OTLP Ingest in the Agent is a way to send telemetry data directly from applications instrumented with OpenTelemetry SDKs to Datadog Agent. Since versions 6.32.0 and 7.32.0, the Datadog Agent can ingest OTLP traces and OTLP metrics through gRPC or HTTP. Since versions 6.48.0 and 7.48.0, the Datadog Agent can ingest OTLP logs through gRPC or HTTP.
OTLP Ingest in the Agent allows you to use observability features in the Datadog Agent. Data from applications instrumented with OpenTelemetry SDK cannot be used in some Datadog proprietary products, such as Application Security Management, Continuous Profiler, and Ingestion Rules. OpenTelemetry Runtime Metrics are supported for some languages.
To see which Datadog features are supported with this setup, see the feature compatibility table under OTel to Datadog Agent (OTLP).
To get started, you first instrument your application with OpenTelemetry SDKs. Then, export the telemetry data in OTLP format to the Datadog Agent. Configuring this varies depending on the kind of infrastructure your service is deployed on, as described on the page below. Although the aim is to be compatible with the latest OTLP version, the OTLP Ingest in the Agent is not compatible with all OTLP versions. The versions of OTLP that are compatible with the Datadog Agent are those that are also supported by the OTLP receiver in the OpenTelemetry Collector. To verify the exact versions supported, check the go.opentelemetry.io/collector version in the Agent go.mod file.
Note: The supported setup is an ingesting Agent deployed on every OpenTelemetry-data generating host. You cannot send OpenTelemetry telemetry from collectors or instrumented apps running one host to an Agent on a different host. But, provided the Agent is local to the collector or SDK instrumented app, you can set up multiple pipelines.
OTLP ingestion is off by default, and you can turn it on by updating your datadog.yaml file configuration or by setting environment variables. The following datadog.yaml configurations enable endpoints on the default ports.
The following examples use as the endpoint address for convenience. This allows connections from any network interface. For enhanced security, especially in local deployments, consider using localhost instead.
For more information on secure endpoint configuration, see the OpenTelemetry security documentation.
Alternatively, configure the endpoints by providing the port through the environment variables:
These must be passed to both the core Agent and trace Agent processes. If running in a containerized environment, use instead of localhost to ensure the server is available on non-local interfaces.
OTLP logs ingestion on the Datadog Agent is disabled by default so that you don’t have unexpected logs product usage that may impact billing. To enable OTLP logs ingestion:
For the Datadog Agent container, set the following endpoint environment variables and expose the corresponding port:
If you want to enable OTLP logs ingestion, set the following endpoint environment variables in the Datadog Agent container:
Set DD_LOGS_ENABLED to true.
Known Issue: Agent versions 7.61.0 through 7.63.0 have an issue where OTLP ingestion pipelines may fail to start in Docker environments, showing the error: Error running the OTLP ingest pipeline: failed to register process metrics: process does not exist. If you are using an affected version, you can use one of these workarounds: 1. Set the environment variable HOST_PROC to /proc in your Agent Docker container. 2. Remove /proc/:/host/proc/:ro from volumes in your Agent Docker container. 3. Set pid to host in your Agent Docker container. These configurations can be applied through either the docker command or Docker compose file.
There are many other environment variables and settings supported in the Datadog Agent. To get an overview of them all, see the configuration template.
Both containers must be defined in the same bridge network, which is handled automatically if you use Docker Compose. Otherwise, follow the Docker example in Tracing Docker Applications to set up a bridge network with the correct ports.
In the application deployment file, configure the endpoint that the OpenTelemetry client sends traces to with the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT environment variable.
For gRPC:
env:- name:HOST_IPvalueFrom:fieldRef:fieldPath:status.hostIP- name:OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINTvalue:"http://$(HOST_IP):4317"# sends to gRPC receiver on port 4317
env:- name:HOST_IPvalueFrom:fieldRef:fieldPath:status.hostIP- name:OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINTvalue:"http://$(HOST_IP):4318"# sends to HTTP receiver on port 4318
Note: To enrich container tags for custom metrics, set the appropriate resource attributes in the application code where your OTLP metrics are generated. For example, set the container.id resource attribute to the pod’s UID.
When configuring the endpoint for sending traces, ensure you use the correct path required by your OTLP library. Some libraries expect traces to be sent to the /v1/traces path, while others use the root path /.