The Datadog CLI modifies existing Lambda functions’ configurations to enable instrumentation without requiring a new deployment. It is the quickest way to get started with Datadog’s serverless monitoring.
You can also add the command to your CI/CD pipelines to enable instrumentation for all your serverless applications. Run the command after your normal serverless application deployment, so that changes made by the Datadog CLI command are not overridden.
Install the Datadog CLI with NPM or Yarn:
npm install -g @datadog/datadog-ci
# Yarn
yarn global add @datadog/datadog-ci
To instrument the function, run the following command with your AWS credentials.
datadog-ci lambda instrument -f <functionname> -f <another_functionname> -r <aws_region> -v <layer_version> --forwarder <forwarder_arn>
To fill in the placeholders:
- Replace
and <another_functionname>
with your Lambda function names. - Replace
with the AWS region name. - Replace
with the desired version of the Datadog Lambda Library. The latest version is 24
. - Replace
with the Forwarder ARN (see the Forwarder documentation).
For example:
datadog-ci lambda instrument -f my-function -f another-function -r us-east-1 -v 24 --forwarder "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:datadog-forwarder"
If your Lambda function is configured to use code signing, you must add Datadog’s Signing Profile ARN (arn:aws:signer:us-east-1:464622532012:/signing-profiles/DatadogLambdaSigningProfile/9vMI9ZAGLc
) to your function’s Code Signing Configuration before you can instrument it with the Datadog CLI.
More information and additional parameters can be found in the CLI documentation.
The Datadog Serverless Plugin automatically adds the Datadog Lambda library to your functions using layers, and configures your functions to send metrics, traces, and logs to Datadog through the Datadog Forwarder.
If your Lambda function is configured to use code signing, you must add Datadog’s Signing Profile ARN (arn:aws:signer:us-east-1:464622532012:/signing-profiles/DatadogLambdaSigningProfile/9vMI9ZAGLc
) to your function’s Code Signing Configuration before you install the Datadog Serverless Plugin.
To install and configure the Datadog Serverless Plugin, follow these steps:
- Install the Datadog Serverless Plugin:
yarn add --dev serverless-plugin-datadog
- In your
, add the following:plugins:
- serverless-plugin-datadog
- In your
, also add the following section:custom:
forwarderArn: # The Datadog Forwarder ARN goes here.
More information on the Datadog Forwarder ARN or installation can be found here. For additional settings, see the plugin documentation.
The Datadog Lambda Library can be installed as a layer or a gem. For most functions, Datadog recommends installing the library as a layer. If your Lambda function is deployed as a container image, you must install the library as a gem.
The minor version of the datadog-lambda
gem always matches the layer version. For example, datadog-lambda v0.5.0 matches the content of layer version 5.
Using the layer
Configure the layers for your Lambda function using the ARN in the following format.
# For us,us3,us5,eu regions
# For us-gov regions
The available RUNTIME
options are Ruby2-7
, and Ruby3-2
. The latest VERSION
is 24
. For example:
If your Lambda function is configured to use code signing, you must add Datadog’s Signing Profile ARN (arn:aws:signer:us-east-1:464622532012:/signing-profiles/DatadogLambdaSigningProfile/9vMI9ZAGLc
) to your function’s Code Signing Configuration before you can add the Datadog Lambda library as a layer.
Using the gem
If you cannot use the prebuilt Datadog Lambda layer, you can add the following to your Gemfile as an alternative:
gem 'datadog-lambda'
gem 'ddtrace'
contains native extensions that must be compiled for Amazon Linux to work with AWS Lambda. Datadog therefore recommends that you build and deploy your Lambda as a container image. If your function cannot be deployed as a container image and you would like to use Datadog APM, Datadog recommends installing the Lambda Library as a layer instead of as a gem.
Install gcc
, gmp-devel
, and make
prior to running bundle install
in your function’s Dockerfile to ensure that the native extensions can be successfully compiled.
FROM <base image>
# assemble your container image
RUN yum -y install gcc gmp-devel make
RUN bundle config set path 'vendor/bundle'
RUN bundle install
Enable Datadog APM and wrap your Lambda handler function using the wrapper provided by the Datadog Lambda library.
require 'datadog/lambda'
Datadog::Lambda.configure_apm do |c|
# Enable the instrumentation
def handler(event:, context:)
Datadog::Lambda.wrap(event, context) do
return { statusCode: 200, body: 'Hello World' }
Subscribe the Datadog Forwarder Lambda function to each of your function’s log groups. This enables sending metrics, traces, and logs to Datadog.
- Install the Datadog Forwarder if you haven’t.
- Subscribe the Datadog Forwarder to your function’s log groups.