
ID: python-flask/html-format-from-user-input

Language: Python

Severity: Error

Category: Security

CWE: 79


Use of unsanitized from incoming request for SQL queries is unsafe and leads to SQL injections. Data from requests must be sanitized before being used to issues SQL queries, open file or deserialize data. Make sure the data is sanitized before use.

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Non-Compliant Code Examples

import flask
import requests

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

def resource1(resource_id):
    return f"<a href='/path/to/{resource_id}'>Click me!</a>"

def resource2(resource_id):
    return "<a href='/path/to/{0}'>Click me!</a>".format(resource_id)

def resource3():
    resource_id = flask.request.args.get("resource_id")
    return "<a href='/path/to/%s'>Click me!</a>" % resource_id

def resource4(resource_id):
    ret = f"<a href='/path/to/{resource_id}'>Click me!</a>"
    return ret

def resource2():
    resource_id = flask.request.args.get("resource_id")
    ret = "<a href='/path/to/{0}'>Click me!</a>".format(resource_id)
    return ret

def resource3(resource_id):
    ret = "<a href='/path/to/%s'>Click me!</a>" % resource_id
    return ret

Compliant Code Examples

import flask
import requests

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

def resource2(resource_id):
    return "<a href='/path/to/{0}'>Click me!</a>".format(sanitize(resource_id))

def resource2():
    resource_id =
    ret = requests.get(foo);
    ret = "<a href='/path/to/{0}'>Click me!</a>".format(resource_id)
    return ret