- 필수 기능
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- Agent
- 통합
- 개방형텔레메트리
- 개발자
- Administrator's Guide
- Datadog Mobile App
- CoScreen
- Cloudcraft
- 앱 내
- 서비스 관리
- 인프라스트럭처
- 애플리케이션 성능
- Continuous Profiler
- 스팬 시각화
- 데이터 스트림 모니터링
- 데이터 작업 모니터링
- 디지털 경험
- 소프트웨어 제공
- 보안
- AI Observability
- 로그 관리
- 관리
To collect OTLP metrics, logs, and traces, configure the OTLP receiver in your Collector.
For more information, see the OpenTelemetry project documentation for the OTLP receiver.
Add the following lines to your Collector configuration:
as the endpoint address for convenience. This allows connections from any network interface. For enhanced security, especially in local deployments, consider using localhost
For more information on secure endpoint configuration, see the OpenTelemetry security documentation.receivers:
endpoint: ""
endpoint: ""
Traces, metrics, and logs.
For a full working example configuration with the Datadog exporter, see otlp.yaml
ResourceSpans #0
Resource SchemaURL: https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/1.6.1
Resource attributes:
-> k8s.node.name: Str(ip-192-168-61-208.ec2.internal)
-> process.command_args: Slice(["/app/shippingservice"])
-> k8s.namespace.name: Str(otel-gateway)
-> process.pid: Int(1)
-> service.name: Str(shippingservice)
-> service.namespace: Str(opentelemetry-demo)
-> os.type: Str(linux)
-> k8s.pod.ip: Str(
-> deployment.environment: Str(otel-gateway)
-> service.instance.id: Str(82323d5f-0e47-4ae6-92b6-583dc1fa33a1)
-> k8s.pod.name: Str(opentelemetry-demo-shippingservice-7f9b565549-4p2pj)
-> cloud.provider: Str(aws)
-> cloud.platform: Str(aws_ec2)
-> cloud.region: Str(us-east-1)
-> cloud.account.id: Str(XXXXXXXXX)
-> cloud.availability_zone: Str(us-east-1c)
-> host.id: Str(i-0e0b580bbe11883dc)
-> host.image.id: Str(ami-06f28e19c3ba73ef7)
-> host.type: Str(m5.large)
-> host.name: Str(ip-192-168-61-208.ec2.internal)
-> k8s.pod.start_time: Str(2023-11-13T15:03:50Z)
-> k8s.replicaset.uid: Str(537d3c30-fe3d-4999-be1a-51227c90a5e4)
-> kube_app_name: Str(opentelemetry-demo-shippingservice)
-> kube_app_instance: Str(opentelemetry-demo)
-> k8s.pod.uid: Str(82323d5f-0e47-4ae6-92b6-583dc1fa33a1)
-> k8s.replicaset.name: Str(opentelemetry-demo-shippingservice-7f9b565549)
-> kube_app_component: Str(shippingservice)
ScopeSpans #0
ScopeSpans SchemaURL:
InstrumentationScope opentelemetry-otlp 0.11.0
Span #0
Trace ID : c4f6d4a8831a5d7b95727da5443ad8a4
Parent ID : c7e98372030f17b1
ID : f226428843050d12
Name : reqwest-http-client
Kind : Client
Start time : 2023-11-20 12:56:26.401728438 +0000 UTC
End time : 2023-11-20 12:56:26.403518138 +0000 UTC
Status code : Unset
Status message :
-> http.host: Str(opentelemetry-demo-quoteservice)
-> http.url: Str(http://opentelemetry-demo-quoteservice:8080/getquote)
-> http.status_code: Int(200)
-> thread.name: Str(tokio-runtime-worker)
-> busy_ns: Int(199789)
-> code.namespace: Str(reqwest_tracing::reqwest_otel_span_builder)
-> code.lineno: Int(128)
-> thread.id: Int(3)
-> http.method: Str(POST)
-> http.user_agent: Str()
-> idle_ns: Int(1588692)
-> code.filepath: Str(/usr/local/cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/reqwest-tracing-0.4.0/src/reqwest_otel_span_builder.rs)
-> net.host.port: Str(8080)
-> http.scheme: Str(http)
ResourceMetrics #0
Resource SchemaURL: https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/1.6.1
Resource attributes:
-> service.name: Str(opentelemetry-collector)
-> net.host.name: Str(
-> service.instance.id: Str(
-> net.host.port: Str(8888)
-> http.scheme: Str(http)
-> k8s.pod.ip: Str(
-> cloud.provider: Str(aws)
-> cloud.platform: Str(aws_ec2)
-> cloud.region: Str(us-east-1)
-> cloud.account.id: Str(XXXXXXXXX)
-> cloud.availability_zone: Str(us-east-1c)
-> host.id: Str(i-0fb30793f89bd81ab)
-> host.image.id: Str(ami-0cbbb5a8c6f670bb6)
-> host.type: Str(m5.large)
-> host.name: Str(ip-192-168-37-51.ec2.internal)
-> os.type: Str(linux)
-> k8s.pod.uid: Str(01f039fa-abf3-4ab1-8683-923dcf94b391)
-> k8s.namespace.name: Str(otel-ds-gateway)
-> k8s.pod.start_time: Str(2023-11-20T12:53:40Z)
-> k8s.daemonset.uid: Str(694b994d-3488-418a-9f94-284792f1f8da)
-> k8s.daemonset.name: Str(opentelemetry-collector-agent)
-> k8s.node.name: Str(ip-192-168-37-51.ec2.internal)
-> kube_app_name: Str(opentelemetry-collector)
-> kube_app_instance: Str(opentelemetry-collector)
-> k8s.pod.name: Str(opentelemetry-collector-agent-4dm92)
ScopeMetrics #0
ScopeMetrics SchemaURL:
InstrumentationScope otelcol/prometheusreceiver 0.88.0-dev
Metric #0
-> Name: otelcol_exporter_queue_capacity
-> Description: Fixed capacity of the retry queue (in batches)
-> Unit:
-> DataType: Gauge
NumberDataPoints #0
Data point attributes:
-> exporter: Str(otlp)
-> service_instance_id: Str(ab73126a-0eff-4678-922d-a96b1fdabcdc)
-> service_name: Str(otelcontribcol)
-> service_version: Str(0.88.0-dev)
StartTimestamp: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2023-11-20 13:01:26.074 +0000 UTC
Value: 1000.000000
ResourceLog #0
Resource SchemaURL: https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/1.6.1
Resource attributes:
-> k8s.container.name: Str(loadgenerator)
-> k8s.namespace.name: Str(otel-staging)
-> k8s.pod.name: Str(opentelemetry-demo-loadgenerator-d8c4d699d-ztt98)
-> k8s.container.restart_count: Str(1)
-> k8s.pod.uid: Str(92bf09ed-0db9-4f69-a9d6-1dadf12e01aa)
-> k8s.pod.ip: Str(
-> cloud.provider: Str(aws)
-> cloud.platform: Str(aws_ec2)
-> cloud.region: Str(us-east-1)
-> cloud.account.id: Str(XXXXXXXXX)
-> cloud.availability_zone: Str(us-east-1c)
-> host.id: Str(i-0368add8e328c28f7)
-> host.image.id: Str(ami-08a2e6a8e82737230)
-> host.type: Str(m5.large)
-> host.name: Str(ip-192-168-53-115.ec2.internal)
-> os.type: Str(linux)
-> k8s.daemonset.uid: Str(6d6fef61-d4c7-4226-9b7b-7d6b893cb31d)
-> k8s.daemonset.name: Str(opentelemetry-collector-agent)
-> k8s.node.name: Str(ip-192-168-53-115.ec2.internal)
-> kube_app_name: Str(opentelemetry-collector)
-> kube_app_instance: Str(opentelemetry-collector)
-> k8s.pod.start_time: Str(2023-11-20T12:53:23Z)
ScopeLogs #0
ScopeLogs SchemaURL:
LogRecord #0
ObservedTimestamp: 2023-11-20 13:02:04.332021519 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2023-11-20 13:01:46.095736502 +0000 UTC
SeverityNumber: Unspecified(0)
Body: Str( return wrapped_send(self, request, **kwargs))
-> log.file.path: Str(/var/log/pods/otel-staging_opentelemetry-demo-loadgenerator-d8c4d699d-ztt98_92bf09ed-0db9-4f69-a9d6-1dadf12e01aa/loadgenerator/1.log)
-> time: Str(2023-11-20T13:01:46.095736502Z)
-> logtag: Str(F)
-> log.iostream: Str(stderr)
Trace ID:
Span ID:
Flags: 0