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The profiler is shipped within Datadog tracing libraries. If you are already using APM to collect traces for your application, you can skip installing the library and go directly to enabling the profiler.


For a summary of the minimum and recommended runtime and tracer versions across all languages, read Supported Language and Tracer Versions.

The Datadog Profiler requires Python 2.7+.

The following profiling features are available depending on your Python version. For more details, read Profile Types:

FeatureSupported Python versions
Wall time profilingPython 2.7+
CPU time profilingPython 2.7+ on POSIX platforms
Exception profilingPython 3.7+ on POSIX platforms
Lock profilingPython 2.7+
Memory profilingPython 3.5+

The installation requires pip version 18 or above.

The following profiling features are available in the following minimum versions of the dd-trace-py library:

FeatureRequired dd-trace-py version
Trace to Profiling integration2.12.0+, 2.11.4+, or 2.10.7+
Endpoint Profiling0.54.0+
Timeline2.12.0+, 2.11.4+, or 2.10.7+

Continuous Profiler support is in Preview for some serverless platforms, such as AWS Lambda.


Ensure Datadog Agent v6+ is installed and running. Datadog recommends using Datadog Agent v7+.

Install ddtrace, which provides both tracing and profiling functionalities:

pip install ddtrace

Note: Profiling requires the ddtrace library version 0.40+.

If you are using a platform where ddtrace binary distribution is not available, first install a development environment.

For example, on Alpine Linux, this can be done with:

apk install gcc musl-dev linux-headers


To automatically profile your code, set the DD_PROFILING_ENABLED environment variable to true when you use ddtrace-run:

DD_ENV=prod \
DD_SERVICE=my-web-app \
DD_VERSION=1.0.3 \
ddtrace-run python app.py

See Configuration for more advanced usage.

Optionally, set up Source Code Integration to connect your profiling data with your Git repositories.

After a couple of minutes, visualize your profiles on the Datadog APM > Profiler page.

If you want to manually control the lifecycle of the profiler, use the ddtrace.profiling.Profiler object:

from ddtrace.profiling import Profiler

prof = Profiler(
    env="prod",  # if not specified, falls back to environment variable DD_ENV
    service="my-web-app",  # if not specified, falls back to environment variable DD_SERVICE
    version="1.0.3",   # if not specified, falls back to environment variable DD_VERSION
prof.start()  # Should be as early as possible, eg before other imports, to ensure everything is profiled


When your process forks using os.fork, the profiler needs to be started in the child process. In Python 3.7+, this is done automatically. In Python < 3.7, you need to manually start a new profiler in your child process:

# For ddtrace-run users, call this in your child process
ddtrace.profiling.auto.start_profiler()  # Should be as early as possible, eg before other imports, to ensure everything is profiled

# Alternatively, for manual instrumentation,
# create a new profiler in your child process:
from ddtrace.profiling import Profiler

prof = Profiler(...)
prof.start()  # Should be as early as possible, eg before other imports, to ensure everything is profiled


You can configure the profiler using the environment variables.

Code provenance

The Python profiler supports code provenance reporting, which provides insight into the library that is running the code. While this is enabled by default, you can turn it off by setting DD_PROFILING_ENABLE_CODE_PROVENANCE=0.

Stack V2

Stack V2 is the new stack sampler implementation for CPython 3.8+ on x86_64 Linux. It enhances the performance, accuracy, and reliability of Python CPU profiling. The feature is enabled by default from ddtrace versions 2.20+ and we highly recommend using the most recent release of the library to benefit from latest improvements and bug fixes. This feature activates our new stack sampling, collection and export system.

The following are known issues and missing features from Stack V2:

  • gunicorn and Stack V2 results in performance degradation of services
  • gevent support is lacking
  • Exception sampling is missing

If you find these as a blocker for enabling Stack V2 for your services, you can turn it off via setting DD_PROFILING_STACK_V2_ENABLED=0. If you find any other issue, then please proceed to escalate using appropriate support channels or file an issue on the GitHub repository.

Not sure what to do next?

The Getting Started with Profiler guide takes a sample service with a performance problem and shows you how to use Continuous Profiler to understand and fix the problem.

Further Reading