
If you have not set up the SDK yet, follow the in-app setup instructions or see the React Native RUM setup documentation.

Testing with Jest

Testing apps using '@datadog/mobile-react-native' might require completing extra steps, since Native Modules do not exist in testing environments.

Datadog provides mocks for the '@datadog/mobile-react-native' package. To use them with Jest, add the following in your Jest setup file:

jest.mock('@datadog/mobile-react-native', () => {
    return require('@datadog/mobile-react-native/jest/mock');

Interaction, error, and resource automated tracking is disabled in your tests if you initialize the SDK with the DatadogProvider component.

All SDK methods are mocked by jest.fn(), so you can assert that a Datadog SDK method was called:

import { DdLogs } from '@datadog/mobile-react-native';

describe('App', () => {
    it('calls DdLogs.debug on mount', () => {
        renderer.create(<App />);
        expect(DdLogs.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith('app started');

If you use a test runner other than Jest, you need to create the mocks for your test runner.

Initialization parameters

You can specify the following parameters in your configuration when initializing the SDK:

Type: String
A Datadog client token.
Type: String
The application’s environment, for example: prod, pre-prod, and staging. Follows the tag syntax requirements.
Type: String
The RUM application ID.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Enables automatic collection of user actions.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Enables collection of resource events.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Enables collection of React Native crashes.
Type: String
Default: US1
The Datadog site parameter of your organization.
Type: String
The service name for your application. Follows the tag syntax requirements.
Type: String
The application’s version. For example: 1.2.3, 6c44da20, and 2020.02.13. Follows the tag syntax requirements.
Type: String
Add a suffix to the reported version of the app. Accepted characters are alphanumerics and _, -, :, ., /. Other special characters are converted to underscores. A dash (-) is automatically added between the version and the suffix. Follows the tag syntax requirements.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enables automatic collection of user frustrations. Only error taps are supported. Implies trackInteractions: true.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Enables crash reporting for native platforms (iOS, Android).
Optional - Deprecated
Type: Number
Default: 100
See sessionSampleRate.
Type: Number
Default: 100
The percentage of sessions to track: 100 for all, 0 for none. Only tracked sessions send RUM events.
Type: Number
Default: 20
The percentage of requests to trace: 100 for all, 0 for none. For more information, see Connect RUM and Traces.
Type: SdkVerbosity
Default: undefined
Verbosity for internal SDK logging. Set to SdkVerbosity.DEBUG to debug your SDK implementation.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Enables native views tracking. Set to true if you use a custom navigation system relying on native views.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Enables native interaction tracking. Set to true if you want to track interactions on native screens.
Type: List
Default: []
List of your backends hosts to enable tracing with. For more information, see Connect RUM and Traces.
Type: Number
Default: 20
Telemetry data (such as errors and debug logs) about SDK execution is sent to Datadog in order to detect and solve potential issues. Set this option to 0 to opt out from telemetry collection.
Type: Number | false
Default: 0
The threshold for javascript long tasks reporting in milliseconds. Setting it to 0 or false disables javascript long task reporting. Values below 100 are raised to 100. Values above 5000 are lowered to 5000.
Type: Number | false
Default: 200
The threshold for native long tasks reporting in milliseconds. Setting it to 0 or false disables javascript long task reporting. Values below 100 are raised to 100. Values above 5000 are lowered to 5000.
Type: VitalsUpdateFrequency
Default: VitalsUpdateFrequency.AVERAGE
Sets the preferred frequency for collecting mobile vitals.
Type: UploadFrequency
Default: UploadFrequency.AVERAGE
Sets the preferred frequency for uploading batches of data.
Type: BatchSize
Default: BatchSize.MEDIUM
Defines the Datadog SDK policy when batching data together before uploading it to Datadog servers. Smaller batches mean smaller but more network requests, whereas larger batches mean fewer but larger network requests.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Enables tracking of RUM event when no RUM View is active. By default, background events are not tracked. Enabling this feature might increase the number of sessions tracked and impact your billing.
Type: ProxyConfiguration
Optional proxy configuration.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Determines whether the accessibility labels are used to name RUM actions (default is true).
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enables RUM correlation with logs (default is true).
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enables trace correlation with logs (default is true).

Manual instrumentation

If automatic instrumentation doesn’t suit your needs, you can manually create RUM Events and Logs:

Send logs

When you instrument your code to send logs, it can include debug, info, warn, or error details:

DdLogs.debug('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…', {});
DdLogs.info('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…', {});
DdLogs.warn('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…', {});
DdLogs.error('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…', {});

Manually track RUM Views

To manually track RUM Views, provide a view key, view name, and action name at initialization. Depending on your needs, you can choose one of the following strategies:

DdRum.startView('<view-key>', 'View Name', {}, Date.now());
DdRum.stopView('<view-key>', { custom: 42 }, Date.now());

Manually track RUM Actions

You can manually track RUM actions:

DdRum.addAction(RumActionType.TAP, 'action name', {}, Date.now());

To track a continuous action:

DdRum.startAction(RumActionType.TAP, 'action name', {}, Date.now());
DdRum.stopAction({}, Date.now());

Manually track RUM Errors

You can manually track RUM errors:

DdRum.addError('<message>', ErrorSource.SOURCE, '<stacktrace>', {}, Date.now());

Manually track RUM Resources

You can manually track RUM resources:

DdRum.startResource('<res-key>', 'GET', 'http://www.example.com/api/v1/test', {}, Date.now());
DdRum.stopResource('<res-key>', 200, 'xhr', (size = 1337), {}, Date.now());

Add custom timings

You can add custom timings:


Manually send spans

You can send spans manually:

const spanId = await DdTrace.startSpan('foo', { custom: 42 }, Date.now());
DdTrace.finishSpan(spanId, { custom: 21 }, Date.now());

Track custom global attributes

You can attach user information to all RUM events to get more detailed information from your RUM sessions.

User information

For user-specific information, use the following code wherever you want in your app (after the SDK has been initialized). The id, name, and email attributes are built into Datadog, and you can add other attributes that makes sense for your app.

    id: '1337',
    name: 'John Smith',
    email: 'john@example.com',
    type: 'premium'

If you want to add or update user information, you can use the following code to modify the existing user’s details.

    hasPaid: 'true'

If you want to clear the user information (for example, when the user signs out), you can do so by passing an empty object, as follows:


Global attributes

You can also keep global attributes to track information about a specific session, such as A/B testing configuration, ad campaign origin, or cart status.

    profile_mode: 'wall',
    chat_enabled: true,
    campaign_origin: 'example_ad_network'

Clear all data

Use clearAllData to clear all data that has not been sent to Datadog.


Modify or drop RUM events

To modify attributes of a RUM event before it is sent to Datadog, or to drop an event entirely, use the Event Mappers API when configuring the RUM React Native SDK:

const config = new DdSdkReactNativeConfiguration(
    true, // track user interactions (such as a tap on buttons)
    true, // track XHR resources
    true // track errors
config.logEventMapper = (event) => event;
config.errorEventMapper = (event) => event;
config.resourceEventMapper = (event) => event;
config.actionEventMapper = (event) => event;

Each mapper is a function with a signature of (T) -> T?, where T is a concrete RUM event type. This allows changing portions of the event before it is sent, or dropping the event entirely.

For example, to redact sensitive information from a RUM error message, implement a custom redacted function and use it in errorEventMapper:

config.errorEventMapper = (event) => {
    event.message = redacted(event.message);
    return event;

Returning null from the error, resource, or action mapper drops the event entirely; the event is not sent to Datadog.

Depending on the event type, only some specific properties can be modified:

Event TypeAttribute keyDescription
LogEventlogEvent.messageMessage of the log.
logEvent.contextCustom attributes of the log.
ActionEventactionEvent.contextCustom attributes of the action.
ErrorEventerrorEvent.messageError message.
errorEvent.sourceSource of the error.
errorEvent.stacktraceStacktrace of the error.
errorEvent.contextCustom attributes of the error.
errorEvent.timestampMsTimestamp of the error.
ResourceEventresourceEvent.contextCustom attributes of the resource.

Events include additional context:

Event TypeContext attribute keyDescription
LogEventlogEvent.additionalInformation.userInfoContains the global user info set by DdSdkReactNative.setUser.
logEvent.additionalInformation.attributesContains the global attributes set by DdSdkReactNative.setAttributes.
ActionEventactionEvent.actionContextGestureResponderEvent corresponding to the action or undefined.
actionEvent.additionalInformation.userInfoContains the global user info set by DdSdkReactNative.setUser.
actionEvent.additionalInformation.attributesContains the global attributes set by DdSdkReactNative.setAttributes.
ErrorEventerrorEvent.additionalInformation.userInfoContains the global user info set by DdSdkReactNative.setUser.
errorEvent.additionalInformation.attributesContains the global attributes set by DdSdkReactNative.setAttributes.
ResourceEventresourceEvent.resourceContextXMLHttpRequest corresponding to the resource or undefined.
resourceEvent.additionalInformation.userInfoContains the global user info set by DdSdkReactNative.setUser.
resourceEvent.additionalInformation.attributesContains the global attributes set by DdSdkReactNative.setAttributes.

Retrieve the RUM session ID

Retrieving the RUM session ID can be helpful for troubleshooting. For example, you can attach the session ID to support requests, emails, or bug reports so that your support team can later find the user session in Datadog.

You can access the RUM session ID at runtime without waiting for the sessionStarted event:

   fun getCurrentSessionId(promise: Promise) {
       datadog.getRumMonitor().getCurrentSessionId {

Resource timings

Resource tracking provides the following timings:

  • First Byte: The time between the scheduled request and the first byte of the response. This includes time for the request preparation on the native level, network latency, and the time it took the server to prepare the response.
  • Download: The time it took to receive a response.

Initializing asynchronously

If your app includes a lot of animations when it starts, running code during these animations might delay them on some devices. To delay the Datadog React Native SDK for RUM to run after all current animations are started, set the initializationMode to InitializationMode.ASYNC in your configuration:

import { DatadogProvider, DatadogProviderConfiguration, InitializationMode } from '@datadog/mobile-react-native';

const datadogConfiguration = new DatadogProviderConfiguration(
datadogConfiguration.initializationMode = InitializationMode.ASYNC;

export default function App() {
    return (
        <DatadogProvider configuration={datadogConfiguration}>
            <Navigation />

This uses React Native’s InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions to delay the animations.

All interactions with the RUM SDK (view tracking, actions, resources tracing, and so on) are still recorded and kept in a queue with a limit of 100 events.

Logs are not recorded and calling a DdLogs method before the actual initialization might break logging.

If you experience any issue setting up the asynchronous initialization of Datadog, you can check out our example application.

Delaying the initialization

There may be situations where you want to wait before initializing the SDK. For example, when you want to use a different configuration based on the user role or to fetch the configuration from one of your servers.

In that case, you can auto-instrument your app from the start (automatically collect user interactions, XHR resources, and errors) and record up to 100 RUM and span events before initializing the SDK.

import { DatadogProvider, DatadogProviderConfiguration } from '@datadog/mobile-react-native';

const datadogAutoInstrumentation = {
    trackErrors: true,
    trackInteractions: true,
    trackResources: true,
    firstPartyHosts: [''],
    resourceTracingSamplingRate: 100

const initializeApp = async () => {
    const configuration = await fetchDatadogConfiguration(); // Fetches the configuration from one of your servers
    await DatadogProvider.initialize(configuration);

export default function App() {
    useEffect(() => initializeApp(), []);

    return (
        <DatadogProvider configuration={datadogAutoInstrumentation}>
            <Navigation />

Where your configuration has the following keys:

import { ProxyConfig, SdkVerbosity, TrackingConsent } from '@datadog/mobile-react-native';

const configuration = {
    clientToken: '<CLIENT_TOKEN>',
    env: '<ENVIRONMENT_NAME>',
    applicationId: '<RUM_APPLICATION_ID>',
    sessionSamplingRate: 80, // Optional: sample RUM sessions (here, 80% of session will be sent to Datadog). Default = 100%
    site: 'US1', // Optional: specify Datadog site. Default = 'US1'
    verbosity: SdkVerbosity.WARN, // Optional: let the SDK print internal logs (above or equal to the provided level). Default = undefined (no logs)
    serviceName: 'com.myapp', // Optional: set the reported service name. Default = package name / bundleIdentifier of your Android / iOS app respectively
    nativeCrashReportEnabled: true, // Optional: enable native crash reports. Default = false
    version: '1.0.0', // Optional: see overriding the reported version in the documentation. Default = VersionName / Version of your Android / iOS app respectively
    versionSuffix: 'codepush.v3', // Optional: see overriding the reported version in the documentation. Default = undefined
    trackingConsent: TrackingConsent.GRANTED, // Optional: disable collection if user has not granted consent for tracking. Default = TrackingConsent.GRANTED
    nativeViewTracking: true, // Optional: enables tracking of native views. Default = false
    proxyConfig: new ProxyConfig() // Optional: send requests through a proxy. Default = undefined

Monitoring hybrid React Native applications

See Monitor hybrid React Native applications.

Further reading