The Datadog Forwarder is an AWS Lambda function that ships logs from AWS to Datadog, specifically:
- Forward CloudWatch and S3 logs.
- Forward logs from SNS, and Kinesis events to Datadog.
- Kinesis data stream events support CloudWatch logs only.
- Forward metrics, traces, and logs from AWS Lambda functions to Datadog. Datadog recommends to use Datadog Lambda Extension to monitor Lambda functions.
For Serverless customers using the Forwarder to forward metrics, traces, and logs from AWS Lambda logs to Datadog, you should migrate to the Datadog Lambda Extension to collect telemetry directly from the Lambda execution environments. The Forwarder is still available for use in Serverless Monitoring, but will not be updated to support the latest features.
For more information about sending AWS services logs with the Datadog Forwarder, read the Send AWS Services Logs with the Datadog Lambda Function guide.
Datadog recommends using CloudFormation to automatically install the Forwarder. You can also complete the setup process using Terraform or manually. Once installed, you can subscribe the Forwarder to log sources such as S3 buckets or CloudWatch log groups by setting up triggers.

- Log into your admin AWS account or role and deploy the CloudFormation Stack with the button above.
- Fill in
and select the appropriate DdSite
. All other parameters are optional. - Click Create stack, and wait for the creation to complete.
- Find the installed forwarder Lambda function under the stack’s “Resources” tab with logical ID
. - Set up triggers to the installed Forwarder.
- Repeat the steps above in another region if you operate in multiple AWS regions.
If you had previously enabled your AWS Integration using the following CloudFormation template from your AWS integration page in Datadog, your account may already be provisioned with a Datadog Lambda Forwarder function if you decided to include it. In that case, you will only need to install the Datadog Lambda in additional AWS regions in your account where you wish to export logs.
Note: The Datadog Lambda Forwarder function code block is expected to be empty, as the logic is implemented through a Lambda layer.
Install the Forwarder using the Terraform resource aws_cloudformation_stack
as a wrapper on top of the provided CloudFormation template.
Datadog recommends creating separate Terraform configurations:
- Use the first one to store the Datadog API key in the AWS Secrets Manager, and note down the secrets ARN from the output of apply.
- Then, create a configuration for the forwarder and supply the secrets ARN through the
parameter. - Finally, create a configuration to set up triggers on the Forwarder.
By separating the configurations of the API key and the forwarder, you do not have to provide the Datadog API key when updating the forwarder. To update or upgrade the forwarder in the future, apply the forwarder configuration again.
Sample configuration
variable "dd_api_key" {
type = string
description = "Datadog API key"
resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "dd_api_key" {
name = "datadog_api_key"
description = "Encrypted Datadog API Key"
resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "dd_api_key" {
secret_id = aws_secretsmanager_secret.dd_api_key.id
secret_string = var.dd_api_key
output "dd_api_key" {
value = aws_secretsmanager_secret.dd_api_key.arn
# Use the Datadog Forwarder to ship logs from S3 and CloudWatch, as well as observability data from Lambda functions to Datadog. For more information, see https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-serverless-functions/tree/master/aws/logs_monitoring
resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "datadog_forwarder" {
name = "datadog-forwarder"
parameters = {
FunctionName = "datadog-forwarder"
template_url = "https://datadog-cloudformation-template.s3.amazonaws.com/aws/forwarder/latest.yaml"
Note: Ensure that the DdSite
parameter matches your Datadog site. Select your site on the right side of this page. Replace <SITE>
in the above sample configuration with
If you can’t install the Forwarder using the provided CloudFormation template, you can install the Forwarder manually following the steps below. Feel free to open an issue or pull request to let us know if there is anything we can improve to make the template work for you.
- Create a Python 3.12 Lambda function using
from the latest releases. - Save your Datadog API key in AWS Secrets Manager, set environment variable
with the secret ARN on the Lambda function, and add the secretsmanager:GetSecretValue
permission to the Lambda execution role. - If you need to forward logs from S3 buckets, add the
permission to the Lambda execution role. - Set the environment variable
to false
on the Forwarder. This stops the Forwarder from generating enhanced metrics itself, but it will still forward custom metrics from other lambdas. - Some AWS accounts are configured such that triggers will not automatically create resource-based policies allowing Cloudwatch log groups to invoke the forwarder. Reference the CloudWatchLogPermissions to see which permissions are required for the forwarder to be invoked by Cloudwatch Log Events.
- Configure triggers.
- Create an S3 bucket, and set environment variable
to the bucket name. Also provide s3:GetObject
, s3:PutObject
, s3:ListBucket
, and s3:DeleteObject
permissions on this bucket to the Lambda execution role. This bucket is used to store the different tags cache i.e. Lambda, S3, Step Function and Log Group. Additionally, this bucket will be used to store unforwarded events incase of forwarding exceptions. - Set environment variable
to true
to enable the forwarder to also store event data in the S3 bucket. In case of exceptions when sending logs, metrics or traces to intake, the forwarder will store relevant data in the S3 bucket. On custom invocations i.e. on receiving an event with the retry
keyword set to a non empty string (which can be manually triggered - see below), the forwarder will retry sending the stored events. When successful it will clear up the storage in the bucket.
aws lambda invoke --function-name <function-name> --payload '{"retry":"true"}' out
environment variables provided on this page are formatted for CloudFormation and Terraform. If you are installing the Forwarder manually, convert these parameter names from Pascal case to screaming snake case. For example,
, and
Upgrade to a new version
- Find the datadog-forwarder (if you didn’t rename it) CloudFormation stack. If you installed the Forwarder as part of the Datadog AWS integration stack, make sure to update the nested Forwarder stack instead of the root stack.
- Find the actual Forwarder Lambda function from the CloudFormation stack’s “Resources” tab, navigate to its configuration page. Note down the value of the tag
, such as 3.73.0
, in case you run into issues with the new version and need to rollback. - Update the stack using template
. You can also replace latest
with a specific version, such as 3.73.0.yaml
, if needed. Make sure to review the changesets before applying the update.
If you encounter issues upgrading to the latest version, check the Troubleshooting section.
Upgrade an older verison to 4.3.0+
Starting verison 4.3.0 Lambda forwarder will support a single python version only. The supported Python version of this release is 3.12.
Upgrade an older version to +4.0.0
Starting version 4.0.0 source
, service
and host
identification logic will be pulled out from the Lambda forwarder’s code and set in directly in Datadog’s backend. The first migrated log source is RDS
This is not a breaking change on how the source
, service
and host
are set on the Log explorer
side. Users should continue to have the same behavior as before.
Upgrade an older version to +3.107.0
Starting version 3.107.0 a new feature is added to enable Lambda function to store unforwarded events incase of exceptions on the intake point. If the feature is enabled using DD_STORE_FAILED_EVENTS
env var, failing events will be stored under a defined dir in the same S3 bucket used to store tags cache. The same bucket can be used to store logs from several Lambda functions under unique subdirs.
Upgrade an older version to +3.106.0
Starting version 3.106.0 Lambda function has been updated to add a prefix to cache filenames stored in the S3 bucket configured in DD_S3_BUCKET_NAME
. This allows to use the same bucket to store cache files from several functions.
Additionally, starting this version, the forwarder will attach custom S3 bucket tags by default to all logs exported to S3. For example, if a service is configured to send logs to a destiantion S3 bucket, the forwarder will add the bucket’s tags to the logs while pulling and forwarding the logs.
Upgrade an older version to +3.99.0
Since version 3.99.0 the Lambda function has been updated to require Python 3.11. If upgrading an older forwarder installation to +3.99.0 or above, ensure the AWS Lambda function is configured to use Python 3.11
Upgrade an older version to +3.98.0
Since version 3.98.0 the Lambda function has been updated to require Python 3.10. If upgrading an older forwarder installation to 3.98.0 or above, ensure the AWS Lambda function is configured to use Python 3.10
Upgrade an older version to +3.74.0
Since version 3.74.0 the Lambda function has been updated to require Python 3.9. If upgrading an older forwarder installation to 3.74.0 or above, ensure the AWS Lambda function is configured to use Python 3.9
Upgrade an older version to +3.49.0
Since version 3.49.0 the Lambda function has been updated to require Python 3.8. If upgrading an older forwarder installation to 3.49.0 or above, ensure the AWS Lambda function is configured to use Python 3.8
Upgrade an older version to +3.0.0
Since version 3.0.0, the forwarder Lambda function is managed by CloudFormation. To upgrade an older forwarder installation to 3.0.0 and above, follow the steps below.
- Install a new Forwarder following the installation steps.
- Find the installed forwarder Lambda function under the stack’s “Resources” tab with logical ID
. - Manually migrate a few triggers (CloudWatch log group subscription filter and S3 bucket event notification) on the old forwarder to the new one.
- Ensure the new forwarder is working as expected, for example, being invoked regularly without errors.
- Ensure the logs from the migrated triggers (sources) are showing up in Datadog log explorer and look right to you.
- Migrate all triggers to the new forwarder.
- If you have been letting Datadog manage triggers automatically for you, update the forwarder Lambda ARN in AWS integration page Log Collection tab.
- If you have been manage the triggers manually, then you have to migrate them manually (or using a script).
- Ensure the old forwarder Lambda function’s invocations count drops to zero.
- Delete the old forwarder Lambda function when you feel comfortable.
- If you have old forwarder Lambda functions installed in multiple AWS accounts and regions, repeat the steps above in every account and region combination.
To safely delete the forwarder and other AWS resources created by the forwarder CloudFormation stack, follow the steps below.
- Find the datadog-forwarder (if you didn’t rename it) CloudFormation stack. Or you can find the stack from the Forwarder Lambda function’s management console by clicking the link from the message “This function belongs to an application. Click here to manage it.”, and then click the “Deployments” tab on the application page.
- “Delete” the CloudFormation stack.
Adjusting forwarder settings
- Find the datadog-forwarder (if you didn’t rename it) CloudFormation stack.
- Update the stack using the current template.
- Adjust parameter values.
Datadog recommends adjusting your Forwarder settings through CloudFormation rather than directly editing the Lambda function. Find the description of settings in the template.yaml
file and the CloudFormation stack creation user interface when you launch the stack. Feel free to submit a pull request to make additional settings adjustable through the template.
Don’t forget to check if the issue has already been fixed in the recent releases.
Set the environment variable DD_LOG_LEVEL
to debug
on the Forwarder Lambda function to enable detailed logging temporarily (don’t forget to remove it). The debugging logs should be able to show you the exact event payload the Lambda function receives and the data (log, metric or trace) payload that is sent to Datadog.
You can also add additional logging or code for deeper investigation. Find instructions for building Forwarder code with local changes from the contributing section.
Issue updating the forwarder
Manually updating the .zip
code of the Forwarder may cause conflicts with Cloudformation updates for Forwarder installations where the code is packaged in a Lambda layer (default installation choice from version 3.33.0
) and cause invocation errors. In this case, updating the stack through Cloudformation to the latest available twice in a row (first with InstallAsLayer
set to false
, and then to true
) should solve the issue as it will remove any .zip
remnants and install the latest layer available.
If you still couldn’t figure out, please create a ticket for Datadog Support with a copy of debugging logs.
If your logs contain an attribute that Datadog parses as a timestamp, you need to make sure that the timestamp is both current and in the correct format. See Log Date Remapper to learn about which attributes are parsed as timestamps and how to make sure that the timestamp is valid.
Issue creating S3 triggers
In case you encounter the following error when creating S3 triggers, we recommend considering following a fanout architecture proposed by AWS in this article
An error occurred when creating the trigger: Configuration is ambiguously defined. Cannot have overlapping suffixes in two rules if the prefixes are overlapping for the same event type.
We love pull requests. Here’s a quick guide.
If you would like to discuss a feature or bug fix before implementing, find us in the #serverless
channel of the Datadog Slack community.
Fork, clone, and create a branch:
git clone git@github.com:<your-username>/datadog-serverless-functions.git
git checkout -b <my-branch>
Make code changes.
Build with your local changes.
cd aws/logs_monitoring
./tools/build_bundle.sh <SEMANTIC_VERSION> # any unique version is fine
Update your testing Forwarder with the modified code and test:
# Upload in the AWS Lambda console if you don't have AWS CLI
aws lambda update-function-code \
--region <AWS_REGION> \
--function-name <FORWARDER_NAME> \
--zip-file fileb://.forwarder/aws-dd-forwarder-<SEMANTIC_VERSION>.zip
Run unit tests.
python -m unittest discover . # for code in Python
./trace_forwarder/scripts/run_tests.sh # for code in Go
Run the integration tests.
# to update the snapshots if changes are expected
./tools/integration_tests/integration_tests.sh --update
If you changes affect the CloudFormation template, run the installation test against your own AWS account.
Push to your fork and submit a pull request.
Shipping logs to multiple destinations
If you need to ship logs to multiple Datadog organizations or other destinations, configure the AdditionalTargetLambdaArns
CloudFormation parameter to let the Datadog Forwarder copy the incoming logs to the specified Lambda functions. These additional Lambda functions are called asynchronously with the exact same event
the Datadog Forwarder receives.
Shipping logs to two or more destinations involves using two or more Lambda functions that may start logging each other in an infinite loop. Use
to filter Lambda logs and avoid this infinite loop. See the
Log filtering section for more details.
AWS PrivateLink support
You can run the Forwarder in a VPC private subnet and send data to Datadog over AWS PrivateLink. AWS PrivateLink can only be configured with Datadog sites hosted on AWS (for example: datadoghq.com
, not datadoghq.eu
- Follow these instructions to add the Datadog
, http-logs.intake
, and trace.agent
endpoints to your VPC. - Follow the instructions to add the AWS Secrets Manager and S3 endpoints to your VPC.
- When installing the Forwarder with the CloudFormation template:
- Set
to true
. - Set
and VPCSubnetIds
based on your VPC settings. - Set
to false
, because AWS Resource Groups Tagging API doesn’t support PrivateLink.
DdUsePrivateLink is deprecated
The DdUsePrivateLink
option has been deprecated since v3.41.0. This option was previously used to instruct the Forwarder to use a special set of PrivateLink endpoints for data intake: pvtlink.api.
, api-pvtlink.logs.
, and trace-pvtlink.agent.
. Since v3.41.0, the Forwarder can send data over PrivateLink to Datadog using the regular DNS names of intake endpoints: api.
, http-intake.logs.
, and trace.agent.
. Therefore, the DdUsePrivateLink
option is no longer needed.
If you have an older deployment of the Forwarder with DdUsePrivateLink
set to true
, then you may find mismatches between your configured PrivateLink endpoints and the ones documented in Datadog, which is expected. Although the older PrivateLink endpoints were removed from that doc, they remain to function. When upgrading the Forwarder, there is no change required, that is, you can keep DdUsePrivateLink
enabled and continue to use the older endpoints.
However, if you are interested in switching to the new endpoints, you need to follow the updated instructions above to:
- Set up the new endpoints to
, http-intake.logs.
, and trace.agent.
. - Set
to true
. - Set
to false
AWS VPC and proxy support
If you must deploy the Forwarder to a VPC without direct public internet access, and you cannot use AWS PrivateLink to connect to Datadog (for example, if your organization is hosted on the Datadog EU site: datadoghq.eu
), then you can send data through a proxy.
- Unless the Forwarder is deployed to a public subnet, follow the instructions to add endpoints for Secrets Manager and S3 to the VPC, so that the Forwarder can access those services.
- Update your proxy with following configurations (HAProxy or NGINX). If you are using another proxy, or Web Proxy, allowlist the Datadog domain, for example:
. - When installing the Forwarder with the CloudFormation template, set
, VPCSecurityGroupIds
, and VPCSubnetIds
. - Ensure the
option is disabled, because AWS VPC does not yet offer an endpoint for the Resource Groups Tagging API. - If you are using HAProxy or NGINX:
- Set
to http://<proxy_host>:3834
or https://<proxy_host>:3834
. - Set
to http://<proxy_host>:3835
or https://<proxy_host>:3835
. - Set
to <proxy_host>
and DdPort
to 3837
Otherwise, if you are using Web Proxy:
- Set
to your proxy endpoint, for example: http://<proxy_host>:<port>
, or, if your proxy has a username and password, http://<username>:<password>@<proxy_host>:<port>
- Set
to true
if connecting to the proxy using http
. - Set
to true
if connecting to the proxy using https
with a self-signed certificate.
Code signing
The Datadog Forwarder is signed by Datadog. To verify the integrity of the Forwarder, use the manual installation method. Create a Code Signing Configuration that includes Datadog’s Signing Profile ARN (arn:aws:signer:us-east-1:464622532012:/signing-profiles/DatadogLambdaSigningProfile/9vMI9ZAGLc
) and associate it with the Forwarder Lambda function before uploading the Forwarder ZIP file.
The following parameters are used in CloudFormation and Terraform. If you are installing the Forwarder manually, convert these parameter names from Pascal case to screaming snake case. For example, DdApiKey
becomes DD_API_KEY
, and ExcludeAtMatch
- Your Datadog API key, which can be found under Organization Settings > API Keys. The API Key is stored in AWS Secrets Manager. If you already have a Datadog API Key stored in Secrets Manager, use
instead. DdApiKeySecretArn
- The ARN of the secret storing the Datadog API key, if you already have it stored in Secrets Manager. You must store the secret as a plaintext, rather than a key-value pair.
- The Datadog site that your metrics and logs will be sent to. Your Datadog site is
Lambda function (optional)
- The name of the Datadog Forwarder Lambda function. Do not change this when updating an existing CloudFormation stack, otherwise the current forwarder function will be replaced and all the triggers will be lost.
- Memory size for the Datadog Forwarder Lambda function.
- Timeout for the Datadog Forwarder Lambda function.
- Reserved concurrency for the Datadog Forwarder Lambda function. If empty, use unreserved account concurrency.
Datadog recommends using at least 10 reserved concurrency, but this defaults to 0 as you may need to increase your limits. If using unreserved account concurrency, you may limit other Lambda functions in your environment.
- CloudWatch log retention for logs generated by the Datadog Forwarder Lambda function.
Log forwarding (optional)
- Add custom tags to forwarded logs, comma-delimited string, no trailing comma, such as
. DdMultilineLogRegexPattern
- Use the supplied regular expression to detect for a new log line for multiline logs from S3, such as
for multiline logs beginning with pattern “11/10/2014”. DdUseTcp
- By default, the forwarder sends logs using HTTPS through the port 443. To send logs over an
SSL encrypted TCP connection, set this parameter to true.
- Disable SSL when forwarding logs, set to true when forwarding logs through a proxy.
- The endpoint URL to forward the logs to, useful for forwarding logs through a proxy.
- The endpoint port to forward the logs to, useful for forwarding logs through a proxy.
- Send logs over HTTPS, while not validating the certificate provided by the endpoint. This will still encrypt the traffic between the forwarder and the log intake endpoint, but will not verify if the destination SSL certificate is valid.
- Set to false to disable log compression. Only valid when sending logs over HTTP.
- Set the compression level from 0 (no compression) to 9 (best compression). The default compression level is 6. You may see some benefit with regard to decreased outbound network traffic if you increase the compression level, at the expense of increased Forwarder execution duration.
- Set to false to disable log forwarding, while continuing to forward other observability data, such as metrics and traces from Lambda functions.
Log scrubbing (optional)
- Replace text matching
with xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
. RedactEmail
- Replace text matching
with xxxxx@xxxxx.com
. DdScrubbingRule
- Replace text matching the supplied regular expression with
(default) or DdScrubbingRuleReplacement
(if supplied). Log scrubbing rule is applied to the full JSON-formatted log, including any metadata that is automatically added by the Lambda function. Each instance of a pattern match is replaced until no more matches are found in each log. Using inefficient regular expression, such as .*
, may slow down the Lambda function. DdScrubbingRuleReplacement
- Replace text matching DdScrubbingRule with the supplied text.
Log filtering (optional)
- Do not send logs matching the supplied regular expression. If a log matches both the
and IncludeAtMatch
, it is excluded. IncludeAtMatch
- Only send logs matching the supplied regular expression, and not excluded by
Filtering rules are applied to the full JSON-formatted log, including any metadata that is automatically added by the Forwarder. However, transformations applied by log pipelines, which occur after logs are sent to Datadog, cannot be used to filter logs in the Forwarder. Using an inefficient regular expression, such as .*
, may slow down the Forwarder.
Some examples of regular expressions that can be used for log filtering:
- Include (or exclude) Lambda platform logs:
"(START|END) RequestId:\s
. The preceding "
is needed to match the start of the log message, which is in a JSON blob ({"message": "START RequestId...."}
). Datadog recommends keeping the REPORT
logs, as they are used to populate the invocations list in the serverless function views. - Include CloudTrail error messages only:
. - Include only logs containing an HTTP 4XX or 5XX error code:
. - Include only CloudWatch logs where the
field contains a specific JSON key/value pair: \"awsRegion\":\"us-east-1\"
.- The message field of a CloudWatch log event is encoded as a string. For example,
{"awsRegion": "us-east-1"}
is encoded as {\"awsRegion\":\"us-east-1\"}
. Therefore, the pattern you provide must include \
escape characters, like this: \"awsRegion\":\"us-east-1\"
To test different patterns against your logs, turn on debug logs.
Advanced (optional)
- Let the Forwarder fetch Lambda tags using GetResources API calls and apply them to logs, metrics, and traces. If set to true, permission
will be automatically added to the Lambda execution IAM role. DdFetchLogGroupTags
- Let the forwarder fetch Log Group tags using ListTagsLogGroup and apply them to logs, metrics, and traces. If set to true, permission
will be automatically added to the Lambda execution IAM role. DdFetchStepFunctionsTags
- Let the Forwarder fetch Step Functions tags using GetResources API calls and apply them to logs and traces (if Step Functions tracing is enabled). If set to true, permission
will be automatically added to the Lambda execution IAM role. DdStepFunctionTraceEnabled
- Set to true to enable tracing for all Step Functions.
- Do not change unless you know what you are doing. Override the default location of the function source code.
- ARN for the Permissions Boundary Policy.
(DEPRECATED)- Set to true to enable sending logs and metrics through AWS PrivateLink. See Connect to Datadog over AWS PrivateLink.
- Sets the standard web proxy environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY. These are the URL endpoints your proxy server exposes. Do not use this in combination with AWS Private Link. Make sure to also set
to true. DdNoProxy
- Sets the standard web proxy environment variable
. It is a comma-separated list of domain names that should be excluded from the web proxy. VPCSecurityGroupIds
- Comma separated list of VPC Security Group IDs. Used when AWS PrivateLink is enabled.
- Comma separated list of VPC Subnet IDs. Used when AWS PrivateLink is enabled.
- Comma separated list of Lambda ARNs that will get called asynchronously with the same
the Datadog Forwarder receives. InstallAsLayer
- Whether to use the layer-based installation flow. Set to false to use the legacy installation flow, which installs a second function that copies the forwarder code from GitHub to an S3 bucket. Defaults to true.
- ARN for the layer containing the forwarder code. If empty, the script will use the version of the layer the forwarder was published with. Defaults to empty.
To deploy the CloudFormation Stack with the default options, you need to have the permissions below to save your Datadog API key as a secret and create an S3 bucket to store the Forwarder’s code (ZIP file), and create Lambda functions (including execution roles and log groups).
IAM statements:
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
The following capabilities are required when creating a CloudFormation stack:
- CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND, because the forwarder template uses macros such as the AWS SAM macro.
- CAPABILTY_IAM/NAMED_IAM, because the Forwarder creates IAM roles.
The CloudFormation Stack creates following IAM roles:
- ForwarderRole: The execution role for the Forwarder Lambda function to read logs from S3, fetch your Datadog API key from Secrets Manager, and write its own logs.
IAM statements
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Action": ["s3:GetObject"],
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*",
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": ["secretsmanager:GetSecretValue"],
"Resource": "<ARN of DdApiKeySecret>",
"Effect": "Allow"
: The execution role for the ForwarderZipCopier Lambda function to download the Forwarder deployment ZIP file to a S3 bucket.
IAM statements:
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Action": [
"Resource": "<S3Bucket to Store the Forwarder Zip>",
"Effect": "Allow"
Further Reading
Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: