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This page provides a list of UI components that you can use when creating apps in App Builder.

Many component properties allow you to select from provided values. If you want to use an expression for a property’s value, click </> next to the property to use the code editor. For more information on using JavaScript in App Builder, see JavaScript Expressions.

Button components have the following properties.


The text that displays on the button.
Value: string or expression


Controls the color of the button, with colors representing the purpose of the button.
Provided values: default, danger, success, warning
Is Primary
Designed to call user attention to the most important action(s) for a given page or workflow.
Provided values: on, off
Is Borderless
Removes the border from any button. On hover, it gets a background fill.
Provided values: on, off
Is Loading
Shows a loading indicator.
Provided values: on, off
Is Disabled
Applies disabled styling and removes interactions.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Value: click
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, open url, download file, set state variable value
State Function
Example: See events.

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the Metrics Explorer & Monitors Builder app blueprint.

Callout value components have the following properties.


The text that displays at the top of the component.
Value: string or expression
The value that the callout highlights.
Value: string or expression
The unit associated with the value.
Value: string or expression


The visual style of the component.
Provided values: default, success, warning, danger, blue, purple, pink, orange, yellow, red, green, gray, vivid blue, vivid purple, vivid pink, vivid orange, vivid yellow, vivid red, vivid green
Responsively sizes the metric so that it is proportional to the sizing of the value.
Provided values: sm, md, lg, xl


Is Loading
Shows a loading indicator.
Provided values: on, off
Is Disabled
Applies disabled styling and removes interactions.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the EC2 Instance Manager app blueprint.

Checkbox components have the following properties.


The text that displays at the top of the component.
Value: string or expression
The list of checkboxes that a user can select from. The format is an array of objects where each object consists of a label and value key-value pair. The minimum number of options is 1.
Value: expression
      "label": "Staging",
      "value": "staging"
      "label": "Production",
      "value": "production"


Is Multiline
Determines whether the checkbox text should wrap onto a new line or be truncated by an ellipsis.
Provided values: on, off
Is Disabled
Applies disabled styling and removes interactions.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Value: change
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Function
Example: See events.

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the Metrics Explorer & Monitors Builder app blueprint.

Container components have the following properties.


Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the Metrics Explorer & Monitors Builder app blueprint.

Custom chart components have the following properties.


Vega Specification
A string representing a valid Vega-Lite or Vega JSON specification.


Is Loading
Shows a loading indicator.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


For an example showing how to use this component, see Custom charts.

Date range picker components have the following properties.


Default timeframe
The default timeframe that the date picker displays.
Provided values: past 5 minutes, past 30 minutes, past 1 hour, past 4 hours, past 1 day


Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Value: change
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file
State Function
Example: See events.

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the Metrics Explorer & Monitors Builder app blueprint.

File input components have the following properties.


Accepted File Types
Determines which file types the file input component accepts.
Values: .csv, .json


Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Value: change
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Function
Example: See events.

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.

Form components have the following properties.


The title of the form.
Value: string or expression
Default value
The default value that the app populates in the form. To populate a specific field, you can use JSON notation, such as {"org":"frontend"} to populate the org field with the value frontend.
Value: string or expression


Each item represents a field in the form. Fields each have one of the following types: textInput, select, textArea, or text.

Fields have some or all of the following properties depending on their field type:

Field name
The unique identifier for a field. You can use this identifier to reference the field in an expression.
Value: string or expression
The label that displays above the field.
Value: string or expression
The content that displays in a text field.
Value: string or expression
The options available in a select field. Options must be an array of objects, with a const key for the option value and an optional title key for the option label.
Value: Each object’s label and value can be a string or expression.
You can populate each object using the GUI (default), or toggle Raw to use raw JSON input to provide the entire array of objects.
Placeholder text
The text that displays in a textInput or textArea field when no value is entered.
Value: string or expression
Is Disabled
Applies disabled styling and removes interactions.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the field is visible in the form.
Provided values: on, off
Is Required
Determines whether the field is required in order to submit the form.
Provided values: on, off


Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off
Is Disabled
Applies disabled styling and removes interactions.
Provided values: on, off


Value: submit, change, validate
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Function
Example: form0.setValue({name: 'node-group-1'}) sets the value of the form0 component to {name: 'node-group-1'}.

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.

JSON input components have the following properties.


The text that displays at the top of the component.
Default value
The default JSON value that the component displays.


Is Read Only
Determines whether the component is read only.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Value: change
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Function
Example: See events.

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.

Modal components have the following properties.


The title of the modal.
Value: string or expression


The scale of the modal.
Provided values: sm, md, lg
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Values: toggleOpen, close, open
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Functions
Example: See events.
Example: modal0.setIsOpen(true) sets the state of modal0 to open.

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the Metrics Explorer & Monitors Builder app blueprint.

Number input components have the following properties.

The text that displays at the top of the component.
Value: string or expression
Default value
The default value that the app populates in the input box.
Value: number or expression that evaluates to a number
Placeholder text
The text that displays when no value is entered.
Value: string or expression


The minimum value the number input accepts.
Value: number or expression that evaluates to a number
The maximum value the number input accepts.
Value: number or expression that evaluates to a number


Is Disabled
Applies disabled styling and removes interactions.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Value: change
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Functions
Example: See events.
Example: numberInput0.setValue(3) sets the value of the numberInput0 component to 3.

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the ECS Task Manager app blueprint.

Radio components have the following properties.


The text that displays at the top of the component.
Value: string or expression
The list of radio button options that a user can select from. The format is an array of objects where each object consists of a label and value key-value pair.
Value: expression
      "label": "Staging",
      "value": "staging"
      "label": "Production",
      "value": "production"
Default value
The value that is selected when the radio loads.
Value: string or expression


Is Disabled
Applies disabled styling and removes interactions.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Value: change
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Functions
Example: See events.
Example: radioButtons0.setValue("production") sets the value of the radioButtons0 component to "production".

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.

Search components have the following properties.


Default value
The default value that the app populates in the search box.
Value: string or expression
Placeholder text
The text that displays when no value is entered.
Value: string or expression


The scale of the search component.
Provided values: sm, md, lg
Is Loading
Shows a loading indicator.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Values: change, submit
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Functions
Example: See events.
Example: search0.setValue("search query") sets the value of the search0 component to "search query".

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the EC2 Instance Manager app blueprint.

Select components have the following properties.


The text that displays at the top of the component.
Value: string or expression
Placeholder text
The text that displays when no value is entered.
Value: string or expression
The list of select options that a user can select from. The format is an array of objects where each object consists of a label and value key-value pair.
Value: expression
      "label": "Staging",
      "value": "staging"
      "label": "Production",
      "value": "production"
Default value
The value that is selected when the select loads.
Value: string or expression
Is Multiselect
Determines whether the user can select more than one option at a time.
Provided values: on, off


Is Disabled
Applies disabled styling and removes interactions.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Value: change
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Functions
Example: See events.
Example: select0.setValue("staging") sets the value of the select0 component to "staging".

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the Metrics Explorer & Monitors Builder app blueprint.

Tab components have the following properties.


A list of tab views. Use the + (plus) to add additional views.


The coloring style used for the tab component.
Provided values: Default, purple, pink, orange, red, green
The way the tabs are aligned within the tab component.
Provided values: Horizontal (→), vertical (↓)
Controls whether the selected tab’s background is fully colored or only a small band at the bottom is colored.
Provided values: High, low


Hide Tabs
Controls whether the tab markers are displayed.
Provided values: on, off
Hide Body
Controls whether the body of the tabs are displayed.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Value: change
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Functions
Example: See events.
Example: tab0.setTabIndex(0) sets the value of the tab0 component to the first tab.

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.

Table components have the following properties.


Data source
The array of objects to display in a table.
Values: query, demo data, components


Each column of data from the data source is represented here and has the following properties:

The text that displays at the top of the column.
Value: string or expression
Data path
JSON path to access values nested within objects and arrays of a given column.
Value: string or expression
The type of format that the column takes on.
Provided values: string, link, status pill, date / time, markdown, tags, percent bar, number, score bar, avatar
Determines whether the user can sort by the column.
Provided values: on, off

Some columns have additional properties based on their Formatting property.


Has summary
Determines whether to display a pagination summary directly above the table.
Provided values: on, off
Page size
Number of rows per page to display.
Value: number or expression that evaluates to a number
Total count
Total number of rows to display in the table.
Value: number or expression that evaluates to a number
Determines the type of pagination.
Provided values: client side, server side

Row actions

Adding a row action adds an Actions column to the table, which contains user-defined action buttons. These buttons have the following properties:

The text that displays on the action button.
Value: string or expression
Designed to call user attention to the most important action(s) for a given page or workflow.
Provided values: on, off
Removes the border from any button. On hover, it gets a background fill.
Provided values: on, off
Applies disabled styling and removes interactions.
Provided values: on, off
Controls the color of the button according to its intent.
Provided values: default, danger, success, warning
The reaction type the button triggers. Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, open url, download file
State Function
Example: See events.


Is Loading
Shows a loading indicator.
Provided values: on, off
Has text wrapping
Determines whether cell text wraps.
Provided values: on, off
Determines what ways the table is scrollable in.
Provided values: both, vertical
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Values: pageChange, tableRowClick
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Functions
Example: See events.
  • table0.setSelectedRow(0) sets the selectedRow property of table0 to the first row.
  • table0.setSelectedRow(null) clears the selectedRow property.
Example: table0.setPageIndex(0) sets the pageIndex property of table0 to the first page.

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the Metrics Explorer & Monitors Builder app blueprint.

For examples showing how to use advanced features of tables, see Tables.

Text components have the following properties.


The content that the component displays.
Value: string or expression
Content type
Determines how to render the text. When Markdown is selected, the text component supports basic Markdown syntax, including images that you host elsewhere.
Provided values: plain text, Markdown


Text alignment
Determines the horizontal alignment of the text within the component.
Provided values: align left, align center, align right
Vertical alignment
Determines the vertical alignment of the text within the component.
Provided values: align top, align center, align bottom
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the Metrics Explorer & Monitors Builder app blueprint.

Text area components have the following properties.

The text that displays at the top of the component.
Value: string or expression
Default value
The value that is selected when the text area loads.
Value: string or expression
Placeholder text
The text that displays when no value is entered.
Value: string or expression


Is Disabled
Applies disabled styling and removes interactions.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Values: change, submit
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Functions
Example: See events.
Example: textArea0.setValue("text") sets the value of the textArea0 component to "text".

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.

Text input components have the following properties.

The text that displays at the top of the component.
Value: string or expression
Default value
The value that is selected when the text input loads.
Value: string or expression
Placeholder text
The text that displays when no value is entered.
Value: string or expression


Is Disabled
Applies disabled styling and removes interactions.
Provided values: on, off
Is Visible
Determines whether the component is visible to the end-user. In edit mode, all components remain visible.
Provided values: on, off


Values: change, submit
Values: custom, set component state, trigger query, open modal, close modal, download file, set state variable value
State Functions
Example: See events.
Example: textInput0.setValue("text") sets the value of the textInput0 component to "text".

For more information on events, see Events.

Inspect data

Displays property and value pairs in JSON format.


To view this component in context, see the Metrics Explorer & Monitors Builder app blueprint.

Further reading

Do you have questions or feedback? Join the #app-builder channel on the Datadog Community Slack.