
This topic describes threat intelligence for Application Security Management (ASM).

Datadog provides built-in threat intelligence datasets for ASM. This provides additional evidence when acting on security activity and reduces detection thresholds for some business logic detections.

Additionally, ASM supports bring your own threat intelligence. This functionality enriches detections with business-specific threat intelligence.

Best practices

Datadog recommends the following methods for consuming threat intelligence:

  1. Reducing detection rule thresholds for business logic threats such as credential stuffing. Users can clone the default Credential Stuffing rule and modify it to meet their needs.
  2. Using threat intelligence as a indicator of reputation with security activity.

Datadog recommends against the following:

  1. Blocking threat intelligence traces without corresponding security activity. IP addresses might have many hosts behind them. Detection of a residential proxy means that the associated activity has been observed by a host behind that IP. It does not guarantee that the host running the malware or proxy is the same host communicating with your services.
  2. Blocking on all threat intelligence categories, as this is inclusive of benign traffic from corporate VPNs and blocks unmalicious traffic.

Filtering on threat intelligence in ASM

Users can filter threat intelligence on the Signals and Traces explorers using facets and the search bar.

To search for all traces flagged by a specific source, use the following query with the source name:


To query for all traces containing threat intelligence from any source, use the following query:


Bring your own threat intelligence

Bring your own threat intelligence is in private beta. To request access, fill out this form.

ASM supports enriching and searching traces with threat intelligence indicators of compromise stored in Datadog reference tables. Reference Tables allow you to combine metadata with information already in Datadog.

Storing indicators of compromise in reference tables

Threat intelligence is supported in the CSV format and requires 4 columns.

CSV Structure

ip_addresstextThe primary key for the reference table in the IPv4 dot notation format.true192.0.2.1
additional_datajsonAdditional data to enrich the trace.false{"ref":"hxxp://example.org"}
categorytextThe threat intel category. This is used by some out of the box detection rules.trueresidential_proxy
intentiontextThe threat intel intent. This is used by some out of the box detection rules.truemalicious
sourcetextThe name of the source and the link to its site, such as your team and your teams wiki.true{"name":"internal_security_team", "url":"https://teamwiki.example.org"}

The full list of supported categories and intents is available at Threat Intelligence Facets.

JSON in a CSV requires double quoting. The following is an example CSV.
ip_address,additional_data,category,intention,source,"{""ref"":""hxxp://example.org""}",scanner,suspicious,"{""name"":""internal_security_team"", ""url"":""https://teamwiki.example.org""}","{""ref"":""hxxp://example.org""}",scanner,suspicious,"{""name"":""internal_security_team"", ""url"":""https://teamwiki.example.org""}","{""ref"":""hxxp://example.org""}",scanner,suspicious,"{""name"":""internal_security_team"", ""url"":""https://teamwiki.example.org""}"

Uploading and enabling your own threat intel

On a new references table page:

  1. Name the table. The table name is referenced in ASM’s Threat Intel config.

  2. Upload a CSV.

  3. Preview the table schema and choose the IP address as the Primary Key.

    New reference table
  4. Save the table.

  5. In Threat Intel, locate the new table, and then select the toggle to enable it.

    Enabled reference table

Enriching traces for detection rules

Enriching traces includes the threat intelligence attributes in ASM traces when the indicator of compromise matches the value of the http.client_ip key in the ASM trace. This enables searching for traces with threat intelligence matches using existing facets and using threat intelligence with detection rules.

Threat intelligence in the user interface

When viewing the traces in the ASM Traces Explorer, you can see threat intelligence data under the @appsec attribute. The category and security_activity attributes are both set.

Example of the appsec attribute containing threat intelligence data

Under @threat_intel.results you can always see the full details of what was matched from which source:

Example of the threat_intel attribute containing threat intelligence data

Further Reading