Configure server restrictions for ntpd
ntpd is a daemon which implements the Network Time Protocol (NTP). It is designed to
synchronize system clocks across a variety of systems and use a source that is highly
accurate. More information on NTP can be found at
ntp can be configured to be a client and/or a server.
To ensure that ntpd implements correct server restrictions, make sure that the following lines exist in the file /etc/ntpd.conf
restrict -4 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
This recommendation only applies if ntp is in use on the system.
If ntp is in use on the system proper configuration is vital to ensuring time synchronization
is working properly.
Shell script
The following script can be run on the host to remediate the issue.
# Remediation is applicable only in certain platforms
if dpkg-query --show --showformat='${db:Status-Status}
' 'kernel' 2>/dev/null | grep -q installed && { dpkg-query --show --showformat='${db:Status-Status}\n' 'ntp' 2>/dev/null | grep -q installed; }; then
if [ -e "/etc/ntp.conf" ] ; then
LC_ALL=C sed -i "/^\s*restrict \-4\s\+/Id" "/etc/ntp.conf"
touch "/etc/ntp.conf"
# make sure file has newline at the end
sed -i -e '$a\' "/etc/ntp.conf"
cp "/etc/ntp.conf" "/etc/ntp.conf.bak"
# Insert at the end of the file
printf '%s\n' "restrict -4 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery" >> "/etc/ntp.conf"
# Clean up after ourselves.
rm "/etc/ntp.conf.bak"
if [ -e "/etc/ntp.conf" ] ; then
LC_ALL=C sed -i "/^\s*restrict \-6\s\+/Id" "/etc/ntp.conf"
touch "/etc/ntp.conf"
# make sure file has newline at the end
sed -i -e '$a\' "/etc/ntp.conf"
cp "/etc/ntp.conf" "/etc/ntp.conf.bak"
# Insert at the end of the file
printf '%s\n' "restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery" >> "/etc/ntp.conf"
# Clean up after ourselves.
rm "/etc/ntp.conf.bak"
>&2 echo 'Remediation is not applicable, nothing was done'