Amazon OpenSearch Destination

Use Observability Pipelines’ Amazon OpenSearch destination to send logs to Amazon OpenSearch.


Set up the Amazon OpenSearch destination and its environment variables when you set up a pipeline. The information below is configured in the pipelines UI.

Set up the destination

  1. Optionally, enter the name of the Amazon OpenSearch index.
  2. Select an authentication strategy, Basic or AWS. For AWS, enter the AWS region.

Set the environment variables

  • Amazon OpenSearch authentication username:
    • Stored in the environment variable DD_OP_DESTINATION_AMAZON_OPENSEARCH_USERNAME.
  • Amazon OpenSearch authentication password:
    • Stored in the environment variable DD_OP_DESTINATION_AMAZON_OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD.
  • Amazon OpenSearch endpoint URL:
    • Stored in the environment variable DD_OP_DESTINATION_AMAZON_OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT_URL.

How the destination works

Event batching

A batch of events is flushed when one of these parameters is met. See event batching for more information.

Max EventsMax BytesTimeout (seconds)