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Operating systems

Cloud Security Management Vulnerabilities supports vulnerability scanning for hosts and containers running the following operating system versions:

Operating SystemSupported VersionsPackage Managers / SourceAgentless supportAgent support
Alpine Linux2.2-2.7, 3.0-3.19 (edge is not supported)apk
Wolfi LinuxN/Aapk
Red Hat Enterprise Linux6, 7, 8dnf/yum/rpm
CentOS6, 7, 8dnf/yum/rpm
AlmaLinux8, 9dnf/yum/rpm
Rocky Linux8, 9dnf/yum/rpm
Oracle Linux5, 6, 7, 8dnf/yum/rpm
CBL-Mariner1.0, 2.0dnf/yum/rpm
Amazon Linux1, 2, 2023dnf/yum/rpm
openSUSE Leap42, 15zypper/rpm
SUSE Enterprise Linux11, 12, 15zypper/rpm
Photon OS1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0tndf/yum/rpm
Debian GNU/Linux7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (unstable/sid is not supported)apt/dpkg
UbuntuAll versions supported by Canonicalapt/dpkg
WindowsWindows Server 2016/2019/2022, Windows 10 and laterWindows OS
  • Datadog detects vulnerabilities in Windows by identifying the Windows version and installed security knowledge base (KB) updates to address vulnerabilities associated with that version. However, some KB updates are cumulative and contain other KB updates, which might cause Datadog to misidentify which updates have been installed.

  • Datadog can’t track vulnerability fixes that Windows applies outside of KB updates.

  • Datadog can’t track vulnerabilities associated with third-party software.

Application libraries

Cloud Security Management Vulnerabilities supports vulnerability scanning for the following application languages and libraries on containers and Lambda instances:

LanguageSupported Package ManagerSupported FilesAgentless supportAgent support
RubybundlerGemfile.lock, gemspec
.NETnugetpackages.lock.json, packages.config, .deps.json, *packages.props
GomodBinaries built by Go, go.mod
JavaGradle, Mavenpom.xml, *gradle.lockfile, JAR/WAR/PAR/EAR (with pom.properties)
Node.jsnpm, pnpm, yarnpackage-lock.json, yarn.lock, pnpm-lock.yaml, package.json
Pythonpip, poetrypipfile.lock, poetry.lock, egg package, wheel package, conda package

Note: For Agent-based vulnerability management in application libraries, see Software Composition Analysis.