Synthetic Browser Test Performance Dashboard

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The browser test performance dashboard provides insights about your browser test runs, browser analysis, web performance, and events. It shows:

  • Synthetic browser test analysis: See a breakdown of success rate by browser type, a list of browser test alerts, and average test duration by browser type and location.

    Browser test analysis section of the Synthetic Browser test performance dashboard
  • Synthetic test web performance: If you have Datadog RUM enabled, use the RUM integration to examine core web vitals and a list of third-party provider test resources.

    Synthetic test web performance section of the Synthetics Browser test performance dashboard
  • Events: Explore outstanding events from your Synthetic test alerts.

    Events section of the Synthetics Browser test performance dashboard
Out-of-the-box Synthetics Browser test performance dashboard

For more information about the data displayed, see Synthetic Monitoring Metrics.

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: