces, see Troubleshooting.

Retry Step Functions executions or redrive failed executions from within Datadog

You can retry any execution that is being monitored or redrive executions to continue failed AWS Step Functions from the point of failure, without needing a complete state machine restart. This can be done directly from Datadog.

To take action on you Step Functions in Datadog, you can either use the invocations list on a Step Function side-panel and click on the Failed pill to open a redrive modal, or open the Step Function Trace Map to retry an execution or redrive a failed execution.

A visualization of a failed Step Function execution.

To enable using redrive within Datadog, configure an AWS Connection with Datadog App Builder. Ensure that your IAM roles include policies that have permissions to allow executing a Step Function for the retry action (StartExecution) or redriving a Step Function for the redrive action (RedriveExecution).